“Coached” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Coached” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Coachit

(You) Coachit

(You, plural) Coachitou

(He) Coacha

(She) Coachet

(We) Coachina

(They) Coachew

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

كوتشيت (I)

كوتشيت (You)

كوتشيتوا (You, plural)

كوتشا (He)

كوتشات (She)

كوتشينا (We)

كوتشاوا (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I coached the soccer team for 5 years.

Coachit équipe l foot 3andi 5 snin.

.كوتشيت أكيب الفوت عندي 5 سنين

I didn’t coach them last year.

Coachithomch 3amnewl.

.كوتشيتهمش عامناول

For how long did you coach them?

L wa9tech coachithom?

لوقتاش كوتشيتهم؟

Did you two coach any teams last year?

Coachitou ntouma ezouz ay équipe 3amnewl?

كوتشيتوا أنتم الزوز أي أكيب عمناول؟

She coached the team.

Hia coachet l’équipe.

.هي كوتشات الأكيب

The manager coached the staff.

(m) L manager coacha l staff.

(f) L manager coachet l staff.

.المناجير كوتشا الستاف (m)

.المناجير كوتشات الستاف (f)

He coached the swim team.

Houa coacha équipe l natation.

.هو كوتشا أكيب الناتاسيون

We coached the team together.

A7na coachina l’équipe jmi3.

.أحنا كوتشينا الأكيب جميع

They didn’t coach a team this year.

Houma coachewch l’équipe l3am hetha.

.هوما كوتشاوش الأكيب العام هذا


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