“Assisted” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Assisted” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) 3awent

(You) 3awent

(You, plural) 3awentou

(He) 3awen

(She) 3awnet

(We) 3awenna

(They) 3awnou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

عاونت (I)

عاونت (You)

عاونتو (You, plural)

عاون (He)

عاونت (She)

عاونّا (We)

عاونو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I assisted my parents earlier today.

3awent bouya w ommi 9bila.

.عاونت بويا وأمّي قبيلة

I assisted them with directions to their rental residence.

3awenthom fi na3ten e thniya l résidence mte3hom l mekrya.

.عاونتهم في نعتان الثنية لريزيدونس متاعهم المكرية

Did you assist your brother earlier with his homework?

3awent 5ouk 9bila fi ta7dhir drousou?

عاونت خوك قبيلة في تحضير دروسو؟

Thank you for assisting a lot at practice today.

3aychek 3la 5ater 3awent barcha fel entraînement lyoum.

.عيشك على خاطر عاونت برشا في الانترانمون اليوم

Did you two assist your mother with bringing in the groceries?

3awentou ommkom fi jiben l 9adhya?

عاونتو أمّكم في جيبان القضية؟

He assisted me.



“The app assisted us in finding the restaurant.”

L’application 3awnetna bech nel9aw e restaurant.

.الأبليكاسيون عاونتنا باش نلقاو الراستورون

She assisted her brother with his homework.

3awnet 5ouha fi ta7dhir drousou.

.عاونت خوها في تحضير دروسو

We assisted them with directions to get to their rental residence.

3awennehom fi na3ten e thniya lel résidence mte3hom l mekrya.

.عاونّاهم في نعتان الثنية لريزيدونس متاعهم المكرية

They assisted some new students with directions at the university.

3awnou chwaya étudienet jdod fel les directions fel jem3a.

.عاونو شوية ايتيديونات جدد في لاي ديراكسيون في الجامعة


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