“Aired out” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Aired out” (the verb, as in creating air to remove a smell on an object or in an environment, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Hawit

(You) Hawit

(You, plural) Hawitou

(He) Hawa

(She) Hawet

(We) Hawina

(They) Hawew

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

هوّيت (I)

هوّيت (You)

هوّيتو (You, plural)

هوّى (He)

هوّات (She)

هوّينا (We)

هوّاو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I aired out the living room before guests arrived.”

Hawit el sala 9bal ma yjiw edhyouf.

.هوّيت الصالة قبل ما يجيو الضيوف

“I didn’t air out the room because it’s cold outside.”

Mahawitech el bit 3la khater edenya berda lbara.

.مهوّيتش البيت على خاطر الدنيا باردة لبرّا

“Did you air out the kitchen after cooking?”

Hawit el koujina ba3d ma tayabet?

هوّيت الكوجينة بعد ما طيّبت؟

“Did you two air out these blankets?”

Hawitou el bataniyet hedhom?

 هوّيتو البطانيات هاذم؟

“She aired out the closet to get rid of the weird smell.”

Hawet el khzena bech tna7i el ri7a lkhayba.

.هوّات الخزانة باش تنحي الريحة الخايبة

“She forgot to air out her shoes.”

Nset bech thawi sabatha.

.نسات باش تهوّي صباطها

“He aired out his towels yesterday.”

Hawa mnechfou lbera7.

.هوّى مناشفو البارح

“We aired out the room.”

Hawina el bit.

.هوّينا البيت

“They all aired out their blankets.”

Lkolhom hawew bataniyethom.

.لكلهم هوّاو بطانياتهم


Related phrases in Tunisian Arabic

“Airs out” (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

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