"Answer", "Answers" (nouns) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Answer" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


In Lebanese Arabic, "Answers" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"Here is the answer."

Hayda huwe 2al jaweb.

.هيدا هو الجواب

"Do you have an answer yet?"

(m) Sar 3andak 2al Jaweb?

(f) Sar 3andik 2al jaweb?

صار عندك الجواب؟ (m)

صار عنديك الجواب؟ (f)

"Good answer!"

Jaweb mnih!

!جواب منيح

"If asked that question, how would you answer?"

(m) 2eza sa2alet hal sou2al, kif bet jeweb 3aleh?

(f) 2eza sa2alte hal sou2al kif bet jewbe 3aleh?

إذا سألت هالسؤال، كيف بتجاوب عليه؟ (m)

إذا سألتي هالسؤال، كيف بتجاوبي عليه؟ (f)

"An answer naturally follows a question."

tabi3e ba3ad 2al sou2al yikoun fi jaweb.

.طبيعي بعد السؤال يكون في جواب


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