“Drying machine”, “Drying machines” in Turkish

In Turkish, “Drying machine” is written as:

Kurutma makinesi

In Turkish, “Drying machines” is written as:

Kurutma makineleri

Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“Does the residence have a drying machine?”

Evinde kurutma makinesi var mı?

“The clothes are drying in the drying machine.”

Çamaşırlar kurutma makinesinde kurutuluyor.

“The residence doesn’t have a drying machine.”

Evde kurutma makinesi yoktur.

“How does the drying machine work?”

Kurutma makinesi nasıl çalışır?

“This store sells washing and drying machines.”

Bu mağaza çamaşır ve kurutma makineleri satıyor.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Drying Machine”, “Drying Machines” in Lebanese Arabic

“Drying machine”, “Drying machines” in Tunisian Arabic

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