In Turkish, "I'm going to go… " is written as: Gideceğim Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’m going to go home." Eve gideceğim. "I’m going to go get some coffee." Biraz kahve almaya gideceğim. "I’m going to go get some fresh air." Biraz temiz hava almaya...
In Turkish, "Chatted" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Sohbet edeceğim (You) Sohbet edeceksin (You, formal) Sohbet edeceksiniz (You, plural) Sohbet edeceksiniz (He, She, It) Sohbet edecek (We) Sohbet edeceğiz (They) Sohbet edecekler Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I chatted with the customer for...
In Turkish, "Parsley" (the noun, as in the herb) is written as: Maydanoz Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’m going to sprinkle some chopped parsley on top of the pasta." Makarnanın üstüne biraz kıyılmış maydanoz serpeceğim. "I bought some fresh parsley from the market." Marketten biraz taze...
In Turkish, "Cheap" (the adjective) is written as: Ucuz Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I found a cheap coat on sale in that store the other day." Geçen gün o mağaza indirimde ucuz bir kaban buldum. "I booked a cheap flight for my vacation in Spain." İspanya...
In Turkish, "June" (the noun, as in the month) is written as: Haziran Listen to this month pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Today is June 17th." Bugün 17 Haziran. "We’re going to Greece in June." Haziranda Yunanistan'a gidiyoruz. "My birthday is June 25th." Doğum günüm 25 Haziran. "This flower...
In Turkish, "We'll go" (as in the statement) is written as: Gideceğiz Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "We’ll go home." Eve gideceğiz. "We’ll go soon." Yakında gideceğiz. "We’ll go at 8pm." Saat 8'de gideceğiz. "We’ll go when it’s ready." Hazır olduğunda gideceğiz. "We’ll go as...
In Turkish, "Stick" (the noun) is written as: Çubuk In Turkish, "Sticks" (the noun) is written as: Çubuklar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "My dog found a stick." Köpeğim bir çubuk buldu. "I used a long stick to hike the trail." Yolu yürümek için uzun bir...
In Turkish, "Bring" (the verb, in the context of bringing a subject or object to somewhere that the speaker isn't, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Götüreceğim (You) Götüreceksin (You, formal) Götüreceksiniz (You, plural) Götüreceksiniz (He, She, It) Götürecek (We) Götüreceğiz (They) Götürecekler Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements...
In Turkish, "Ordered" (the verb, in the context commerce, when ordering something specific, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Sipariş ettim (You) Sipariş ettin (You, formal) Sipariş ettiniz (You, plural) Sipariş ettiniz (He, She, It) Sipariş etti (We) Sipariş ettik (They) Sipariş ettiler Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or...
In Turkish, "Sad" (the adjective) when used before a noun is written as: Üzgün And when used after the subject (in the future tense) is: (I) Üzgün olacağım (You) Üzgün olacaksın (You, formal) Üzgün olacaksınız (You, plural) Üzgün olacaksınız (He, She, It) Üzgün olacak (We) Üzgün olacağız (They) Üzgün olacaklar (Editor's note: In Turkish Üzgün is...
In Turkish, "Chequing account" is written as: Vadesiz hesap In Turkish, "Chequing accounts" is written as: Vadesiz hesaplar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I opened a chequing account in that bank." O bankada vadesiz hesap açtım. "Do you have a chequing account?" Vadesiz hesabın var mı?...
In Turkish, "Mouse" (the noun, as in the computer device) is written as: Fare In Turkish, "Mouses" (the noun) is written as: Fareler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The mouse is not working." Fare çalışmıyor. "I think the mouse is not connected." Sanırım fare bağlı değil....
In Turkish, "Cup of tea" is written as: Bir kupa çay In Turkish, "Cups of tea" is written as: Birkaç kupa çay Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "One americano and one cup of tea, please." Bir americano ve bir kupa çay lütfen. "Do you want some...
