In Turkish, "Police station" is written as: Karakol In Turkish, "Police stations" is written as: Karakollar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "We need to go to a police station." Karakola gitmemiz lazım. "He works at a police station." O bir karakolda çalışıyor. "The police station...
In Turkish, "Expect" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Umuyorum (You) Umuyorsun (You, formal) Umuyorsunuz (You, plural) Umuyorsunuz (He, She, It) Umuyor (We) Umuyoruz (They) Umuyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’ll expect a response by tomorrow." Yarına kadar bir cevap almayı umuyorum. ...
In Turkish, "Joking" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Şaka yapıyorum (You) Şaka yapıyorsun (You, formal) Şaka yapıyorsunuz (You, plural) Şaka yapıyorsunuz (He, She, It) Şaka yapıyor (We) Şaka yapıyoruz (They) Şaka yapıyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I am joking about what happened yesterday."...
In Turkish, "Customer" (the noun) is written as: Müşteri In Turkish, "Customers" (the noun) is written as: Müşteriler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "There’s a new customer." Yeni bir müşteri var. "Can you take that customer’s order?" O müşterinin siparişini alır mısın? "The customer that...
In Turkish, "Jokes" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written as: Şaka yapar Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "She jokes with everyone in the office." Ofisteki herkesle şakalaşır. "He jokes about her cooking skills." Onun yemek yapma şekliyle alay eder. "He never jokes about important things."...
In Turkish, "Aunt" (the noun) is written as: (mother’s side) Teyze (father’s side) Hala (uncle’s or brother’s wife) Yenge In Turkish, "Aunts" (the noun) is written as: (mother’s side) Teyzeler (father’s side) Halalar (uncle’s or brother’s wife) Yengeler Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "My aunt is here." Halam burada. ...
In Turkish, "Works for me" (the common phrase indicating that the speaker agrees with a particular arrangement) is written as: Bana uyar Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Lunch at 2pm works for me!" 2'de öğle yemeği bana uyar! "Okay, that works for me." Tamam, bu bana uyar....
In Turkish, "Trumpet" (the noun) is written as: Trompet In Turkish, "Trumpets" (the noun) is written as: Trompetler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He’s playing a trumpet." Trompeti çalıyor. "I want to learn how to play the trumpet." Trompet çalmayı öğrenmek istiyorum. "They have a...
In Turkish, "Rather" (as in making a correction) is written as: Yerine Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "It's blue, rather than green." Yeşil yerine mavi. "She prefers tea rather than coffee." Çayı kahveye tercih eder. "He chose the red one, rather than the blue." Kırmızı olanı...
In Turkish, "Tunisian" (the adjective) is written as: Tunus Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I love the Tunisian cuisine." Tunus mutfağını seviyorum. "Tunisian people are so nice!" Tunus insanları çok iyiler! "He studied Tunisian history at school." Okulda Tunus tarihi okudu. "We visited a Tunisian...
In Turkish, "Tunisian" (the noun, as in people) is written as: Tunuslu In Turkish, "Tunisians" (the noun) is written as: Tunuslular Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’m Tunisian." Ben Tunusluyum. "He’s not Tunisian." O Tunuslu değil. "Are you Tunisian?" Tunuslu musun? "Many Tunisians speak Arabic...
In Turkish, "Thoroughly" (the adverb) is written as: İyice Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I washed my hands thoroughly." Ellerimi iyice yıkadım. "She thoroughly enjoyed the movie." Filmden oldukça keyif aldı. "He examined the report thoroughly." Raporu iyice inceledi. "We cleaned the house thoroughly." Evi...
In Turkish, "Expected" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Umdum (You) Umdun (You, formal) Umdunuz (You, plural) Umdunuz (He, She, It) Umdu (We) Umduk (They) Umdular Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I expected more from the movie." Filmden daha fazla beklentim vardı. "I...
In Turkish, "Expecting" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Umuyorum (You) Umuyorsun (You, formal) Umuyorsunuz (You, plural) Umuyorsunuz (He, She, It) Umuyor (We) Umuyoruz (They) Umuyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’m expecting a package today." Bugün bir paket bekliyorum. "I'm not expecting any...
