"Dirty" in Lebanese Arabic
In Lebanese Arabic, "Dirty" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as:
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
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Examples in sentences or statements
"I'm dirty from the rainfall!"
2ana twasakhet men 2al shete!
!انا توسخت من الشتي
"I'm a bit dirty from the hike."
2ana twasakhet shway men 2al mashe.
.اناا توسخت شوي من المشي
"My shoes are a bit dirty."
Hiza2i twasakhet shway.
.حذائي توسخت شواي
"My shoes are a bit dirty from the hike."
Hiza2i twasakhet shway men 2al mashe.
.حذاءي توسخت شواي من المشي
"My clothes are a bit dirty."
Tiyebe weskhin shway.
.تيابي وسخين شواي
Related words in Lebanese Arabic
“Clean”, “Cleaned”, “Cleaning” (verbs) in Lebanese Arabic
“Dirt” (noun) in Lebanese Arabic
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