Words, Terms & Phrases

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“Baths” (third-person) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Baths" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Byethamam (f) Btethamam Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيتحمام (m) بتتحمام (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He baths every evening." Byethamam kel lel. .بيتحمام كليل...

“Bath” (future) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Bath" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 2ethamam (You) (m) 2ethamam (You) (f) 2ethamame (You, plural) 2ethamamo (He) Byethamam (She) Btethamam (We) Mnethamam (They) Byethamamo Using the Arabic script, it is written as: قتحمام (I) قتحمام (You) (m) قتحمامي (You) (f) قتحمامو (You, plural) بيتحمام (He)...

“Travelling” (present) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Travelling" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3ambsefir (You) (m) 3ambetsefir (You) (f) 3ambetsefre (You, plural) 3ambisefro (He) 3ambisefir (She) 3ambetsefir (We) 3amensefir (They) 3ambisefro Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عمبسيفير (I) عمبتسيفير (m) (You) عمبتسيفيري (f) (You) عمبيسيفيرو (You, plural) عمبيسيفير...

“Travelled” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Travelled" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Sefaret (You) (m) Sefaret (You) (f) Sefarte (You, plural) Sefarto (He) Sefar (She) Sefarit (We) Sefarna (They) Sefaro Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سيفارت (I) سيفارت (You) (m) سيفارتي (You) (f) سيفارتو (You, plural) سيفار (He)...

“Travel” (future) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Travel" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Sefir (You) (m) Sefir (You) (f) Sefre (You, plural) Sefro (He) Bisefir (She) Betsefir (We) Mensefir (They) Sefro Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سيفير (I) سيفير (You) (m) سيفيري (You) (f) سيفيرو (You, plural) بيسيفير (He)...

“Travels” (third-person) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Travels" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Bisefir (f) Betsefir Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيسافير (m) بتسافير (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He travels most by train." Bisefir 2aktar bel train....

“10 seconds” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "10 seconds" is written using the Latin script as: 3ashra sawene Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عاشرا ساويني Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "There's 10 seconds to go." Fi 3ashra sawene. .في عاشرا ساويني   "There's 10 seconds left in the game."...

“Restaurant”, “Restaurants” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, “Restaurant” (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Mat3am Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مطعم In Lebanese Arabic, “Restaurants” (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Mata3em Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  مطاعم Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or...

“Dried” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Dried" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Nashafet (You) (m) Nashafet (You) (f) Nashafte (You, plural) Nashafto (He) Nashaf (She) Nashafit (We) Nashafna (They) Nashafo Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ناشافت (I) ناشافت (m) (You) ناشافتي (f) (You) ناشافتو (You, plural) ناشاف (He)...

“Dry” (future) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Dry" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Nashif (You) (m) Nashif (You) (f) Nashfe (You, plural) Nashfo (He) Binashif (She) Betnashif (We) Menashif (They) Binashfo Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ناشيف (I) ناشيف (m) (You) ناشيفي (f) (You) ناشفو (You, plural) بيناشيف (He)...

“Drying” (present) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Drying" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3ambnashif (You) (m) 3ambetnashif (You) (f) 3ambetnashfe (You, plural) 3ambetnashfo (He) 3ambinashif (She) 3ambetnashif (We) 3amenashif (They) 3ambinashfo Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عامبناشيف (I) عامبتناشيف (m) (You) عامناشيفي (f) (You) عامبتناشفو (You, plural) عامبيناشيف...

“Dries” (third-person) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Dries" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Binashif (f) Betnashif Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيناشيف (m) بيتناشيف (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This washing machine dries clothes quickly." Haydal ghesele binashif...

“Installation”, “Installations” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Installation" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Tesbit Using the Arabic script, it is written as: تثبيت In Lebanese Arabic, "Installations" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Tesbitet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: تثبيتات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in...

“Ahead” (higher) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Ahead" (as in one party having a higher score than another) is written using the Latin script as: Sebi2 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سابيق Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My team is ahead." Fari2e sebi2. .فاريقي سابيق   "Your team is...

“New Year’s Eve” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "New Year's Eve" is written using the Latin script as: Ras 2al sene Using the Arabic script, it is written as: راس ألسيني Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's New Year's Eve." Hala2 ras 2al sene. .حالاق راس ألسيني   "Tomorrow is New Year's Eve." Bukra...

