“Bill”, “Bills” (notice to pay) in Moroccan Arabic

In Moroccan Arabic, "Bill'' (the noun, as in a notice to pay for a service) is written using the Latin script as:

(f) Factura

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

فاكتورة (f)

In Moroccan Arabic, "Bills" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"Can we get the bill?"

Wach yimkn lina nakhdo lfactura?

واش يمكن لينا ناخدو الفاكتورة؟

"I'll pay for the bill."

Radi nkhalles lfactura.

.غادي نخلص الفاكتورة

"Can you please get us the bill?"

Wach momkin tjib lina lfactura?

واش ممكن تجيب ليا الفاكتورة؟

"Do you want one or separate bills?"

brayti factura whda wla facturat mfa49in?

بغيتي فاكتورة وحدا ولا فاكتورات مفرقين؟

"I paid for the bill."

5allest lfactura.

.خلصت الفاكتورة

"How much was the bill?"

Chhal kant lfactura?

شحال كانت الفاكتورة؟


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

"Bill", "Bills" (nouns) in Egyptian Arabic

"Bill", "Bills" (nouns) in Spanish

"Bill", "Bills" (nouns) in Turkish

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