"Correct" (adjective) in Egyptian Arabic
In Egyptian Arabic, "Correct" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as:
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
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Examples in sentences or statements
"The password was correct."
El password kan sa7.
.الباسورد كان صح
"You are correct."
Enta sa7.
.انت صح
"Is this spelling correct?"
El tahago2 dh sa7?
التهاجوء ده صح؟
"Is it correct?"
Dh sa7?
ده صح؟
"Yes, it's correct."
Aywa, sa7.
.ايوة، صح
Related words in Egyptian Arabic
“Right” (correct) in Egyptian Arabic
In other Mediterranean languages and dialects
“Correct” (adjective) in Lebanese Arabic
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