In Turkish, "Took" (the verb, in the context of taking something from someone, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Aldım (You) Aldın (You, formal) Aldınız (You, plural) Aldınız (He, She, It) Aldı (We) Aldık (They) Aldılar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I took these documents from...
In Turkish, "Taking" (the verb, in the context of taking something from someone, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Alıyorum (You) Alıyorsun (You, formal) Alıyorsunuz (You, plural) Alıyorsunuz (He, She, It) Alıyor (We) Alıyoruz (They) Alıyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I am taking a pen...
In Turkish, "Takes" (the verb, as in taking something from someone, in the third-person participle) is written as: Alır Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He takes the mail from the postman every morning." Her sabah postacıdan postayı alır. "She takes the groceries from the car." Arabadan alışveriş poşetlerini...
In Turkish, "Take" (the verb, as in taking something from someone, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Alacağım (You) Alacaksın (You, formal) Alacaksınız (You, plural) Alacaksınız (He, She, It) Alacak (We) Alacağız (They) Alacaklar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I am going to take my book from...
In Turkish, "Picture" (the noun) is written as: Fotoğraf In Turkish, "Pictures" (the noun) is written as: Fotoğraflar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Let’s take a picture together." Hadi birlikte fotoğraf çekilelim. "The picture came out blurry." Fotoğraf bulanık çıktı. "Do you like taking pictures?"...
In Turkish, "Uniform" (the noun) is written as: Üniforma In Turkish, "Uniforms" (the noun) is written as: Üniformalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Her uniform is too big for her." Üniforması çok büyük gelmiş. "My uniform is in the washing machine." Üniformam çamaşır makinesinde. "The...
In Turkish, "45 seconds" is written as: 45 saniye (Kırk beş saniye) Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The microwave will be done in 45 seconds." Mikrodalga 45 saniye içinde bitecek. "He can run 300 metres in 45 seconds." 45 saniyede 300 metre koşabiliyor. "Wait 45 seconds...
In Turkish, "Syria" is written as: Suriye Listen to this country pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Are you from Syria?" Suriyeli misin? "I’m from Syria." Suriyeliyim. "He’s not from Syria." O, Suriyeli değil. "Syria is a nice country." Suriye güzel bir ülke. "She wants to go to Syria...
In Turkish, "Saddest" (the adjective) is written as: En üzgün Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "That was the saddest movie I've seen!" Bu izlediğim en üzücü filmdi! "She had the saddest look earlier." Az önce çok üzgün gözüküyordu. "He felt the saddest today." Bugün en üzgün...
In Turkish, "Historical" (the adjective) is written as: Tarihi Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "It’s a historical site." Burası tarihi bir yer. "This painting has a lot of historical relevance." Bu tablonun tarihi önemi çok büyük. "My girlfriend loves historical films." Kız arkadaşım tarihi filmlere bayılır....
In Turkish, "Planet" (the noun) is written as: Gezegen In Turkish, "Planets" (the noun) is written as: Gezegenler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements (in a movie) "What planet are we on?" Hangi gezegendeyiz? "How many planets are in our solar system?" Güneş sistemimizde kaç tane gezegen...
In Turkish, "Some time" (the noun) is written as: Biraz zaman Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Do you have some time?" Biraz zamanın var mı? "I need some time to think about it." Bunun üzerinde düşünmek için biraz zamana ihtiyacım var. "She took some time off."...
In Turkish, "Grocery store" is written as: Market In Turkish, "Grocery stores" is written as: Marketler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Where’s the nearest grocery store?" En yakın market nerede? "They went to the grocery store to get groceries." Onlar market alışverişi yapmak için markete gittiler....
In Turkish, "English" (the noun, as in the language) is written as: İngilizce Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Do you speak English?" İngilizce konuşabiliyor musunuz? "I’m fluent in English." Akıcı bir şekilde İngilizce konuşuyorum. "I don’t speak English well." İngilizceyi iyi konuşamıyorum. "She speaks English and...
In Turkish, "What time…" is written as: Saat kaçta... Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "What time is it?" Saat kaç? "What time will you leave?" Saat kaçta gideceksiniz? "What time is your flight tomorrow?" Uçağınız yarın saat kaçta? "What time does this store close?" Bu...