“Smell” (future) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Smell" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Shem (You) (m) Shem (You) (f) Sheme (You, plural) Shemo (He) Bishem (She) Betshem (We) Menshem (They) Bishemo Using the Arabic script, it is written as: شم (I) شم (You) (m) شمي (You) (f) شمو (You, plural) بشم...

“Smelling” (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Smelling" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3ambshem (You) (m) 3ambetshem (You) (f) 3ambetsheme (You, plural) 3ambetshemo (He) 3ambishem (She) 3ambetshem (We) 3amenshem (They) 3ambishemo Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عمبشم (I) عمبتشم (You) (m) عمبتشمي (You) (f) عمبتشمو (You, plural) عمبيشم (He) عمبتشم (She) عمنشم...

“Smelled” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Smelled" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Shemet (You) (m) Shemet (You) (f) Shemte (You, plural) Shemto (He) Sham (She) Shamit (We) Shemna (They) Shemo Using the Arabic script, it is written as: شمت (I) شمت (You) (m) شمتي (You) (f) شمتو (You, plural) شام...

“Smells” (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

n Lebanese Arabic, "Smells" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Bishem (f) Betshem Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيشم (m) بيتشم (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This meal smells great!" Haydal 2akel bishem ra23a! !هيدل أكل بيشم راقعا  ...

“Tenth” (10th) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Tenth" (10th) is written using the Latin script as: 3ashar Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عاشار Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's my boy's tenth birthday on Saturday." 3id miled 3ashar taba3 2ebne nhar 2al sabet. .عيد ميباد عاشار تبع أبني نحار...

“Ninth” (9th) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Ninth" (9th) is written using the Latin script as: Tesi3 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: تاسيع Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I work on the ninth floor." Beshteghil bel tabe tesi3. .بشتغيل بلتابي تاسيع   "This is my ninth time in this...

“Ahead” (early) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Ahead" (as in something occurring earlier than planned) is written using the Latin script as: 2abkar Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أبكار Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The meeting is ahead of schedule." 2al 2ejtime3 rah yikhlas 2abkar men 2al wa2et 2al...

“Faucet”, “Faucets” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Faucet" is written using the Latin script as: (f) Sabbela Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سبّالة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Faucets" is written using the Latin script as: (f) Sbebel Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سبابل (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences...

“Run” (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Run" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 2erkod (You) (m) 2erkod (You) (f) 2erkede (You, plural) 2erkedo (He) Byerekod (She) Bterkod (We) Mnerkod (They) Byerekdo Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أركود (I) أركود (You) (m) أركدي (You) (f) أركدو (You, plural) بيركود (He) بتركود (She)  منركود (We)...

“Running” (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Running" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3amberkod (You) (m) 3ambterkod (You) (f) 3ambterekde (You, plural) 3ambyerekdo (He) 3ambyerkod (She) 3ambterkod (We) 3amnerkod (They) 3ambyerekdo Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عامبركود (I) عامبتركود (You) (m) عامنركود (You) (f) عامبيركدو (You, plural) عامبيركود (He) عامبتيركود (She) عامنيركود...

“Ran” (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Ran" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Rakadet (You) (m) Rakadet (You) (f) Rakadit (You, plural) Rakado (He) Rakad (She) Rakadit (We) Rakadna (They) Rakado Using the Arabic script, it is written as: راكادت (I) راكادت (You) (m) راكادتي (You) (f) راكادتو (You, plural) راكاد (He) راكادتي (She) راكادنا (We)...

“Runs” (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Runs" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Byerkod (f) Bterkod Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيركود (m) بتيركود (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He runs fast!" Byerkod sari3! !بيركود ساريع   "She runs fast!" Bterkod sari3!...

“Ahead” (direction) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Ahead" (as in the direction) is written using the Latin script as: 2edem Using the Arabic script, it is written as: قدام Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements "There is construction ahead." Fi warshe 2edem. .في وارشي قدام   "Look ahead!" (m) Tala2 2edem! (f) Tala3e 2edem!...

