“Countryside” in Greek

In Greek, "Countryside" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:

(f) Eksoxi

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(f) Εξοχή

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Examples in sentences or statements

"I drove through the countryside."

Odigisa mesa apo tin eksoxi.

Οδήγησα μέσα από την εξοχή.

"The countryside is peaceful."

I eksoxi einai isixi.

Η εξοχή είναι ήσυχη.

"He grew up in the countryside."

Megalose stin eksoxi.

Μεγάλωσε στην εξοχή.

"She loves the countryside."

Agapaei tin eksoxi.

Αγαπάει την εξοχή.

"We own a house in the countryside."

Exoume ena spiti stin eksoxi.

Έχουμε ένα σπίτι στην εξοχή.


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Countryside” in Tunisian Arabic

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