In Turkish, "Couple hours" is written as: Birkaç saat Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He left a couple hours ago." O birkaç saat önce gitti. "We’ll be there in a couple hours." Birkaç saate orada olacağız. "It’s been a couple hours since we arrived at the...
In Turkish, "Principal" (the noun, as in the head of an academic institution) is written as: Okul müdürü In Turkish, "Principals" (the noun) is written as: Okul müdürleri Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The principal is making a speech." Okul müdürü konuşma yapıyor. "The principal is retiring...
In Turkish, "Within" (in the context of time) is written as: İçerisinde In Turkish, "Within" (in a physical context) is written as: İç Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "We'll reach our destination within an hour." Varış noktamıza bir saat içerisinde ulaşacağız. "The package will arrive within...
In Turkish, "Playing card" is written as: İskambil kağıdı In Turkish, "Playing cards" is written as: İskambil kağıtları Listen to this term pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’ll shuffle the playing cards." İskambil kağıtlarını karacağım. "I use a playing card as a bookmark." Kitap ayracı olarak bir iskambil kağıdı kullanıyorum. ...
In Turkish, "So far" (as in up to the current moment) is written as: Şu ana kadar Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "So far, the project is progressing smoothly." Şu ana kadar proje sorunsuz ilerliyor. "The weather has been great so far." Havalar şu ana kadar mükemmeldi....
In Turkish, "Contract" (the noun) is written as: Sözleşme In Turkish, "Contracts" (the noun) is written as: Sözleşmeler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Did you sign the contract?" Sözleşmeyi imzaladınız mı? "The contract will be valid for a year." Sözleşme bir yıllığına geçerli olacak. "The contract outlines...
In Turkish, "That's all" (the common phrase to mean that what’s present is all that’s available of a particular item) is written as: Hepsi bu Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “That’s all” in Tunisian Arabic
In Turkish, "Do you know...?" is written as: Biliyor musunuz? Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Do you know a store that sells batteries?" Pil satan bir dükkan biliyor musunuz? "Do you know where she is?" Onun nerede olduğunu biliyor musunuz? "Do you know what this movie...
In Turkish, "Far away" is written as: Uzak Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The nearest store is far away from here." En yakın dükkan buradan uzakta. "Her hometown is far away from the city." Onun memleketi şehirden uzakta. "The beach is too far away from here."...
In Turkish, "Domestic" (the adjective) is written as: (products) Yerli (animals) evcil (flights) iç hat Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "That is a domestic cat." O, evcil bir kedi. "This airport only does domestic flights." Bu havalimanında sadece iç hat uçuşları yapılıyor. "This airport does both domestic and...
In Turkish, "Dress pants" (the noun, as in one pair of dress pants) is written as: Kumaş pantolon In Turkish, "Dress pants" (the noun, as in multiple pairs of dress pants) is written as: Kumaş pantolonlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He wore his favorite pair of dress pants...
In Turkish, "Jogged" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Hafif tempoda koştum (You) Hafif tempoda koştun (You, formal) Hafif tempoda koştunuz (You, plural) Hafif tempoda koştunuz (He, She, It) Hafif tempoda koştu (We) Hafif tempoda koştuk (They) Hafif tempoda koştular Listen to these phrases pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements ...
In Turkish, "Jogs" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written as: Hafif tempoda koşar Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He jogs every morning." O her sabah hafif tempoda koşar. "She jogs for 2 kilometers every day." O her gün 2 kilometre hafif tempoda koşar. "My...
In Turkish, "Jog" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Hafif tempoda koşacağım (You) Hafif tempoda koşacaksın (You, formal) Hafif tempoda koşacaksınız (You, plural) Hafif tempoda koşacaksınız (He, She, It) Hafif tempoda koşacak (We) Hafif tempoda koşacağız (They) Hafif tempoda koşacaklar Listen to these phrases pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements ...
In Turkish, "Weight" (the noun, as in the object lifted for anaerobic activity) is written as: Ağırlık In Turkish, "Weights" (the noun) is written as: Ağırlıklar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "How heavy is this weight?" Bu ağırlık ne kadar ağır? "She's lifting weights at the gym." O, spor salonunda...
