“Dessert”, “Desserts” in Greek

In Greek, “Dessert” (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:


In Greek, “Desserts” (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:


Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

What do you want for dessert?

Ti thes gia gliko?

Τι θες για γλυκό;

Let’s get desserts.

As paroume gliko.

Ας πάρουμε γλυκά.

What’s for dessert?

Ti exei gia gliko?

Τι έχει για γλυκό;

She ordered a cheesecake for dessert.

Pire cheesecake.

Πήρε cheesecake.

This cafe is known for its desserts.

Afti i kafeteria einai gnosti gia ta glika tis.

Αυτή η καφετέρια είναι γνωστή για τα γλυκά της.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Dessert”, “Desserts” in Egyptian Arabic

“Dessert”, “Desserts” in Lebanese Arabic

“Dessert”, “Desserts” in Turkish

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