“Differently” in Greek

In Greek, "Differently" (the adverb) is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:


Listen to this word pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements


"I did it differently this time."

To ekana diaforetika afti ti fora.

Το έκανα διαφορετικά αυτή τη φορά.

"We assembled the shelf differently from what the instructions read."

Syrarmologisame to rafi diaforetika ap' oti diavastike stis odigies.

Συναρμολογήσαμε το ράφι διαφορετικά απ' ότι διαβάστηκε στις οδηγίες.

"Should we do it differently?"

Tha' prepe na to kanoume diaforetika?

Θα' πρεπε να το κάνουμε διαφορετικά;

"She handled the situation differently than her colleague."

Xeiristike tin katastasi diaforetika apo ti synadelfo tis.

Χειρίστηκε την κατάσταση διαφορετικά από τη συνάδελφό της.

"They answered the questions differently."

Apantisan tis erotiseis diaforetika.

Απάντησαν τις ερωτήσεις διαφορετικά.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Differently” in Lebanese Arabic

“Differently” in Tunisian Arabic

“Differently” in Turkish

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