“Corrected” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Corrected" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Sahahet (You) (m) Sahahet (You) (f) Sahahete (You, plural) Sahahto (He) Sahah (She) Sahahit (We) Sahahna (They) Sahaho Using the Arabic script, it is written as: صاحاحت (I) صاحاحت (m) (You) صاحاحتي (f) (You) صاحاحتو (You, plural) صاحاح (He)...

“Security alarm”, “Security alarms” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Security alarm" is written using the Latin script as: Alarm Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ألارم In Lebanese Arabic, "Security alarms" is written using the Latin script as: Alarmet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ألارمات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements  ...

“Correct” (future) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Correct" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Sahih (You) (m) Sahih (You) (f) Sahehe (You, plural) Saheho (He) Bisahih (She) Betsahih (We) Mensahih (They) Bisaheho Using the Arabic script, it is written as: صحيح (I) صحيح (m) (You) صحيحي (f) (You) صحيحو (You, plural) بصحيح...

“Corrects” (third-person) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Corrects" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Bisahih (f) Betsahih Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيصحيح (m) بتصحيح (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   The teacher corrects the documents with green ink. (m)...

“Correcting” (present) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Correcting" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3ambsahih (You) (m) 3ambetsahih (You) (f) 3ambetsahehe (You, plural) 3ambisaheho (He) 3ambisahih (She) 3ambetsahih (We) 3amensahih (They) 3ambisaheho Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عمبصحيح (I) عمبيتصحيح (m) (You) عمبيتصحيحي (f) (You) عمنصحيح (You, plural) عمبيصحيح...

“Tasted” (past) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Tasted" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) De2et (You) (m) De2et (You) (f) De2te (You, plural) De2to (He) De2 (She) De2it (We) De2na (They) De2o Using the Arabic script, it is written as: دقت (I) دقت (You) (m) دقتي (You) (f) دقتو (You, plural) داق (He)...

“Tasting” (present) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Tasting" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3ambdou2 (You) (m) 3ambetdou2 (You) (f) 3ambetdou2e (You, plural) 3amendou2 (He) 3ambidou2 (She) 3ambetdou2 (We) 3amendou2 (They) 3ambidou2o Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عمبدوق (I) عمبتدوق (You) (m) عمبتدوقي (You) (f) عمبتدوقو (You, plural) عمبيدوق (He)...

“Tastes” (third-person) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Tastes" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Bidou2 (f) Betdou2 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيدوق (m) بيتدوق (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The Chef tastes every meal he cooks." 2al chef...

“Taste” (future) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Taste" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) De2et (You) (m) Dou2 (You) (f) Dou2e (You, plural) Dou2o (He) Bidou2 (She) Betdou2 (We) Mendou2 (They) Bidou2o Using the Arabic script, it is written as: دوق (I) دوق (You) (m) دوقي (You) (f) دوقو (You, plural) بيدوق (He)...

“Somewhere” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Somewhere" is written using the Latin script as: Shi mahal Using the Arabic script, it is written as: شي ماحال Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Let’s go somewhere quiet." Khalina nrouh shi mahal mafi sot. .خلينا نروح شي ماحال مفي صوت   "I left my keys...

“Slept” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Slept" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Nemet (You) (m) Nemet (You) (f) Nemte (You, plural) Nemto (He) Nem (She) Nemit (We) Nemna (They) Nemo Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نمت (I) نمت (You) (m) نمتي (You) (f) نمتو (You, plural) نام...

“Sleep” (future) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Sleep" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Nem (You) (m) Nem (You) (f) Neme (You, plural) Nemo (He) Nem (She) Neme (We) Nem (They) Nemo Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نام (I) نام (You) (m) نامي (You) (f) نامو (You, plural) نام...

“Sleeping” (present) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Sleeping" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3ambnem (You) (m) 3ambetnem (You) (f) 3ambetneme (You, plural) 3ambetnemo (He) 3ambinem (She) 3ambetnem (We) 3amenem (They) 3ambinemo Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عمبنام (I) عامبنام (You) (m) عامبتنام (You) (f) عامبتنامو (You, plural) عامبينام...

“Sleeps” (third-person) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Sleeps" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Binem (f) Betnem Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بينام (m)  بيتنام (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements "My father sleeps five hours per night." Baye binem khams...

