“Eighth” (8th) in Greek

In Greek, “Eighth” (8th) is written using the Latin script as:

(m) Ogdoos

(f) Ogdoi

(n) Ogdoo

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(m) Όγδοος

(f) Όγδοη

(n) Όγδοο

Listen to these three words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I’m the eighth in line.

Eimai i ogdoi sti seira.

Είμαι η όγδοη στη σειρά.

We live on the eighth floor.

Menoume ston ogdoo orofo.

Μένουμε στον όγδοο όροφο.

This is our eighth year together.

Aftos einai o ogdoos xronos mas mazi.

Αυτός είναι ο όγδοος χρόνος μας μαζί.

He came in eighth.

Irthe ogdoos.

Ήρθε όγδοος.

The eighth episode is the final episode.

To ogdoo epeisodio einai to teleftaio.

Το όγδοο επεισόδιο είναι το τελευταίο.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Eighth” (8th) in Lebanese Arabic

“Eighth” (8th) in Tunisian Arabic


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