In Turkish, "Tie" (the noun, as in identical scores) is written as: Berabere Listen to these this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The game ended in a tie." Oyun berabere bitti. "They couldn’t break the tie, so they played overtime." Beraberliği bozamadıkları için uztmaya gittiler. "Did it end in...
In Turkish, "Brought" (the verb, in the context of bringing someone or something to somewhere that the subject isn't, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Götürdüm (You) Götürdün (You, formal) Götürdünüz (You, plural) Götürdünüz (He, She, It) Götürdü (We) Götürdük (They) Götürdüler Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements ...
In Turkish, "Bringing" (the verb, in the context of bringing a subject or object to somewhere that the speaker isn't, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Götürüyorum (You) Götürüyorsun (You, formal) Götürüyorsunuz (You, plural) Götürüyorsunuz (He, She, It) Götürüyor (We) Götürüyoruz (They) Götürüyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or...
In Turkish, "Brings" (the verb, in the context of bringing a subject or object to somewhere that the speaker isn't, in the third-person participle) is written as: Götürür Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The child brings his shoes to his mother to tie the shoelaces for him." Çocuk...
In Turkish, "Ankle" (the noun, as in the body part) is written as: Ayak bileği In Turkish, "Ankles" (the noun) is written as: Ayak bilekleri Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He twisted his ankle while playing football." Futbol oynarken ayak bileğini burktu. "Is your ankle healing?" Ayak...
In Turkish, "Farmer" (the noun) is written as: Çiftçi In Turkish, "Farmers" (the noun) is written as: Çiftçiler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "My father is a farmer." Babam bir çiftçi. "My son wants to be a farmer." Oğlum bir çiftçi olmak istiyor. "I’ve always...
In Turkish, "The other day" is written as: Geçen gün Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I arrived the other day." Geçen gün geldim. "We went to that restaurant the other day." Geçen gün o restorana gittik. "I met with my friends the other day." Geçen gün arkadaşlarımla...
In Turkish, "Heat" (as in the imperative statement, in the singular form) is written as: Isıt In Turkish, "Heat" (in the plural form) is written as: Isıtın Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Heat the leftover pizza if you’re hungry." Açsan kalan pizzayı ısıt. "Heat the milk...
In Turkish, "Salary" (the noun) is written as: Maaş In Turkish, "Salaries" (the noun) is written as: Maaşlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "What is the salary for the job?" İşin maaşı ne kadar? "She negotiated a higher salary during the job interview." İş görüşmesi sırasında...
In Turkish, "Youngest" (the adjective) is written as: En küçük Listen to this term pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He’s the youngest in the family." O ailenin en küçüğü. "My youngest daughter is getting married next month." En küçük kızım gelecek ay evleniyor. "What’s the name of your youngest grandchild?"...
In Turkish, "Glovebox" (the noun, as in the compartment in a car) is written as: Torpido gözü In Turkish, "Gloveboxes" (the noun) is written as: Torpido gözleri Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Put it in the glovebox." Torpido gözüne koy. "Is your driver’s licence in the glovebox?"...
In Turkish, "Beverage" (the noun, as in a drink) is written as: İçecek In Turkish, "Beverages" (the noun) is written as: İçecekler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Can you bring me a cold beverage from the fridge?" Bana buzdolabından soğuk bir içecek getirir misin? "Do you have...
In Turkish, "Emptied" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Boşalttım (You) Boşalttın (You, formal) Boşalttınız (You, plural) Boşalttınız (He, She, It) Boşalttı (We) Boşalttık (They) Boşalttılar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I emptied the water from the vase and replaced it this morning." Bu...
In Turkish, "Emptying" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Boşaltıyorum (You) Boşaltıyorsun (You, formal) Boşaltıyorsunuz (You, plural) Boşaltıyorsunuz (He, She, It) Boşaltıyor (We) Boşaltıyoruz (They) Boşaltıyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’m emptying the refrigerator to clean it." Temizlemek için buzdolabını boşaltıyorum. "Why...
