“Bosnia and Herzegovina” in Turkish

In Turkish, “Bosnia and Herzegovina” (the noun, as in the country) is written as:


Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

He lives in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

O Bosna-Hersek’te yaşıyor.

I’m doing a research project in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bosna-Hersek’te bir araştırma projesi yapıyorum.

She’s from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

O Bosna-Hersekli.

They’re going to Bosnia and Herzegovina with an exchange program.

Onlar bir değişim programıyla Bosna-Hersek’e gidiyor.

My uncle is in Bosnia and Herzegovina right now.

Amcam şu an Bosna-Hersek’te.


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Bosnia and Herzegovina” in Tunisian Arabic


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