“Believe” (future) in Turkish

In Turkish, “Believe” (the verb, in the future tense) is written as:

(I) İnanacağım

(You) İnanacaksın

(You, formal) İnanacaksınız

(You, plural) İnanacaksınız

(He, She, It) İnanacak

(We) İnanacağız

(They) İnanacaklar

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I am going to believe in your idea.”

Senin fikrine inanacağım.

“I won’t believe your lies again.”

Senin yalanlarına bir daha inanmayacağım.

“Will you believe the news?”

Haberlere inanacak mısın?

“Are you all really going to believe the story?”

Bu hikayeye gerçekten hepiniz inanacak mısınız?

“She will believe in herself.”

Kendisine inanacak.

“He is going to believe the facts.”

Gerçeklere inanacak.

“She won’t believe in myths.”

Efsanelere inanmayacak.

“We are going to believe in our team.”

Takımımıza inanacağız.

“They will believe in the project.”

Projeye inanacaklar.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Believe” (future) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

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