“Build” (future) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, “Build” (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) B3amir

(You) (m) 3amir

(You) (f) 3amre

(You, plural) 3amro

(He) Bi3amir

(She) Bet3amir

(We) Men3amir

(They) Bi3amro

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

بعمير (I)

عمير (m) (You)

عمري (f) (You)

عمرو (You, plural)

بيعمير (He)

بيعمرو (She)

 منعمير (We)

بيعمرو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I’m going to build a shed in the back yard.”

Rah 3amir kogh bara.

.راح عمير كوخ بارا

“I’m not going to build it there.”

Marah 3amera honik.

.ماراح عمرا حون

“What are you going to build?”

(m) Shou badak t3amir?

(f) Shou badik t3amre?

شو بداك تعمير؟ (m)

شو بديك تعمري؟ (f)

“Why do you want to build a garage?”

(m) Leh badak t3amir garage?

(f) Leh badik t3amre garage?

لي بداك تعمير كراج؟ (m)

لي بديك تعمري كراج؟ (f)

“When are you two going to build the patio deck in your back yard?”

2amtin badkon t3amro teras bara 2ento naynetkon?

أمتين بادكون تعمرو تيراس بارا أنتو نايناتكون؟

“The city is going to build a stadium here in two years.”

2al madine rah yi3amro masrah hon men shi senten.

.ألماديني راح يعامرو ماسراح حون من شي سنتسن

“The government is going to build a new highway here.”

2al balad rah yi3amir autostrad jdid hon.

.ألبلد راح يعامير قوتوستراد جديد حون

“We are going to build a two-car garage at the side of the house.” 

Rah n3amir garage kermel siyarten bi haydal mayle taba3 2al bet.

.راح نعمير كاراج كرميل سيارتين بيحايدال مايلي تابع ألبيت


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Build” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

“Build” (future) in Turkish

“Build” (structure) (future) in Greek

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