In Turkish, "Bosnia and Herzegovina" (the noun, as in the country) is written as: Bosna-Hersek Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He lives in Bosnia and Herzegovina." O Bosna-Hersek'te yaşıyor. "I'm doing a research project in Bosnia and Herzegovina." Bosna-Hersek'te bir araştırma projesi yapıyorum. "She’s from...
In Turkish, "Graduate" (the noun) is written as: Mezun In Turkish, "Graduates" (the noun) is written as: Mezunlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’m a graduate of that university." O üniversiteden mezunum. "The party tonight is for graduates." Bu geceki parti mezunlar için. "She is a recent...
In Turkish, "Don't worry" (the common statement encouraging someone to not worry about something that has or may occur) is written as: Endişelenme Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Don’t worry, it’ll be fine." Endişelenme, iyi olacak. "Don’t worry about me." Benim için endişelenme. "Don’t worry too much."...
In Turkish, "Absolutely" (the adverb) is written as: Kesinlikle Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I absolutely agree with you." Kesinlikle sana katılıyorum. "She's absolutely right about that." Bu konuda kesinlikle haklı. "He's absolutely confident in his decision." Kararında kesinlikle haklı. "It's absolutely necessary to finish...
In Turkish, "Make sure…" is written as: ... emin ol Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Make sure you have everything." Her şeyi aldığından emin ol. "Make sure you’re on time." Zamanında geldiğinden emin ol. "Make sure everyone’s here before starting your speech." Konuşmana başlamadan önce herkesin...
In Turkish, "“Past” (the adjective) is written as: Geçmiş Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The past year was hard on me." Geçen yıl benim için zordu. "He’s a past boyfriend." O eski bir erkek arakadaş. "Let's learn from past mistakes." Geçmiş hatalarımızdan ders çıkaralım. "She’s missing...
In Turkish, "Master's degree" is written as: Yüksek lisans In Turkish, "Master's degrees" is written as: Yüksek lisans Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’m working on my master’s degree." Yüksek lisans yapıyorum. "The master's degree took me two years." Yüksek lisans iki yılımı aldı. "She...
In Turkish, "Undergraduate degree" is written as: Lisans diploması In Turkish, "Undergraduate degrees" is written as: Lisans diploması Listen to this term pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "We earned our undergraduate degree." Lisans mezuniyet belgemizi aldık. "I’m pursuing an undergraduate degree." Lisans eğitimime devam ediyorum. "The undergraduate degree program is...
In Turkish, "I am… (I’m…)" is written as: Ben... Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I am okay." Ben iyiyim. "I am here." Ben buradayım. "I am going to a cafe." Ben kafeye gidiyorum. "I am meeting with friends." Ben arkadaşlarımla buluşuyorum. "I am not coming."...
In Turkish, "Forgive me" (as in the statement) is written as: Beni affet Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Forgive me, I didn’t mean to do that." Beni affet, bunu yapmak istememiştim. "Forgive me for being late." Geç kaldığım için özür dilerim. "Please forgive me." Lütfen beni...
In Turkish, "Don't touch" (the verb, in the imperative form, in the singular form) is written as: Dokunma In Turkish, "Don't touch" (plural form) is written as: Dokunmayın Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Don’t touch that! It’s dirty." (singular) Dokunma ona! Kirli. (plural) Dokunmayın ona! Kirli. ...
In Turkish, "Preschool" (the noun) is written as: Anaokulu In Turkish, "Preschools" (the noun) is written as: Anaokulları (Editor's note: In Turkish, "Kindergarten" and "Preschool" are both Anaokulu.) (Editor's note: The period of time in which students go to "Preschool" is called Okul öncesi.) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements ...
In Turkish, "Helps" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written as: Yardım eder Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He always helps his kids with their homework." O hep çocuklara ödevlerinde yardım eder. "She always helps with the house chores." Ev işlerine hep yardım eder. "He...
In Turkish, "Commitment" (the noun) is written as: Bağlılık In Turkish, "Commitments" (the noun) is written as: Bağlılıklar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "My commitment is strong." Benim bağlılığım güçlü. "She values commitment." O bağlılığa değer verir. "The job requires commitment." İş bağlılık gerektiriyor. ...
