“Collected” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Collected” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Lammit

(You) Lammit

(You, plural) Lammitou

(He) Lamm

(She) Lammet

(We) Lammina

(They) Lammou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

لمّيت (I)

لمّيت (You)

لمّيتو (You, plural)

لمّ (He)

لمّت (She)

لمّينا (We)

لمّو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I collected figs. Do you want some?”

Lammit karmous. T7eb chwaya?

لمّيت كرموس. تحب شويّة؟

“I haven’t collected enough empty boxes.”

Malammitech bzeyed sneda9 ferghin.

.مالمّيتش بزايد صنادق فارغين

“Didn’t you collect any logs?”

Malammitech 7tab jemla?

مالمّيتش حطب جملة؟

“He collected enough money for the surgery of his brother.”

Lamm flous yekfiw l 3amaliyet 5ouh.

.لمّ فلوس يكفيو لعمليّة خوه

“She collected old furniture and gave them to us.”

Lammet l etheth l 9dim w 3tathoulna.

.لمّت الأثاث القديم و عطاتهولنا

“We collected 200 dinars in donations thanks to this event.”

Lammina mitin dinar tabarrou3at mel évènement hedha.

.لمّينا ميتين دينار تبرّعات مالايفينمون هذا

“Did you collect all the coupons?”

(plural) Lammitou les coupons lkol?

لمّيتو لي كوبون الكلّ؟ (plural)

“Did your students collect these pebbles just for you?”

Ye5i tlemedhtek lammou l 7os7as hedha ken lik enti?

ياخي تلامذتك لمّو الحصحاص هذا كان ليك انت؟

“The scientists recently collected some remarkable fossils.”

El be7thin fel fatra le55ra lammou 7afriyet mouhemmin.

.الباحثين الفترة لخّرة لمّو حفريّات مهمّين


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Collect” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

“Collects” (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

“Collecting” (present) in Tunisian Arabic

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