“Between” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Between" is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this word pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"Place this notebook between the two books over there."

7ot el korrasa mabinet el zouz ktob ghadi.

.حط الكرَاسة مابينات الزوز كتب غادي

"Can you keep this between us?"

Miselch t5ali hedha mabinetna?

ميسالش تخلي هاذا مابيناتنا؟

"Add a space between these two words."

Zid faragh mabinet el kelmtin hedhom.

.زيد فراغ مابينات الكلمتين هاذم

"Who is this girl sitting between you and your sister?"

Chkouni tofla hedhi eli 9a3da mabinetk enty w o5tek?

شكوني الطفلة هاذي الي قاعدة مابيناتك أنتي و أختك؟

"Can you help me choose what to wear between these two shirts?"

Tnajem t3aweni ne5tar chnowa nelbes mabinet zouz chemiset hedhom?

هاذم؟ chemiset تنجم تعاوني نختار شنوَة نلبس مابينات زوز


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Between” in Turkish

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