In Turkish, "Engagement" (the noun, in the context of romance) is written as: Nişan In Turkish, "Engagements" (the noun) is written as: Nişanlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Their engagement is official." Nişanları resmileşti. "She announced her engagement." Nişanını duyurdu. "Tonight is our engagement party."...
In Turkish, "Enjoy" (the verb, in the imperative form, in the singular form) is written as: Tadını çıkar In Turkish, "Enjoy" (in the plural form) is written as: Tadını çıkarın Listen to these two phrases pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Enjoy your trip!" (singular) Gezinin tadını çıkar! (plural) Gezinizin tadını çıkarın! ...
In Turkish, "Restaurant" (the noun) is written as: Restoran In Turkish, "Restaurants" (the noun) is written as: Restoranlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Let’s eat at this restaurant." Hadi bu restoranda yiyelim. "There is a new restaurant here somewhere." Buralarda bir yerde yeni bir restoran var....
In Turkish, "Just" (the common phrase that emphasizes something as occurring extremely soon) is written as: Hemen Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Just one moment, please." Bir saniye, lütfen. "She'll be back in just a moment." Hemen dönecek. "We're leaving just after lunch." Öğle yemeğinden hemen...
In Turkish, "Designated" (the adjective) is written as: Belirlenmiş Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Does this cafe have a designated area for smoking?" Bu kafenin sigara içmek için belirli bir alanı var mı? "Please park in the designated area." Lütfen belirlenmiş alana park ediniz. "This room...
In Turkish, "Rectangle" (the noun) is written as: Dikdörtgen In Turkish, "Rectangles" (the noun) is written as: Dikdörtgenler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Draw a rectangle here." Buraya bir dikdörtgen çiziniz. "How long is this rectangle?" Bu dikdörtgenin uzunluğu ne kadar? "My daughter is learning...
In Turkish, "Deal" (the noun) is written as: Anlaşma In Turkish, "Deals" (the noun) is written as: Anlaşmalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "We have a deal!" Anlaştık! "We're going to make a deal." Bir anlaşma yapacağız. "The deal is off!" Anlaşma iptal! "The...
In Turkish, "Graduated" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Mezun oldum (You) Mezun oldun (You, formal) Mezun oldun (You, plural) Mezun oldunuz (He, She, It) Mezun oldu (We) Mezun oldu (They) Mezun oldu Listen to these phrases pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I graduated last year." Geçen sene...
In Turkish, "Graduates" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written as: Mezun olur Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "This university graduates about 3000 students per year." Bu üniversite yılda 3000 öğrenci mezun ediyor. "Many students at this university graduate with honours." Bu üniversitedeki birçok öğrenci onur...
In Turkish, "Graduate" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Mezun olacağım (You) Mezun olacaksın (You, formal) Mezun olacaksınız (You, plural) Mezun olacaksınız (He, She, It) Mezun olacak (We) Mezun olacağız (They) Mezun olacaklar Listen to these phrases pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’m going to graduate next year." Seneye mezun...
In Turkish, "College" (the noun) is written as: Kolej In Turkish, "Colleges" (the noun) is written as: Kolejler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’m in college." Kolejdeyim. "She didn’t go to college." Koleje gitmedi. "What college do you go to?" Hangi koleje gidiyorsun? "There are...
In Turkish, "Software application" is written as: Yazılım uygulaması In Turkish, "Software applications" is written as: Yazılım uygulamaları Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I developed a software application." Bir yazılım uygulaması geliştirdim. "This software application is useful." Bu yazılım uygulaması kullanışlı. "I work for a company...
In Turkish, "Explanation" (the noun) is written as: Açıklama In Turkish, "Explanations" (the noun) is written as: Açıklamalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I have an explanation for being late." Geç kalmamın bir açıklaması var. "He says he owes us an explanation." Bize bir açıklama borçlu olduğunu söylüyor....
In Turkish, "Balance" (the noun, as in equal gravitational pull) is written as: Denge Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I don't have good balance." İyi bir dengem yok. "My 4 year old son has great balance." 4 yaşındaki oğlumun harika dengesi var. "I lost my balance." Dengemi...
