“Boarded” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Boarded” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Rkebt

(You) Rkebt

(You, plural) Rkebtou

(He) Rkeb

(She) Rekbet

(We) Rkebna

(They) Rekbou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

ركبت (I)

ركبت (You)

ركبتو (You, plural)

ركب (He)

ركبت (She)

ركبنا (We)

ركبو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I just boarded the boat.”

Mazelt ki rkebt fel bateau.

.مازلت كي ركبت في الباتو

“I didn’t board a plane. I boarded a bus.”

Markebtech fel tayara. Rkebt fi kar.

.مركبتش في الطيارة ركبت في الكار

“Did you board the train last night?”

Rkebt fel trai lbera7?

ركبت في التران البارح؟

“What did you two board for your trip?”

Fi chnowa rkebtou bech temchiw fel re7la mte3kom?

في شنوا ركبتو باش تمشيو في الرحلة متاعكم؟

“He boarded the ship for the cruise.”

Rkeb fel bateau bech yemchi fi re7la.

.ركب في الباتو باش يمشي في رحلة

“She boarded the bus to go downtown.”

Rekbet fel kar bech tahbet lel centre ville.

.ركبت في الكار باش تهبط للسنتر فيل

“We boarded the ferry to go to the island.”

Rkebna fel bateau bech nemchiw lel jazira.

.ركبنا في الباتو باش نمشيو للجزيرة

“The passengers boarded the ship for the excursion.”

Erokeb rekbou fel bateau bech yemchiw fi re7la.

.الركاب ركبو في باتو باش يمشيو في رحلة


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Board” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

“Boards” (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

“Boarding” (present) in Tunisian Arabic

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