“Air” (noun) in Greek

In Greek, “Air” (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:

(m) Aeras

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(m) Αέρας

Listen to this word pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

The air is fresh.”

O aeras einai freskos.

Ο αέρας είναι φρέσκος.

“I love the morning air.”

Mou aresei o proinos aeras.

Μου αρέσει ο πρωινός αέρας.

“Air quality is important.”

H poiotita tou aera einai simantiki.

Η ποιότητα του αέρα είναι σημαντική.

“She needs some fresh air.”

Xreiazetai ligo katharo aera.

Χρειάζεται λίγο καθαρό αέρα.

“The air feels cold.”

O aeras fainetai kryos.

Ο αέρας φαίνεται κρύος.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Air” (noun) in Lebanese Arabic

“Air” (noun) in Tunisian Arabic

“Air” (noun) in Turkish

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