In Turkish, "Empties" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written as: Boşaltır Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He empties the cat’s litter box every day and replaces the litter." Her gün kedinin kum kabını boşaltıp kumu değiştirir. "She empties her closet every Sunday to reorganize it."...
In Turkish, "Empty" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Boşaltacağım (You) Boşaltacaksın (You, formal) Boşaltacaksınız (You, plural) Boşaltacaksınız (He, She, It) Boşaltacak (We) Boşaltacağız (They) Boşaltacaklar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I am going to empty these boxes later. I’m busy now." Bu kutuları...
In Turkish, "Younger" (the adjective) is written as: Daha küçük Listen to this term pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "She’s eight years younger than me." O benden sekiz yaş küçük. "That’s my younger brother." O benim küçük kardeşim. "Who is younger between you two?" İkiniz arasında kim daha küçük? ...
In Turkish, "Famous" (the adjective) is written as: Ünlü Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "This movie is very famous." Bu film çok ünlü. "She’s a famous Turkish actress." O ünlü bir Türk oyuncu. "This restaurant is famous for its delicious pizza." Bu restoran leziz pizzasıyla ünlü....
In Turkish, "Location" (the noun) is written as: Konum In Turkish, "Location" (the noun) is written as: Konumlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Send me your location." Bana konumunu gönder. "Can you send me the location of the museum?" Bana müzenin konumunu gönderir misin? "The...
In Turkish, "Watermelon" (the noun) is written as: Karpuz In Turkish, "Watermelons" (the noun) is written as: Karpuzlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Would you like some watermelon?" Biraz karpuz ister misin? "How much for this watermelon?" Bu karpuz ne kadar? "I’m going to slice up the...
In Turkish, "A moment ago" (the phrase) is written as: Az önce or Biraz önce Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I saw her a moment ago." Onu az önce gördüm. "He left the office a moment ago." Ofisten az önce çıktı. "They were here, but they...
In Turkish, "I live in..." (as in the statement that preludes telling someone where one lives) is written as: (when the last vowel of the operative word is a bold vowel and the last consonant of the operative word is a soft consonant) -da yaşıyorum (when the last vowel of the operative word is a bold...
In Turkish, "Theatre" (the noun) is written as: Tiyatro In Turkish, "Theatres" (the noun) is written as: Tiyatrolar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Do you want to go to the theatre with us tomorrow night?" Yarın akşam bizimle tiyatroya gitmek ister misin? "How old is this theatre?" Bu...
In Turkish, "Slightly" (the adverb) is written as: Biraz Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "This shirt is slightly bigger than that one." Bu tişört ondan biraz daha büyük. "This door handle is slightly loose." Bu kapı kolu biraz gevşek. "These two paintings are slightly tilted. Can...
In Turkish, "Do you think...?" is written as: Sence...? Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Do you think he’ll like the gift?" Sence hediyeyi sevecek mi? "Do you think she'll get here on time?" Sence buraya zamanında gelecek mi? "Do you think we’ll have enough food for...
In Turkish, "Bitter" (the adjective, in the context of taste) is written as: Acı Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "This fruit has a bitter taste." Bu meyvenin tadı acı. "This medicine tastes bitter." Bu ilacın tadı acı. "Did you find the coffee bitter?" Kahve sana göre...
In Turkish, "Loaf of bread" is written as: Somun ekmek In Turkish, "Loaves of bread" is written as: Somun ekmekler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Can you buy two loaves of bread on your way home?" Eve gelirken iki somun ekmek alır mısın? "The loaf of...
In Turkish, "Charge" (as in the imperative statement, in the context of electrical power, in the singular form) is written as: Şarj et In Turkish, "Charge" (in the plural form) is written as: Şarj etme Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Charge your phone soon." Telefonunuzu en yakın zamanda...
In Turkish, "Deleted" (the verb) is written as: (I) Sildim (You) Sildin (You, formal) Sildiniz (You, plural) Sildiniz (He, She, It) Sildi (We) Sildik (They) Sildiler Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I deleted some files to free up some space on my computer." Bilgisayarımda biraz yer açmak için...
