“Arrive” (future) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, “Arrive” (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) 2ousal

(You) (m) 2ousal

(You) (f) 2ousale

(You, plural) 2ousalo

(He) Byousal

(She) Btousal

(We) Mnousal

(They) Byousalo

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

قوصال (I)

قوصال (You) (m)

قوصالي (You) (f)

قوصالو (You, plural)

بيوصال (He)

بتوصال (She)

منوصال (We)

بيوصالو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I will arrive in one hour.”

Rah 2ousal bi shi se3a.

.راح قوصال بيشي ساعا

“I don’t arrive until tomorrow.”

Marah 2ousal lahad bukra.

.ماراح قوصال لاحاد بوكرا

“When do you arrive?”

(m) 2amtin btousal?

(f) 2amtin btousale?

أمتين بتوصال؟ (m)

أمتين بتوصالي؟ (f)

“Can you text me when you arrive?”

(m) Fik tekteble lama btousal?

(f) Fike tektibile lama btousale?

فيك تكتبلي لما بتوصال؟ (m)

فيكي تكتيبيلي لما بتوصالي؟ (f)

“He is going to arrive in the city by bus.”

Bado yousal bel madine ma3 bus.

.بادو يوصال بلماديني ماع باس

“She is arriving by train.”

Bada tousal ma3 2al train.

.بادا توصال ماع ألتران

“We will arrive in 15 minutes.”

Rah nousal bi khamsta3shar di2a.

.راحنوصال بيخمستاعشار ديقا

“They are going to text me when they arrive.”

Rah yiktouboule lama yousalo.

.راح يكتوبولي لامايوصالو


Related words in Lebanese Arabic

“Arrives” (third-person) in Lebanese Arabic

“Arriving” (present) in Lebanese Arabic

“Arrived” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Arrive” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

“Arrive” (future) in Greek

“Arrive” (future) in Turkish

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