In Turkish, "Balance" (the noun, in a commercial context) is written as: Bakiye In Turkish, "Balances" (the noun) is written as: Bakiye Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Your balance is…" (singular) Bakiyen ... (plural) Bakiyeniz... "What is the balance?" Bakiye nedir? "What is the balance owing?" Borç...
In Turkish, "Graduation" (the noun) is written as: Mezuniyet In Turkish, "Graduations" (the noun) is written as: Mezuniyetler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Her graduation is tomorrow." Mezuniyeti yarın. "He attended the graduation." Mezuniyete katıldı. "The graduation ceremony was long." Mezuniyet töreni uzundu. "She...
In Turkish, "Celebration" (the noun) is written as: Kutlama In Turkish, "Celebrations" (the noun) is written as: Kutlamalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The celebration was fun." Kutlama eğlenceliydi. "The celebration will start in a bit." Kutlama birazdan başlayacak. "She planned a huge birthday celebration."...
In Turkish, "Fell" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Düştüm (You) Düştün (You, formal) Düştünüz (You, plural) Düştünüz (He, She, It) Düştü (We) Düştük (They) Düştüler Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I fell down the stairs and hurt my knee." Merdivenlerden düştüm ve dizimi...
In Turkish, "Falling" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Düşüyorum (You) Düşüyorsun (You, formal) Düşüyorsunuz (You, plural) Düşüyorsunuz (He, She, It) Düşüyor (We) Düşüyoruz (They) Düşüyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’m not falling, I just stumbled." Düşmüyorum. Sadece tökezledim. "Help me. I’m falling!"...
In Turkish, "Falls" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written as: Düşer Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He falls all the time because he’s so clumsy." Çok sakar olduğu için sürekli düşer. "She falls when she wears high heels." Topuklu giydiğinde sürekli düşer. "The child...
In Turkish, "Fall" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Düşeceğim (You) Düşeceksin (You, formal) Düşeceksiniz (You, plural) Düşeceksiniz (He, She, It) Düşecek (We) Düşeceğiz (They) Düşecekler Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’ll fall if I don’t watch my step." Adımıma dikkat etmezsem düşeceğim. ...
In Turkish, "Tool" (the noun) is written as: Alet In Turkish, "Tools" (the noun) is written as: Aletler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He used a tool." Bir alet kullandı. "The tool is in the box." Alet kutuda. "She needs a tool." Bir alete ihtiyacı...
In Turkish, "Joy" (the noun) is written as: Neşe Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He brings joy to others." Başkalarına neşe kaynağı oluyor. "The holiday is full of joy." Tatil neşeyle dolu. "We danced with joy." Neşeyle dans ettik. "The news gave us joy."...
In Turkish, "Person" (the noun) is written as: Biri In Turkish, "People" (the noun) is written as: Birileri Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "She is a kind person." O kibar biri. "I met a new person." Yeni biriyle tanıştım. "Who’s that person he’s talking to?"...
In Turkish, "Adult" (the noun) is written as: Yetişkin In Turkish, "Adults" (the noun) is written as: Yetişkinler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "She is an adult now." O şimdi bir yetişkin. "The book is for adults." Bu kitap yetişkinler için. "The students need the...
In Turkish, "Esplanade" (the noun) is written as: Kordon In Turkish, "Esplanades" (the noun) is written as: Kordonlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The esplanade is quiet." Kordon sessiz. "They’re meeting at the esplanade." Kordonda buluşuyorlar. "The esplanade is surrounded by trees." Kordon ağaçlarla çevrili....
In Turkish, "Promenade" (the noun) is written as: Kordon In Turkish, "Promenades" (the noun) is written as: Kordonlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "We walked along the promenade." Kordonda yürüdük. "The promenade is by the sea." Kordon denizin kenarında. "This promenade is very beautiful." Bu...
In Turkish, "Calculation" (the noun) is written as: Hesap In Turkish, "Calculations" (the noun) is written as: Hesaplar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The calculation is correct." Hesap doğru. "We checked the calculation." Hesabı kontrol ettik. "He did the calculation quickly." Hesabı hızlıca yaptı. ...
