"Black pepper" in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic "Black pepper" is written using the Latin script as:

Felfel ak7al

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

فلفل أكحل

Listen to this term pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"More black pepper, please."

Zidni chwaya felfel ak7al, y3aychek.

.زيدني شوية فلفل أكحل، يعيشك

"Here's the black pepper shaker."

Ahi li nhotou fyha l felfel lak7al.

.أهي اللي نحطو فيها الفلفل الأكحل

"We're out of black pepper."

Ma3ach 3andna felfel ak7al.

.معاش عندنا فلفل أكحل

"I like black pepper."

N7eb l felfel lak7al.

.نحب الفلفل الأكحل

"I bought new black pepper yesterday."

Chrit felfel ak7al jdid emes.

.شريت فلفل أكحل جديد آمس


Related terms in Tunisian Arabic

“Pepper shaker”, “Pepper shakers” in Tunisian Arabic

“Salt & Pepper” in Tunisian Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Black pepper” in Egyptian Arabic

“Black pepper” in Lebanese Arabic

“Black pepper” in Turkish

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