“About” (meaning) in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, "About" is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this word/term/phrase pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"Let's talk about your plans."

Yalla ntklm 3m 5ttk.

.يلا نتكلم عن خططك

"I'm curious about the new movie."

Ana mtshw2 ll film el gdid.

.أنا متشوّق للفيلم الجديد

"What is the book about?"

El ktab da 3n eh?

.الكتاب ده عن ايه

"She asked about my day."

Hya s2lt 3n youmy.

.هي سألت عن يومي

"They are excited about the trip."

Homa mot7msen ll re7la.

.هما متحمسين للرحلة


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“About” (meaning) in Tunisian Arabic

“About” (meaning) in Greek

"About" (meaning) in Turkish

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