"Drink" (future) in Greek
In Greek, "Drink" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:
(I) Tha pio
(You) Tha pieis
(You, formal) Tha pieite
(You, plural) Tha pieite
(He, She, It) Tha piei
(We) Tha pioume
(They) Tha pioune
Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:
(I) Θα πιώ
(You) Θα πιείς
(You, formal) Θα πιείτε
(You, plural) Θα πιείτε
(He, She, It) Θα πιει
(We) Θα πιούμε
(They) Θα πιούνε
Listen to these phrases pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"I’m going to drink some orange juice with my sandwich. "
Tha pio ximo portokali me to santouits mou.
Θα πιώ χυμό πορτοκάλι με το σάντουιτς μου.
"Thank you.I’m not going to drink anything with my meal. "
Efxaristo. Den tha pio tipota me to fagito mou.
Ευχαριστώ. Δεν θα πιώ τίποτα με το φαγητό μου.
"Would you like to drink something with your meal?"
Tha thelate na pieite kati me to fagito sas?
Θα θέλατε να πιείτε κάτι με το φαγητό σας;
"You should drink more water."
Prepei na pieis perissotero nero.
Πρέπει να πιείς περισσότερο νερό.
"What would you two like to drink?"
Ti tha thelate na pieite?
Τι θα θέλατε να πιείτε;
"He is going to drink a glass of milk before he goes to sleep."
Tha piei ena potiri gala prin paei gia ipno.
Θα πιεί ένα ποτήρι γάλα πριν πάει για ύπνο.
"She is going to drink lemonade."
Tha piei lemonada.
Θα πιεί λεμονάδα.
"We will drink the lemonade later."
Tha pioume lemonada argotera.
Θα πιούμε λεμονάδα αργότερα.
"They are going to drink coffee with the cookies."
Tha pioune kafe me ta mpiskota.
Θα πιούνε καφέ με τα μπισκότα.
Related words in Greek
“Drinks” (third-person) in Greek
In other Mediterranean languages and dialects
“Drink” (future) in Tunisian Arabic
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