"Boat", "Boats" in Tunisian Arabic
In Tunisian Arabic, "Boat" is written using the Latin script as:
(f) Flouka
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
فلوكة (f)
In Tunisian Arabic, "Boats" is written using the Latin script as:
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
(Editor's note: In Tunisian Arabic, the words Battu / بطو and Battouwet / بطوات are also cognate with Boat and Boats, respectively.)
Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"There are a lot of boats out today."
Fama barcha fleyek lyoum.
.فمّا برشا فلايك اليوم
"Nice boat!"
7lowa el flouka!
!حلوّة الفلوكة
Chra3 el flouka.
.شراع الفلوكة
"Have you ever been on a boat?"
Rkebt 9bal fi flouka?
ركبت قبل في فلوكة؟
"I like boat rides."
Ye3jbouni rakbet el flouka.
.يعجبوني ركبات الفلوكة
Related words in Tunisian Arabic
“Car”, “Cars” in Tunisian Arabic
“Train”, “Trains” (nouns) in Tunisian Arabic
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