In Turkish, "Deletes" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written as: Siler Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He always deletes unnecessary files and old photos from his computer to free up some space." Biraz yer açmak için her zaman gereksiz dosyaları ve eski fotoğrafları bilgisayarından siler. ...
In Turkish, "Specifically" (the adverb) is written as: Özellikle Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I specifically asked for a table by the window." Özellikle cam kenarında bir masa istedim. "He asked me to specifically focus on this task." Benden özellikle bu göreve odaklanmamı rica etti. "This...
In Turkish, "What country are you from?" is written as: Hangi ülkedensin? Listen to this word/term/phrase pronounced (audio) Related words in Turkish “Country”, “Countries” in Turkish In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “What country are you from?” in Tunisian Arabic “What country are you from?” in Lebanese Arabic
In Turkish, "Feminine" (the adjective) is written as: Dişil Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Can you provide the feminine form of this noun?" Bu ismin dişil formunu verebilir misin? "This word is in the feminine form." Bu kelime dişil formda. "Is this adjective in the feminine...
In Turkish, "Masculine" (the adjective) is written as: Eril Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Is this word in the masculine form?" Bu kelime eril formunda mı? "This word is not in the masculine form, it’s in the feminine form." Bu kelime eril formunda değil, dişil formunda. ...
In Turkish, "Cup of coffee" is written as: Bir bardak kahve In Turkish, "Cups of coffee" is written as: Birkaç bardak kahve Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Can I get a cup of coffee, please?" Bir bardak kahve alabilir miyim lütfen? "Do you want a cup...
In Turkish, "By" (in the context of authorship) is written as: Tarafından Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Who was it written by…" Bu kimin tarafından yazıldı... "The book was written by…" Kitap ... tarafından yazıldı. "The book was written by a Turkish author." Kitap bir Türk yazar...
In Turkish, "10 minutes" is written as: 10 dakika Listen to this term pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’ll be there in 10 minutes." 10 dakikaya orada olacağım. "He called 10 minutes ago." 10 dakika önce aradı. "It’s been 10 minutes." 10 dakika oldu. "I got ready in 10...
In Turkish, "Brown sugar" is written as: Esmer şeker Listen to this term pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Add brown sugar to the cookie dough." Kurabiye hamuruna esmer şeker ekle. "I made my coffee with brown sugar." Kahvemi esmer şekerle yaptım. "We’re out of brown sugar." Esmer şekerimiz bitti. ...
In Turkish, "I will think more about it" is written as: Bunu biraz daha düşüneceğim Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “I will think more about it” in Tunisian Arabic
In Turkish, "How long will it take?" is written as: Ne kadar sürecek? Listen to this question pronounced (audio) In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “How long will it take?” in Lebanese Arabic “How long will it take?” in Tunisian Arabic
In Turkish, "Bicycle wheel" (the noun) is written as: Bisiklet tekerleği In Turkish, "Bicycle wheels" (the noun) is written as: Bisiklet tekerlekleri Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The bicycle wheel needs more air." Bisiklet tekerleğine daha çok hava gerek. "The size of the bicycle wheel matters...
In Turkish, "Horizon" (the noun) is written as: Ufuk Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The sun sets below the horizon." Ufukta güneş batıyor. "Look at that ship on the horizon!" Şu ufuktaki gemiye bak! "The hills are just beyond the horizon." Tepeler ufuğun hemen ötesinde. ...
In Turkish, "Passport" (the noun) is written as: Pasaport In Turkish, "Passports" (the noun) is written as: Pasaportlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Don't forget to take your passport with you." Pasaportunu yanına almayı unutma. "I have my passport with me." Pasaportum yanımda. (or) Pasaportum bende....
In Turkish, "Course" (the noun) is written as: Ders In Turkish, "Courses" (the noun) is written as: Dersler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’m taking 5 courses this semester." Bu dönem 5 ders alıyorum. "This course is very difficult." Bu ders çok zor. "The professor...
