"Coffee", "Coffees" in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Coffee" is written using the Latin script as:

(f) 9ahwa

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

قهوة (f)

In Tunisian Arabic, "Coffees" is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"Can I have a coffee, please?"

Nejem aychek ne5ou 9ahwa?

نجم عيشك ناخو قهوة؟

"I like the taste of this coffee."

Ta3m l 9ahwa hethi bnin.

.طعم القهوة هذي بنين

"Two coffees, please."

Zouz 9hawi, aychek.

.زوز قهاوي، عيشك

"She has a very good coffee machine in her kitchen.​​"

3andeha makinet 9ahwa behya f koujineteha.

.عندها ماكينة قهوة باهية في كوجينتها

"This cafe has really good coffee."

El 9ahwa hethi 9ahweteha heyla.

.القهوة هذي قهوتها هايلة​


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Coffee”, “Coffees” in Egyptian Arabic

“Coffee”, “Coffees” in Lebanese Arabic

“Coffee”, “Coffees” in Turkish

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