"Arabic" in Lebanese Arabic
In Lebanese Arabic, "Arabic" is written using the Latin script as:
in Lebanese Arabic, using the Arabic script, "Arabic" is written as:
Listen to this word pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements.
"I’m learning Lebanese Arabic."
3ambet3alam 3arabe lebnene.
.عمبتعلم عربي لبناني
"What Arabic dialects do you know?"
(m) Shou 2al lehje yale bta3rfon bel 3arabe?
(f) Shou 2al lehje yale bta3rfiyon bel 3arabe?
شو اللهجات الي بتعرفون بالعربي؟ (m)
شو اللهجات الي بتعرفيون بالعربي؟ (f)
"I can write a little using the Arabic script."
Fine 2ektob shway bel bejdiye 2al 3arabe.
.فيني اكتب شواي بالابجدية العربي
"I enjoy writing in Arabic."
Bestamata3 bel kitebe bel 3arabe.
.بستمتع بالكتابة بالعربي
"That is Arabic writing."
Hayde kitebe bel 3arabe.
.هيدي كتابة بالعربي
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