“Ate” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Ate” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Klit

(You) Klit

(You, plural) Klitou

(He) Kle

(She) Klet

(We) Klina

(They) Klew

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

كليت (I)

كليت (You)

كليتو (You, plural)

كلى (He)

كلات (She)

كلينا (We)

كلاو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I just ate an apple for a light snack.”

Mazelt ki klit tofe7a ka 7aja khfifa.

.مازلت كي كليت تفاحة كحاجة خفيفة

“I didn’t eat dinner last night.”

Mat3achitech lbera7.

.متعشّيتش البارح

“What did you eat for breakfast?”

Chnowa klit f ftour esbe7?

شنوا كليت في فطور الصباح؟

“Did you two eat dinner yet?”

T3achitou wala mezeltou?

تعشّيتو ولّا مازلتو؟

“She ate dinner with her friends.”

T3achet m3a s7abha.

.تعشّات مع صحابها

“She didn’t eat her fries.”

Makletech el frites mte3ha.

.مكلاتش الفريت متاعها

“He ate in the morning.”

Kle fesbe7.

.كلى في الصباح

“We ate breakfast together as a whole family.”

Klina ftour esbe7 m3a b3adhna l3ayla lkol.

.كلينا فطورالصباح مع بعضنا العايلة الكل

“They ate the leftovers for dinner last night.”

Klew lbeyet lbera7 fel 3che.

.كلاو البايت البارح في العشاء


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Eat” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

“Eats” (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Ate” (past) in Egyptian Arabic

“Ate” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

“Ate” (past) in Greek

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