“Dozen eggs” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Dozen eggs" is written using the Latin script as: 2etna3shar beda2 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أتناعشار بضاق Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "A dozen eggs." 2etna3shar beda2. .أتناعشار بضاق   "Two dozen eggs." 2etnen 2etna3shar beda2. .أتنان أتناعشار بضاق   "Three dozen eggs."...

“Ate” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Ate" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 2akalet (You) (m) 2akalet (You) (f) 2akalte (You, plural) 2akalto (He) 2akal (She) 2akalit (We) 2akalna (They) 2akalo Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أكالت (I) أكالت (You) (m) أكالتي (You) (f) أكالتو (You, plural) أكال...

“Eat” (future) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Eat" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Bekol (You) (m) Kol (You) (f) Kele (You, plural) Kelo (He) Byekol (She) Btekol (We) Mnekol (They) Byeklo Using the Arabic script, it is written as: باكول (I) كول (You) (m) كلي (You) (f) كلو (You, plural) بياكول...

“Eating” (present) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Eating" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3ambekol (You) (m) 3ambtekol (You) (f) 3ambtekle (You, plural) 3ambyeklo (He) 3ambtekol (She) 3ambtekle (We) 3amnekol (They) 3ambyeklo Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عامباكول (I) عامبتاكول (You) (m) عامبتاكلي (You) (f) عامبتاكلو (You, plural) عامببياكول...

“Eats” (third-person) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Eats" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Byekol (f) Btekol Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بياكول (m) بتاكول (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He eats a lot." Huwe byekol ktir. .هو بياكول...

“Dont worry about it” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Dont worry about it" (the common phrase to encourage someone to not worry about a real or imagined occurrence) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Ma ta3tal ham (f) Ma ta3tale ham Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ما تاعتاللا هام (m) ما تاعتاللي هام (f) Listen to these...

“Meet” (future) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Meet" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 2etle2a (You) (m) 2etle2a (You) (f) 2etle2e (You, plural) 2etle2o (He) Byetle2a (She) Btetle2a (We) Netle2a (They) 2elta2o Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أتليقا (I) أتليقا (m) (You) أتليقي (f) (You) أتليقو (You, plural) بيتليقا...

“Meeting” (present) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Meeting" (the verb, in the present form) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3amb2etle2a (You) (m) 3ambtetle2a (You) (f) 3ambtetle2e (You, plural) 3ambtetle2o (He) 3ambyetle2 (She) 3ambtetle2 (We) 3amnetle2a (They) 3ambyetle2o Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عمبقتليقا (I) عمبتتليقا (m) (You) عمبتتليقي (f) (You) عمبتتليقو (You, plural) عمبيتليق...

“Meets” (third-person) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Meets" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Byitle2a (f) Btetle2a Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيتليقا (m) بتتليقا (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He meets with his mother every weekend." Huwe byetle2a...

“Met” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Met" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 2elta2et (You) (m) 2elta2et (You) (f) 2elta2te (You, plural) 2elta2to (He) 2elta2a (She) 2elta2it (We) 2elta2na (They) 2elta2o Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ألتاقيت (I) ألتاقيت (You) (m) ألتاقتي (You) (f) ألتاقتو (You, plural) ألتاقا (He)...

“Paying” (present) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Paying" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3ambetfa3 (You) (m) 3ambtetfa3 (You) (f) 3ambtetfa3e (You, plural) 3ambyetfa3o (He) 3ambyetfa3 (She) 3ambtetfa3 (We) 3amnetfa3 (They) 3ambyetfa3o Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عمبتفاع (I) عمبتتفاع (You) (m) عمبتتفاعي (You) (f) عمبيتفاعو (You, plural) عمبيتتفاع...

“Paid” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Paid" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Dafa3et (You) (m) Dafa3et (You) (f) Dafa3te (You, plural) Dafa3o (He) Dafa3 (She) Dafa3it (We) Dafa3na (They) Dafa3o Using the Arabic script, it is written as: دفاعت (I) دفاعت (You) (m) دفاعتي (You) (f) دفاعتو (You, plural) دفاع (He)...

“Pay” (future) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Pay" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Bedfa3 (You) (m) 2edfa3 (You) (f) 2edfa3e (You, plural) 2edfa3o (He) Byidfa3 (She) Btedfa3 (We) Mnedfa3 (They) Byidfa3o Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بدفاع (I) أدفاع (You) (m) أدفاعي (You) (f) أدفاعو (You, plural) بيدفاع...