In Turkish, "Suit" (the noun) is written as: Takım elbise In Turkish, "Suits" (the noun) is written as: Takım elbiseler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Where’s my black suit?" Siyah takım elbisem nerede? "I bought a new suit." Yeni bir takım elbise aldım. "This dark...
In Turkish, "Hair" (the noun, in the singular form) is written as: Saç In Turkish, "Hair" (the noun, in the plural form) is written as: Saçlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I need a haircut. My hair is getting longer." Saçımı kestirmem lazım. Saçım uzuyor. "He...
In Turkish, "Deleting" (the verb) is written as: (I) Siliyorum (You) Siliyorsun (You, formal) Siliyorsunuz (You, plural) Siliyorsunuz (He, She, It) Siliyor (We) Siliyoruz (They) Siliyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I am deleting spam emails from my inbox." Gelen kutumdan spam e-postaları siliyorum. "What are you...
In Turkish, "Delete" (the verb) is written as: (I) Sileceğim (You) Sileceksin (You, formal) Sileceksiniz (You, plural) Sileceksiniz (He, She, It) Silecek (We) Sileceğiz (They) Silecekler Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’m going to delete old emails from my inbox." Gelen kutumdan eski e-postaları sileceğim. "I’m not...
In Turkish, "Older" (the adjective) is written as: Daha büyük Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I am older." Ben daha büyüğüm. "Who is older?" Kim daha büyük? "She’s older than me." O benden daha büyük. "You look older with that beard." Sakalınla daha büyük gözüküyorsun. ...
In Turkish, "An hour ago" is written as: Bir saat önce Listen to this word/term/phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "We arrived an hour ago." Bir saat önce vardık. "The meeting ended an hour ago." Toplantı bir saat önce bitti. "I ate an hour ago." Bir saat önce yedim. ...
In Turkish, "Towel" (the noun) is written as: Havlu In Turkish, "Towels" (the noun) is written as: Havlular Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’m going to fold the towels." Havluları katlayacağım. "Do you have an extra towel?" Fazladan bir havlun var mı? "Can you pass...
In Turkish, "Haircut" (the noun) is written as: Saç kesimi In Turkish, "Haircuts" (the noun) is written as: Saç kesimleri Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Do you like my new haircut?" Saç kesimimi beğendin mi? "Nice haircut!" Saç kesimin çok iyi! "I need a haircut."...
In Turkish, "Sandwich" (the noun) is written as: Sandviç In Turkish, "Sandwiches" (the noun) is written as: Sandviçler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Do you want cheese on your sandwich?" Sandviçinde peynir ister misin? "I’m making myself a tuna sandwich. Do you want one too?"...
In Turkish, "Bed" (the noun) is written as: Yatak In Turkish, "Beds" (the noun) is written as: Yataklar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I found this under the bed." Bunu yatağın altında buldum. "What side of the bed do you want to sleep on?" Yatağın hangi...
In Turkish, "Orange tree" is written as: Portakal ağacı In Turkish, "Orange trees" is written as: Portakal ağaçları Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "That’s an orange tree over there." Oradaki bir portakal ağacı. "Who planted this orange tree?" Bu portakal ağacını kim dikti? "We have...
In Turkish, "Where is the…?" is written as: ... nerede? Listen to this word/term/phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Where is the bathroom?" Tuvalet nerede? "Where is the nearest pharmacy?" En yakın eczane nerede? "Where is the remote control for the AC?" Klimanın kumandası nerede? "Where is the nearest...
In Turkish, "Ice cream" is written as: Dondurma Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "What is your favourite ice cream flavour?" En çok neli dondurma seversin? "Do you want ice cream?" Dondurma ister misin? "Your ice cream is melting." Dondurman eriyor. "Two scoops of vanilla...
In Turkish, "Voted" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Oy verdim (You) Oy verdin (You, formal) Oy verdiniz (You, plural) Oy verdiniz (He, She, It) Oy verdi (We) Oy verdik (They) Oy verdiler Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I have never voted." Ben daha...