In Turkish, "Spelling" (the noun) is written as: Yazım In Turkish, "Spellings" (the noun) is written as: Yazımlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The spelling of this word is wrong." Bu kelimenin yazımı yanlış. "What’s the spelling of this word?" Bu kelimenin yazımı ne? "Check...
In Turkish, "Underwear" (the noun, in the singular form) is written as: İç çamaşırı In Turkish, "Underwear" (in the plural form) is written as: İç çamaşırları Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I bought new underwear." Yeni iç çamaşırı aldım. "Her underwear is in the drawer." İç...
In Turkish, "Wrapped" (the verb, in the context of anything but gifts, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Sardım (You) Sardın (You, formal) Sardınız (You, plural) Sardınız (He, She, It) Sardı (We) Sardık (They) Sardılar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I wrapped all the cups with...
In Turkish, "Petting" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Okşuyorum (You) Okşuyorsun (You, formal) Okşuyorsunuz (You, plural) Okşuyorsunuz (He, She, It) Okşuyor (We) Okşuyoruz (They) Okşuyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’m petting the dog right now." Şu anda köpeği okşuyorum. "I'm not...
In Turkish, "Pet" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Okşadım (You) Okşadın (You, formal) Okşadınız (You, plural) Okşadınız (He, She, It) Okşadı (We) Okşadık (They) Okşadılar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I pet my cat before I left." Çıkmadan önce kedimi okşadım. "I...
In Turkish, "Pet" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Okşayacağım (You) Okşayacaksın (You, formal) Okşayacaksınız (You, plural) Okşayacaksınız (He, She, It) Okşayacaklar (We) Okşayacağız (They) Okşayacaklar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’m going to pet my dog when I’m home." Eve geldiğimde köpeğimi okşayacağım....
In Turkish, "Did you...?" (as in the phrase) is written as: when the last consonant of the operative word is Ç, F, H, K, P, S, Ş, or T: and when the last vowel of the operative word is A or I: -tın mı? and when the last vowel of the operative word is E or...
In Turkish, "Turning" (the verb, as in turning something, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Çeviriyorum (You) Çeviriyorsun (You, formal) Çeviriyorsunuz (You, plural) Çeviriyorsunuz (He, She, It) Çeviriyor (We) Çeviriyoruz (They) Çeviriyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’m turning the key to start the car." Arabayı...
In Turkish, "Turn" (the verb, as in turning something, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Çevireceğim (You) Çevireceksin (You, formal) Çevireceksiniz (You, plural) Çevireceksiniz (He, She, It) Çevirecek (We) Çevireceğiz (They) Çevirecekler Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’ll turn the page when I’m done reading it."...
In Turkish, "Turn" (the verb, as in to turn something, in the imperative form, in the singular form) is written as: Çevir In Turkish, "Turn" (in the plural form) is written as: Çevirin Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Turn it around." (singular) Arkasını çevir. (plural) Arkasını çevirin....
In Turkish, "Helped" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Yardım ettim (You) Yardım ettin (You, formal) Yardım ettiniz (You, plural) Yardım ettiniz (He, She, It) Yardım etti (We) Yardım ettik (They) Yardım ettiler Listen to these phrases pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I helped her organize a surprise...
In Turkish, "Help" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Yardım edeceğim (You) Yardım edeceksin (You, formal) Yardım edeceksiniz (You, plural) Yardım edeceksiniz (He, She, It) Yardım edecek (We) Yardım edeceğiz (They) Yardım edecekler Listen to these phrases pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I’ll help you move the sofa." Koltuğun...
In Turkish, "Pets" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written as: Okşar Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He pets the dog every morning." Her sabah köpeği okşar. "She pets the cat softly." Kediyi yavaşça okşar. "We have a bird and our son pets her all...
In Turkish, "Oriented" (the adjective) is written as: Odaklı Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Our team is goal-oriented." Takım gol odaklı. "This class is student-oriented." Bu sınıf öğrenci odaklı. "The program is community-oriented." Program topluluk odaklı. "She likes a family-oriented place." Aile odaklı yerleri seviyor....