“Pays” (third-person) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Pays" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Byidfa3 (f) Btedfa3 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيدفاع (m) بتدفاع (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My friend pays often." (m) Sahbe byidfa3 2aktar shi....

“Alone” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Alone" is written using the Latin script as: La hal Using the Arabic script, it is written as: لاحال Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm alone." 2ana lahale. .أنا لحالي   "Are you alone?" (m) 2enta lahalak? (f) 2ente lahalik? أنتا لحالك؟ (m) أنتي لحاليك؟ (f)...

“It’s not important” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "It's not important" (the common phrase to indicate that a particular occurrence is not of high importance) is written using the Latin script as: Mesh mhem Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مش مهم Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)  

“Live” (residing) (future) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Live" (the verb, in the context of residing somewhere, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) B3ish (You) (m) 3ish (You) (f) 3ishe (You, plural) 3isho (He) Bi3ish (She) Bet3ish (We) Men3ish (They) Bi3isho Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بعيش (I) عيش (You) (m) عيشي...

“Living” (residing) (present) (verbs) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Living" (the verb, in the context of residing somewhere, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3amb3ish (You) (m) 3ambet3ish (You) (f) 3ambet3ishe (You, plural) 3ambet3isho (He) 3ambi3ish (She) 3ambtet3ish (We) 3amen3ish (They) 3ambi3isho Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عمبعيش (I) عمبتعيش (You) (m) عمبتعيشي...

“Lives” (residing) (third-person) (verbs) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Lives" (the verb, in the context of residing somewhere, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Bi3ish (f) Bet3ish Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيعيش (m) بيتعيش (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "She lives on the...

“Lived” (residing) (past) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Lived" (the verb, in the context of residing somewhere, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3eshet (You) (m) 3eshet (You) (f) 3eshte (You, plural) 3eshto (He) 3esh (She) 3eshit (We) 3eshna (They) 3esho Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عشت (I) عشت (You) (m) عشتي...

“Driving” (present) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Driving" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3ambsou2 (You) (m) 3ambetsou2 (You) (f) 3ambetsou2e (You, plural) 3ambetsou2o (He) 3ambisou2 (She) 3ambetsou2 (We) 3amensou2 (They) 3ambisou2o Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عمبيسوق (I) عمبتيسوق (You) (m) عمبتيسوقي (You) (f) عمبتيسوقو (You, plural) عمبيسوق...

“Drive” (future) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Drive" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Bsou2 (You) (m) Sou2 (You) (f) Sou2e (You, plural) Sou2o (He) Bisou2 (She) Betsou2 (We) Mensou2 (They) Bisou2o Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بسوق (I) سوق (You) (m) سوقي (You) (f) سوقو (You, plural) بيسوق (He) بتسوق (She)  منسوق...

“Playing card”, “Playing cards” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Playing card" is written using the Latin script as: Ware2 la3eb Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ورق لعب In Lebanese Arabic, "Playing cards" is written using the Latin script as: 2awra2 la3eb Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أورق لعب Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)  ...

“Mosquito”, “Mosquitos” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Mosquito" is written using the Latin script as: Mosquito Using the Arabic script, it is written as: موسكيتو In Lebanese Arabic, "Mosquitos" is written using the Latin script as: Mosquitoyet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: موسكيتويات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements  ...

“Drives” (third-person) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Drives" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Bisou2 (f) Betsou2 بيسوق (m) بيتسوق (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He drives a green four-door sedan." Bisou2 sedan akhdar ma3 2arb3a bweb. .بيسوق سدان أخدار ماعأربعا بواب...

“Drove” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Drove" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Se2et (You) (m) Se2et (You) (f) Se2te (You, plural) Se2to (He) Se2 (She) Se2it (We) Se2na (They) Se2o Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سقت (I) سقت (You) (m) سقتي (You) (f) سقتو (You, plural) ساق...

“How is…?” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "How is…?" is written using the Latin script as: Kif...? Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كيف...؟ Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "How is the new phone?" Kif 2al telephone jdid? كيف ألتلفون جديد؟   "How is your meal?" (m) Kif 2aklak? (f)...