In Turkish, "Vote" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Oy vereceğim (You) Oy vereceksin (You, formal) Oy vereceksiniz (You, plural) Oy vereceksiniz (He, She, It) Oy verecek (We) Oy vereceğiz (They) Oy verecekler Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I don’t know who to vote...
In Turkish, "Carpet" (the noun) is written as: Halı In Turkish, "Carpets" (the noun) is written as: Halılar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Τhis carpet was made in Türkiye." Bu halı Türkiye'de yapıldı. "The carpet is wet." Halı ıslak. "Does the residence's living room have a carpet...
In Turkish, "Wanted" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) İstedim (You) İstedin (You, formal) İstediniz (You, plural) İstediniz (He, She, It) İstedi (We) İstedik (They) İstediler Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I wanted to sleep earlier but not now." Erken uyumak istiyordum ama şimdi değil. ...
In Turkish, "Sand" (the noun) is written as: Kum Listen to these this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I love lying on the sand." Kuma uzanmayı seviyorum. "That's a handful of sand." Bu bir avuç dolusu kum. "I like the feeling of sand between my toes." Ayaklarımın arasındaki kum hissinden...
In Turkish, "Lebanon" (the noun, as in the country) is written as: Lübnan Listen to this country pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Have you ever been to Lebanon?" Hiç Lübnan'a gittin mi? "My co-worker is from Lebanon." Benim iş arkadaşım Lübnanlı. "That singer is famous in Lebanon." Bu şarkıcı Lübnan'da meşhur. ...
In Turkish, "Past" (the noun) is written as: Geçmiş Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I lived there in the past." Geçmişte orada yaşamıştım. "My grandmother tells many stories from her past." Büyük annem geçmişinden birçok hikaye anlatır. "It's in the past." Geçmişte kaldı. "Tell me more...
In Turkish, " University" (the noun) is written as: Üniversite In Turkish, "Universities" (the noun) is written as: Üniversiteler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Which university did you graduate from?" Hangi üniversiteden mezun oldun? "I'm a professor at a university." Ben üniversitede bir profesörüm. "Are there any...
In Turkish, "Votes" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written as: Oy verir Listen to this term pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "My mother never votes." Annem hiç oy vermez. "He always votes for the same party at the elections." Seçimlerde hep aynı partiye oy verir. "Does your husband...
In Turkish, "Try now" (as in the phrase) is written as: Şimdi dene Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Related words in Turkish “Now” in Turkish
In Turkish, "Marina" is written as: Yat limanı In Turkish, "Marinas" is written as: Yat limanları Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "This city does not have a marina." Bu şehrin yat limanı yok. "There are plenty of marinas on the west side of the country." Ülkenin...
In Turkish, "Eat" (as in the imperative statement, in the singular form) is written as: Ye In Turkish, "Eat" (in the plural form) is written as: Yiyin Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Eat some more." (singular) Biraz daha ye. (plural) Biraz daha yiyin. "Eat something before...
In Turkish, "Those" is written as: (when it’s used before a noun) O In Turkish, "Those" is written as: (when it’s used by itself) Onlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Are those yours?" Onlar senin mi? "Those are mine." Onlar benim. "Those shoes look expensive."...
In Turkish, "Writes" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: Yazar Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "She writes neatly." O düzgünce yazı yazar. "She writes reviews for every online product she buys." Satın aldığı her ürüne internette yorumlarını yazar. "He...
In Turkish, "Directions" (the noun, as in geographical instructions, in the singular form) is written as: Yol tarifi In Turkish, "Directions" (in the plural form) is written as: Yol tarifleri Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Can you give me directions?" Bana yolu tarif eder misin? "I'm...
In Turkish, "Block" (the noun, as in the cubic object) is written as: Blok In Turkish, "Blocks" is written as: Bloklar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The kids are playing with the toy blocks." Çocuklar oyuncak bloklarla oynuyorlar. "This block is wooden with orange lining." Bu...
