"Back seat", "Back seats" in Turkish
In Turkish, "Back seat" (the noun) is written as:
Arka koltuk
In Turkish, "Back seats" (the noun) is written as:
Arka koltuklar
Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"Put the bags in the back seat."
Çantaları arka koltuğa koy.
"I can sit in the back seat."
Arka koltuğa oturabilirim.
"I think I left my wallet in the back seat."
Sanırım cüzdanımı arka koltukta unuttum.
"Is this yours? it was on the back seat."
Bu senin mi? Arka koltuktaydı.
"Those seats on the ground over there are back seats."
Şurada yerdeki koltuklar arka koltuklardır.
In other Mediterranean languages and dialects
“Back seat”, “Back seats” in Egyptian Arabic
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