“Syria” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Syria" is written using the Latin script as: Souriya Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سوريا Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He's from Syria." Huwe men Souriya. .هو من سوريا   "I've been to Syria before." Rayih 3a Souriya men 2abel. .رايح عا...

“Triangle”, “Triangles” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Triangle" (the noun, as in the shape) is written using the Latin script as: Muthalath Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مثلث In Lebanese Arabic, "Triangles" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Muthalathet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مثلثات Listen to these two words pronounced...

“Swam” (past) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Swam" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Sabehet (You) (m) Sabehet (You) (f) Sabahte (You, plural) Sabahto (He) Sabah (She) Sabahit (We) Sabahna (They) Sabaho Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سبحت (I) سبحت (You) (m) سبحتي (You) (f) سبحتو (You, plural) سبح...

“Swimming” (present) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Swimming" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3ambesbah (You) (m) 3ambtesbah (You) (f) 3ambtesbahe (You, plural) 3ambyisbaho (He) 3ambyisbah (She) 3ambtesbah (We) 3amnesbah (They) 3ambyisbaho Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عمبسبح (I) عمبتسبح (You) (m) عمبتسبحي (You) (f) عمبتسبحو (You, plural) عمبيسبح...

“Rectangle”, “Rectangles” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Rectangle" (the noun, as in the shape) is written using the Latin script as: Mustatil Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مستطيل In Lebanese Arabic, "Rectangles" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Mustatilat Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مستطيلات Listen to these two words pronounced...

“Square”, “Squares” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Square" (the noun, as in the shape) is written using the Latin script as: Mraba3 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مربع In Lebanese Arabic, "Squares" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Mraba3at Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مربعات Listen to these two words pronounced...

“Swims” (third-person) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Swims" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Byisbah (f) Btesbah Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيسبح (m) بتسبح (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He swims 2 kilometres every morning." Byisbah kilometren kel...

“Object”, “Objects” (nouns) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Object" (the noun, as in a physical item) is written using the Latin script as: Ghrad Using the Arabic script, it is written as: غراض In Lebanese Arabic, "Objects" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: 2aghrad Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أغراض Listen to these two words...

“Thing”, “Things” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Thing" is written using the Latin script as: Shi Using the Arabic script, it is written as: شي In Lebanese Arabic, "Things" is written using the Latin script as: 2eshya Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أشيا Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What...

“Canada” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Canada" is written using the Latin script as: Canada Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كاندا Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements    "I want to visit Canada." Bade rouh 3a Canada. .بدي روح عا كاندا   "I have some family members that live in Montreal,...

“England” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "England" (the country) is written using the Latin script as: England Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أنغلند Listen to this country pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I've been to England." Rayih 3a England. .رايح عا أنغلند   "I lived in England for three years." 3eshet bi...

“United States of America” (US) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "United States of America" is written using the Latin script as: Amerca Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أمركا Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "They are from the US." Hene men Amerca. .هنا من أمركا   "This computer was built in the US." Haydal...

“Swim” (future) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Swim" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Besbah (You) (m) 2esbah (You) (f) 2esbahe (You, plural) 2esbaho (He) Byisbah (She) Btesbah (We) Mnesbah (They) Byisbaho Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بسبح (I) أسبح (You) (m) أسبحي (You) (f) أسبحو (You, plural) بيسبح...

“Closed” (past) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Closed" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Sakaret (You) (m) Sakaret (You) (f) Sakarte (You, plural) Sakarto (He) Sakar (She) Sakarit (We) Sakarna (They) Sakaro Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سكرت (I) سكرت (You) (m) سكرتي (You) (f) سكرتو (You, plural) سكر...

“Closing” (present) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Closing" (the verb, in the present form) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3ambsakir (You) (m) 3ambetsakir (You) (f) 3ambetsakre (You, plural) 3ambetsakro (He) 3ambisakir (She) 3ambetsakir (We) 3amensakir (They) 3ambisakro Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عمبسكير (I) عمبتسكير (You) (m) عمبيتسكري (You) (f) عمبيتسكرو (You, plural) عمبيسكير...

“Sailboat”, “Sailboats” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Sailboat" is written using the Latin script as: Markab shre3i Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مركب شراعي In Lebanese Arabic, "Sailboats" is written using the Latin script as: Marakib shre3i Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مراكب شراعي Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in...

