"Dry" (subject drying object) (future) in Tunisian Arabic
In Tunisian Arabic, "Dry" (the verb, as in a subject or object drying an object, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:
(I) Nchaya7
(You) Tchaya7
(You, plural) Tchay7ou
(He) Ychaya7
(She) Tchaya7
(We) Nchay7ou
(They) Ychay7ou
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
نشيح (I)
تشيح (You)
تشيحو (You, plural)
يشيح (He)
تشيح (She)
نشيحو (We)
يشيحو (They)
Listen to these words pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"I'll dry the dishes."
Bech nchaya7 el me3oun.
.باش نشيح الماعون
"Can you help me dry the dishes?"
Tnajem t3aweni fi ghsil el me3oun?
تنجم تعاوني في غسيل الماعون؟
"Are you two going to dry your clothes soon?"
Bech tchay7ou dbachkom 3la 9rib?
باش تشيحو دبشكم على قريب؟
"How are you going to dry your clothes?"
Kifah bech tchaya7 dabchek?
كيفاه باش تشيح دبشك؟
"He is going to let the sun dry his clothes."
Bech ychaya7 dabchou fi chams.
.باش يشيح دبشو في الشمس
"She is going to dry the furniture with a cloth."
Bech tchaya7 l'atheth b chifouna.
.باش تشيح الأثاث بشيفونة
"We are going to dry him off."
Bech nchay7ouh.
.باش نشيحوه
"They are going to dry off their dog with this."
(male dog) (masculine-based object) Bech ycha7ou kalbhom b hedha.
(male dog) (feminine-based object) Bech ycha7ou kalbhom b hedhi.
(feminine dog) (masculine-based object) Bech ycha7ou kalbethom b hedha.
(feminine dog) (feminine-based object) Bech ycha7ou kalbethom b hedhi.
.باش يشيحو كلبهم بهذا (male dog) (masculine-based object)
.باش يشيحو كلبهم بهذي (male dog) (feminine-based object)
.باش يشيحو كلبتهم بهذا (feminine dog) (masculine-based object)
.باش يشيحو كلبتهم بهذي (feminine dog) (feminine-based object)
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