“Ate” (past) in Turkish

In Turkish, Ate” (the verb, in the past tense) is written as:

(I) Yedim

(You) Yedin

(You, formal) Yediniz

(You, plural) Yediniz

(He, She, It) Yedi

(We) Yedik

(They) Yediler

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I already ate.

Ben yedim bile.

I didn’t eat anything this morning.

Bu sabah hiçbir şey yemedim.

Did you eat?

Yemek yedin mi?

What did you two eat?

Siz ikiniz ne yediniz?

She ate out today

O bugün dışarıda yedi.

She hasn’t eaten yet.

O henüz yemedi.

“He ate with his parents yesterday.”

O dün ebeveynleriyle yemek yedi.

“We ate sushi yesterday.”

Dün suşi yedik.

The kids ate hamburgers and fries for dinner.”

Çocuklar akşam yemeğinde hamburger ve patates kızartması yediler.


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Ate” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

“Ate” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

“Ate” (past) in Greek


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