“Close” (future) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Close" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Bsakir (You) (m) Sakir (You) (f) Sakre (You, plural) Sakro (He) Bisakir (She) Betsakir (We) Mensakir (They) Bisakro Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بسكير (I) سكير (You) (m) سكري (You) (f) سكرو (You, plural) بسكير...

“Closes” (third-person) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Closes" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Bisakir (f) Betsakir Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيسكير (m) بتسكير (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My sister closes the café every night this week." 2ekhte...

“Where are…?” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Where are...?" is written using the Latin script as: Wen...? Using the Arabic script, it is written as: وان...؟ Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Where are the spoons?" Wen 2al male3i2? وان ألمالاعيق؟   "Where are you?" (m) Waynak? (f) Waynik? وايناك؟ (m) واينيك؟...

“Opened” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Opened" (the verb, in the past participle) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Fatahet (You) (m) Fatahet (You) (f) Fatahte (You, plural) Fatahto (He) Fatah (She) Fatahit (We) Fatahna (They) Fataho Using the Arabic script, it is written as: فتحت (I) فتحت (You) (m) فتحتي (You) (f) فتحتو (You, plural) فتح (He)...

“Open” (future) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Open" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Fatahet (You) (m) Ftah (You) (f) Ftahe (You, plural) Ftaho (He) Yiftah (She) Teftah (We) Fatahna (They) Fataho Using the Arabic script, it is written as: فتحت (I) فتاح (You) (m) فتاحي (You) (f) فتحو (You, plural) يفتح...

“Opening” (present) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Opening" (the verb, in the present form) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3ambeftah (You) (m) 3ambteftah (You) (f) 3ambteftahe (You, plural) 3ambteftaho (He) 3ambyeftah (She) 3ambteftah (We) 3amneftah (They) 3ambyeftaho Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عمبفتح (I) عمبتفتح (You) (m) عمبتفتحي (You) (f) عمبتفتحو (You, plural) عمبيفتح...

“Opens” (third-person) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Opens" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Byiftah (f) Bteftah Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيفتح (m)  بتفتح (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The store opens at 11am." 2al mahal byiftah se3a...

“Goes” (third-person) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Goes" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Yirouh (f) Trouh Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يروح (m)  تروح (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My mother goes to her sister's every Saturday." 2eme...

“Go” (future) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Go" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Rehet (You) (m) Rouh (You) (f) Rouhe (You, plural) Rouho (He) Rah (She) Rahit (We) Rehna (They) Raho Using the Arabic script, it is written as: رحت (I) روح (You) (m)  روحي (You) (f) روحو (You, plural) راح...

“Going” (present) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Going" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3ambrouh (You) (m) 3ambetrouh (You) (f) 3ambetrouhe (You, plural) 3ambetrouho (He) 3ambirouh (She) 3ambetrouh (We) 3amenrouh (They) 3ambirouho Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عمبروح (I) عمبتروح (You) (m) عمبتروحي (You) (f) عمبتروحو (You, plural) عمبيروح...

“Went” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Went" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Rehet (You) (m) Rehet (You) (f) Rehte (You, plural) Rehto (He) Rah (She) Rahit (We) Rehna (They) Raho Using the Arabic script, it is written as: رحت (I) رحت (You) (m) رحتي (You) (f) رحتو (You, plural) راح (He)...

“You all” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "You all" is written using the Latin script as: 2ento kelkon Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أنتو كلكون Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Where do you all want to sit?" 2ento kelkon wen rah te2e3do? أنتو كلكون وان راحتقعدو؟   "Where are...

“Two minutes” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Two minutes" is written using the Latin script as: Di2ten Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ديقتين Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll be back in two minutes." Rah 2erja3 bi di2ten. .راح قرجاع بيديقتين   "Your order will be ready in two...

“Egg”, “Eggs” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Egg" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Bayda Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيدا In Lebanese Arabic, "Eggs" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Bayd Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيد Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in...

“You two” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "You two" is written using the Latin script as: 2ento naynetkon Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أنتو نيناتكون Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "You two are wonderful!" 2ento naynetknon 3azim! !أنتو نيناتكون عازيم   "You two are smart!" 2ento naynetknon zake! !أنتو...
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