"After" in Lebanese Arabic
In Lebanese Arabic, "After" is written using the Latin script as:
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
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Examples in sentences or statements
"Do you want to get tea after the beach?"
(m) Badak tekhod shay ba3ad 2al baher?
(f) Badik tekhde shay ba3ad 2al baher?
بدك تاخد شاي بعد البحر؟ (m)
بديك تاخدي شاي بعد البحر؟ (f)
"Let’s get tea after the beach."
La nekhod shay ba3ad 2al baher.
.لناخد شاي بعد البحر
"Where do you want to go after dinner?"
(m) Wen badak trouh ba3ad 2al 3asha?
(f) Wen badik trouhe ba3ad 2al 3asha?
وين بدك تروح بعد العشا؟ (m)
وين بديك تروحي بعد العشا؟ (f)
"Do you want to walk along the beach after dinner?"
(m) Badak temshe 3ala toul 2al shat ba3ad 2al 3asha?
(f) Badik temshe 3ala toul 2al shat ba3ad 2al 3asha?
بدك تمشي على طول الشط بعد العشا؟ (m)
بديك تمشي على طول الشط بعد العشا؟ (f)
"Let’s meet sometime after 6pm."
Khalina netle2a bi wa2et ba3ad 2al se3a sete.
.خلينا نتلاقى بوقت بعد الساعة ستة
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