“Completed” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Completed” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Kammalt

(You) Kammalt

(You, plural) Kammaltou

(He) Kammal

(She) Kammlet

(We) Kammalna

(They) Kammlou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

كمّلت (I)

كمّلت (You)

كمّلتو (You, plural)

كمّل (He)

كمّلت (She)

كمّلنا (We)

كمّلو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I completed reading this book last week.”

Kammalt 9rit el kteb hetha ejjom3a elli fetet.

.كمّلت قريت الكتاب هذا الجمعة اللّي فاتت

“I haven’t completed reading the book yet.”

Ltaw makammalt 9rit el kteb.

.لتو ماكمّلت قريت الكتاب

“What year did you complete your first marathon?”

Fi ama 3am kammalt awal marathon lik?

في أما عام كمّلت أول ماراتون ليك؟

“How many years ago did you two complete your master’s degrees?”

9adech men 3am 3andkom melli kammaltou l master mte3kom entouma ezzouz?

قداش من عام عندكم ماللّي كمّلتو الماستار متاعكم انتوما الزوز؟

“The semester is completed!”

El semestre wfé!

!السوماستر وفا

“The washing machine has just completed.”

El ghassela taw kammlet ghaslet.

.الغسّالة تو كمّلت غسلت

“He just completed work.”

Taw kammal el khedma.

.تو كمّل الخدمة

“We just completed the project!”

Mezelna ki kammalna el machrou3!

!مازلنا كي كمّلنا المشروع

“They said they just completed the project.”

9alou elli houma mezelou ki kammlou el machrou3.

.قالو اللّي هوما مازالو كي كمّلو المشروع


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