“Corrected” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, “Corrected” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Sahahet

(You) (m) Sahahet

(You) (f) Sahahete

(You, plural) Sahahto

(He) Sahah

(She) Sahahit

(We) Sahahna

(They) Sahaho

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

صاحاحت (I)

صاحاحت (m) (You)

صاحاحتي (f) (You)

صاحاحتو (You, plural)

صاحاح (He)

صاحاحيت (She)

صاحاحنا (We)

صاحاحو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I corrected the essay.”

Sahahet 2al essay.

.essayصاحاحت أل

“Did you correct the spelling?”

(m) Sahahet 2al 2imla2?

(f) Sahahte 2al 2imla2?

صاحاحت ألقيملاق؟ (m)

صاحاحتي ألقيملاق؟ (f)

“Did you all correct and update your essays?”

Kelkon sahahto 2al essays?

؟essaysكلكون صاحاحتو أل

The server corrected the order.

(m) 2al server sahah 2al talab.

(f) 2al server sahahit 2al talab.

.صاحاح التالاب serverأل (m)

.صاحاحيت التالاب serverأل (f)

“We corrected the customer’s order.”

Sahahna talab 2al zboun.

.صاحاحنا تالاب ألزبون

“They corrected your order. Thanks for your patience.”

(m) Sahaho talabak. Beshekrak la2ano 2enteret.

(f) Sahaho talabik. Beshekrik la2ano 2enterete.

.صاحاحو تالاباك. بشكراك لاقانو أنترت (m)

.صاحاحو تالابيك. بشكريك لاقانو أنترتي (f)


Related words in Lebanese Arabic

“Correct” (adjective) in Lebanese Arabic

“Correct” (future) in Lebanese Arabic

“Correcting” (present) in Lebanese Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Corrected” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

“Corrected” (past) in Greek

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