"Dirty" in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Dirty" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


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Examples in sentences or statements

"I'm dirty from the rainfall!"

2ana twasakhet men 2al shete!

!انا توسخت من الشتي


"I'm a bit dirty from the hike."

2ana twasakhet shway men 2al mashe.

.اناا توسخت شوي من المشي

"My shoes are a bit dirty."

Hiza2i twasakhet shway.

.حذائي توسخت شواي

"My shoes are a bit dirty from the hike."

Hiza2i twasakhet shway men 2al mashe.

.حذاءي توسخت شواي من المشي

"My clothes are a bit dirty."

Tiyebe weskhin shway.

.تيابي وسخين شواي


Related words in Lebanese Arabic 

“Clean”, “Cleaned”, “Cleaning” (verbs) in Lebanese Arabic

“Dirt” (noun) in Lebanese Arabic

This word in other Arabic dialects

“Dirty” in Tunisian Arabic

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