“Alive” in Turkish

In Turkish, “Alive” (the adjective) is most commonly written as:


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Examples in sentences or statements

(in the context of an animal) “Is it alive?”

Canlı mı?

(in the context of an animal) “Can you check if it’s alive?”

Canlı mı, diye kontrol edeceğim.

“He is alive!”

O yaşıyor!

(Editor’s note: In Turkish, Yaşıyor means “Living”, the verb. In the above statement, canlı, could have been used, however, yaşıyor is more commonly used given the context.)

The cat is still alive!

Kedi hala canlı!

(in the context of an animal) “Check its pulse to see if it’s alive.”

Canlı olup olmadığını anlamak için nabzını kontrol edin.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Alive” in Egyptian Arabic

“Alive” in Tunisian Arabic

“Alive” in Greek

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