“Drained” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Drained” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Farraght

(You) Farraght

(You, plural) Farraghtou

(He) Farragh

(She) Farrghet

(We) Farraghna

(They) Farrghou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

فرّغت (I)

فرّغت (You)

فرّغتو (You, plural)

فرّغ (He)

فرّغت (She)

فرّغنا (We)

فرّغو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I drained the water from the fish tank to clean it.

Farraght el ma mel aquarium bech nadhfou.

.فرّغت الماء من الأكواريوم باش نظفو

I haven’t drained the water from the fish tank yet.

Mazelt mafarraghtech el ma mel aquarium.

.مازلت ما فرّغتش الماء من الأكواريوم

Did you drain the water from the bathtub after you bathed?

Farraght el ma mel bano ba3d la dawacht?

فرّغت الماء من البانو بعد لا دوشت؟

Did you two drain the water from the pool?”

Farraghtou el ma mel piscine?

فرّغتو الماء من البيسين؟

He drained the water from the canned peas before adding them to the dish.

Farragh el ma mel jelbena l m3allba 9bal may7otha fi tba9.

.فرّغ الماء من الجلبانة المعلّبة قبل مايحطها في الطبق

She drained the water from the pot after boiling the eggs.

Farrghet el ma mel tanjra ba3d la samtet l 3dham.

.فرّغت الماء من الطنجرة بعد لا صمتت العظم

We drained the pool.

Farraghna el piscine.

.فرّغنا البيسين

They drained the clogged sink.

Farrghou el lavabo el masdoud.

.فرّغو اللاّفابو المسدود


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