“Bright” (luminosity) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Bright” (the adjective, in the context of luminosity, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as:

(m) 9wy

(f) 9wya

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

قوي (m)

قوية (f)

Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“The sun is bright today.”

Echams 9wya elyoum.

.الشمس قوية اليوم

“The room is too bright. Can you close the drapes?”

Edhaw fel bit 9wy barsha. Miselech tsakkar el ridouwet?

الضو في البيت قوي برشا. ميسالش تسكر الريدوات؟

“The light is too bright. Can you dim it out a little?”

Edhaw 9wy barsha. Miselech tna9as fih chwaya?

الضو قوي برشا. ميسالش تنقص فيه شوية؟

“Those lights are bright.”

Edhaw houni 9wy.

.الضو هوني قوي

“Your phone is too bright!”

Dhaw telifounek 9wy barsha!

!ضو تاليفونك قوي برشا


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