"Cooled" (object being cooled) (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Cooled" (the verb, as in an object being cooled or cooling by itself, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(He) Bred

(She) Berdet

(They) Berdou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

برد (He)

بردت (She)

بردو (They)

Listen to these three words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"The teas cooled a bit and should be drinkable now."

E thé bred chwaya ynajem yetechrab tawa.

.التاي برد شوية ينجم يتشرب توا

"The water has cooled to less than a boil."

L ma bred ma3ach yaghli.

.الماء برد ماعاش يغلي

"The metal rods cooled and can be held now."

L 7did bred w ynajem yethaz tawa.

.الحديد برد وينجم يتهز توا

"It took a while to cool."

(masculine-based) 5dha wa9t bech bred.

(feminine-based) 5dhet wa9t bech berdet.

.خذا وقت باش برد (masculine-based)

.خذات وقت باش بردت (feminine-based)

"Did they cool?"




Related words in Tunisian Arabic

"Cool" (object being cooled) (future) in Tunisian Arabic

"Cooling" (object being cooled) (present) in Tunisian Arabic

"Cool" (temperature) in Tunisian Arabic

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