“Carry” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Carry” (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Nhezz

(You) Thezz

(You, plural) Thezzou

(He) Yhezz

(She) Thezz

(We) Nhezzou

(They) Yhezzou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

نهزّ (I)

تهزّ (You)

تهزّو (You, plural)

يهزّ (He)

تهزّ (She)

نهزّو (We)

يهزّوا (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I can carry your bag if you want.

Najem nhezz kartabeltek ken t7eb.

.نجم نهزّ كرتابلتك كان تحب

Do you want me to carry your bags?

T7ebni nhezz 3lik e sacheyet?

تحبني نهزّ عليك الساشيات؟

Can you carry these bags to your mom?

Tnajem thezz e sacheyet hedhom l’ommek?

تنجم تهزّ الساشيات هاذم لأمّك؟

Can you two help me carry these?

Tnajmou thezzou m3aya hedhom?

تنجموا تهزّو معايا هاذم؟

He is going to carry the luggage to the car.

Bech yhezz el bagage lel karahba.

.باش يهزّ الباقاج للكرهبة

She is going to help you carry the grocery bags to the kitchen.

Bech thezz m3ak sacheyet el 9adhiya lel koujina.

.باش تهزّ معاك ساشيات القضية للكوجينة

We are going to carry the chair upstairs.

Bech nhezzou el korsi el fou9.

.باش نهزّو الكرسي الفوق

They will carry it for you.

(masculine-based object) Bech yhezzouh 3lik.

(feminine-based object) Bech yhezzouha 3lik.

.باش يهزّوه عليك (masculine-based object)

.باش يهزّوها عليك (feminine-based object)


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Carry” (future) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic


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