“Dreamt” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Dreamt” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) 7lemt

(You) 7lemt

(You, plural) 7lmtou

(He) 7lem

(She) 7elmet

(We) 7lemna

(They) 7elmou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

حلمت (I)

حلمت (You)

حلمتو (You, plural)

حلم (He)

حلمت (She)

حلمنا (We)

حلمو (They)

(Editing note: In Tunisian Arabic, Dream, in the context of sleeping, and Dream, in the context of a future plan, can both use this verb series. When it comes to a future plan, alternatively, the 7abit / حبيت (I form) verb series can be used. (7abit means Wanted) For more information see the IBL page “Wanted” (past) in Tunisian Arabic.)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I dreamt I was on a plane.”

7lemt li ena kont f tayara.

.حلمت الّي أنا كنت في طيارة

“Did you dream about something last night?”

7lemt b7aja lbera7?

حلمت بحاجة البارح؟

“What did you all dream about?”

Bchnowa 7lemtou?

بشنوا حلمتو؟

“He dreamt of winning the lottery.”

7lem enou rba7 fel 9mar.

.حلم انو ربح القمار

“She dreamt about animals.”

7elmet b 7ayawanet.

.حلمت بحيوانات

“We all dreamt a lot yesterday.”

Lkolna 7lemna lbera7.

.لكلنا حلمنا البارح

“They dreamt of travelling the world.”

7elmou b enhom ysefrou la3elm.

.حلمو بأنهم يسافرو العالم


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Dream” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

“Dreams” (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

“Dreaming” (present) in Tunisian Arabic

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