In Turkish, "Voting" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Oy veriyorum (You) Oy veriyorsun (You, formal) Oy veriyorsunuz (You, plural) Oy veriyorsunuz (He, She, It) Oy veriyor (We) Oy veriyoruz (They) Oy veriyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I am voting right now." Şu...
In Turkish, "Engineer" (the noun) is written as: Mühendis In Turkish, "Engineers" (the noun) is written as: Mühendisler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "My daughter wants to be an engineer." Kızım mühendis olmak istiyor. "I want to become an engineer." Mühendis olmak istiyorum. "My son...
In Turkish, "Especially" (the adverb) is written as: Özellikle Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I love Turkish culture, especially the music." Türk kültürüne bayılıyorum, özellikle de müziğini. "Let’s go to the beach especially because it's hot out today!" Bugün sıcak olduğu için özellikle plaja gidelim! "I...
In Turkish, "Are you saying…?" is written as: (in the singular form, when the last word ends with the letter "ı") mı söylüyorsun? (in the singular form, when the last word ends with the letter "i") mi söylüyorsun? (in the singular form, when the last word ends with the letter "u") mu söylüyorsun? (in the singular...
In Turkish, "Buy" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Satın alacağım (You) Satın alacaksın (You, formal) Satın alacaksınız (You, plural) Satın alacaksınız (He, She, It) Satın alacak (We) Satın alacağız (They) Satın alacaklar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I am going to buy some...
In Turkish, "Chipped" (the adjective) is written as: Kırık Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I think that the mug is chipped." Bence bu bardak kırılmış. "My sister found this chipped." Kardeşim bunu kırılmış bir halde buldu. "He got a chipped tooth." Dişi kırılmış. "Why are...
In Turkish, "Added" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Ekledim (You) Ekledin (You, formal) Eklediniz (You, plural) Eklediniz (He, She, It) Ekledi (We) Ekledik (They) Eklediler Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I added some new ingredients." Birkaç yeni malzeme ekledim. "I haven’t added...
In Turkish, "Flashlight" (the noun) is written as: El feneri In Turkish, "Flashlights" (the noun) is written as: El fenerleri Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Do you have a flashlight?" El fenerin var mı? "We forgot to bring flashlights." El feneri getirmeyi unutmuşuz. "Turn on...
In Turkish, "Urgent" (the adjective) is written as: Acil Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "This task is not that urgent." Bu görev o kadar acil değil. "We need to have an urgent meeting." Acil bir toplantı yapmamız lazım. "He sent me an urgent message." Bana acil...
In Turkish, "Adding" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Ekliyorum (You) Ekliyorsun (You, formal) Ekliyorsunuz (You, plural) Ekliyorsunuz (He, She, It) Ekliyor (We) Ekliyoruz (They) Ekliyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I am adding some salt." Biraz tuz ekliyorum. "I am not adding...
In Turkish, "Add" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Ekleyeceğim (You) Ekleyeceksin (You, formal) Ekleyeceksiniz (You, plural) Ekleyeceksiniz (He, She, It) Ekleyecek (We) Ekleyeceğiz (They) Ekleyecekler Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I will add more sugar." Daha fazla şeker ekleyeceğim. "I am not...
In Turkish, "Subscription" (the noun) is written as: Abonelik In Turkish, "Subscriptions" (the noun) is written as: Abonelikler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "When does the subscription expire?" Aboneliğin süresi ne zaman doluyor? "Our magazine does not have a lot of subscriptions any more." Dergimizin artık...
In Turkish, "Don't tell anyone" is written as: Kimseye söyleme Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Don’t tell anyone” in Tunisian Arabic
In Turkish, "Taxi driver" is written as: Taksi şoförü In Turkish, "Taxi drivers" is written as: Taksi şoförleri Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "My father used to be a taxi driver." Babam eskiden taksi şoförüydü. "I will quit my job and I will work as a...