Words, Terms & Phrases

Step 1: Choose a language/dialect:
Step 2: Select a list:

“Minute”, “Minutes” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Minute" is written as: Dakika In Turkish, "Minutes" is written as: Dakikalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Your food will be ready in about 15 minutes." Yaklaşık 15 dakika sonra yemeğiniz hazır olacak.   "I'll be back in 10 minutes." 10 dakika sonra döneceğim.   "I'll arrive...

“Welcome” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Welcome" is written as: Hoş geldiniz Listen to this greeting pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Welcome to our restaurant." Restoranımıza hoş geldiniz.   "Welcome to our home." Evimize hoş geldiniz.   "We welcome you." Sizi ağırlamak isteriz.   "You're welcome here anytime." Ne zaman isterseniz buraya gelebilirsiniz.   "You're always...

“You’re welcome” in Turkish

In Turkish, "You're welcome" is written as: Rica ederim Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “You’re welcome” in Egyptian Arabic “You’re welcome” in Lebanese Arabic “You’re welcome” in Tunisian Arabic  

“Receipt”, “Receipts” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Receipt" is written as: Makbuz In Turkish, "Receipts" is written as: Makbuzlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Here is the receipt." İşte makbuz.   "Can I get a receipt?" Makbuz alabilir miyim?   "I collected four receipts today." Bugün dört makbuz topladım.   "I'm going to file...

“Do you understand?” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Do you understand?" is written as: Anlıyor musun?   (Editor’s note: In Turkish, Anlıyor musun? is the most direct translation to the English phrase, "Do you understand?" However, what is most commonly spoken in reference to this type of question is Anladın mı?, which means Did you understand? (the principal phrase in the past...

“I don’t understand” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I don't understand" is written as: Anlamıyorum (Editor’s note: In Turkish, Anlamıyorum is the most direct translation to the English phrase, I don't understand. However, what is most commonly spoken in reference to this type of expression is Anlamadım, which means I didn't understand. (Anlamıyorum in the past participle) Listen to this word pronounced...

“Five” (5) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Five" (5) is written as: Beş Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm off work at 5pm. Akşam 5'te işten çıkıyorum.   "I'll see you at 5pm." Akşam 5'te görüşürüz.   "I'll pick the kids up from swimming lessons at 5pm." Çocukları saat beşte yüzme derslerinden alacağım....

“Four” (4) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Four" (4) is written as: Dört Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you want to meet at 4pm?" Öğleden sonra 4'te buluşmak ister misin?   "Can we have a table for four, please?" Dört kişilik bir masa alabilir miyiz, lütfen?   "Four coffees, please." Dört kahve,...

“Three” (3) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Three" (3) is written as: Üç Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "How much for these three items?" Bu üç ürün ne kadar?   "There are three oranges left in the fridge." Buzdolabında üç portakal kaldı.   "There are three water bottles left." Üç su şişesi kaldı....

“Two” (2) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Two" (2) is written as: İki Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Two coffees, please." İki kahve, lütfen.   "Can we have two more towels, please?" İki havlu daha alabilir miyiz, lütfen?   "I brought two pairs of jeans." İki çift kot getirdim.   "Can we have...

“One” (1) in Turkish

In Turkish, "One" (1) is written as: Bir Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "One more, please." Bir tane daha, lütfen.   "Can I have one more?" Bir tane daha alabilir miyim?   "Can I have one coffee with sugar?" Şekerli bir kahve alabilir miyim?   "One set of...

“How much?” in Turkish

In Turkish, "How much?" is written as: Ne kadar? Listen to this question pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "How much is it?" Ne kadar?   "How much for the apples?" Elmalar ne kadar?   "How much to rent a car for 10 days?" 10 günlük araba kirası ne kadar?   "How much...

“Evening”, “Evenings” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Evening" is written as: Akşam In Turkish, "Evenings" is written as: Akşamlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Good evening." İyi akşamlar.   "How much to rent a room for two evenings?" İki akşam için bir oda kirası ne kadar?   "Have a good evening." İyi...

“Night”, “Nighttime”, “Nights” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Night" is written as: Gece In Turkish, "Nighttime" is written as: Gece In Turkish, "Nights" is written as: Geceler Listen to these three words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's nighttime." Gece.   "The moon has been clear for several nights this week." Ay, bu hafta birkaç gece boyunca berraktı.   "What a...

“Day”, “Daytime”, “Days” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Day" is written as: Gün In Turkish, "Daytime" is written as: Gündüz In Turkish, "Days" is written as: Günler Listen to these three words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's daytime." Gündüz.   "My birthday is in five days!" Doğum günüm beş gün sonra!   "What day is it?" Bugün günlerden ne?  ...

“Beach”, “Beaches” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Beach" is written as: Plaj In Turkish, "Beaches" is written as: Plajlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you want to go to the beach?"  Plaja gitmek ister misin?   "We're at the beach." Plajdayız.   "We've been at the beach for two hours." İki saattir sahildeyiz....

“Sunny” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sunny" (the adjective) is written as: Güneşli Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's sunny out." Dışarısı güneşli.   "It's so sunny out!" Dışarısı çok güneşli!   "It's supposed to be sunny this afternoon." Bu öğleden sonra havanın güneşli olması gerekiyordu.   "It's supposed to be sunny...

“Cat”, “Cats” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Cat" (the noun, as in the animal) is written as: Kedi In Turkish, "Cats" (the noun) is written as: Kediler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That is a cat." O bir kedi.   "I like cats." Kedileri severim.   "There are many cats in this...

“Sun” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sun" (the noun) is written as: Güneş Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The sun is out." Güneş doğdu.   "The sun just came out." Güneş daha yeni doğdu.   "The sun is hot today!" Güneş bugün çok sıcak!   "The sun is rising." Güneş doğuyor.  ...

“I” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I" is written as: Ben Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I am good. Thanks." Ben iyiyim. Teşekkürler.   "I am ready now." Ben şimdi hazırım.   "I am ready to leave." Ben gitmeye hazırım.   "I will be ready in 10 minutes." Ben 10 dakika içinde...

“Today” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Today" is written as: Bugün Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Today is Monday." Bugün pazartesi.   "Today is May 29." Bugün 29 Mayıs.   "I arrive today!" Bugün varıyorum!   "We are going to go to an archaeological site today." Bugün arkeolojik bir alana gideceğiz.  ...

“Yesterday” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Yesterday" is written as: Dün Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I arrived yesterday." Dün vardım.   "It was hot yesterday." Dün sıcaktı.   "Yesterday was fun!" Dün eğlenceliydi!   "That was a good trip yesterday." Dün güzel bir geziydi.   "I finished reading this book yesterday."...

“Straight” (direction) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Straight" (the direction) is written as: Düz Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Go straight." Düz gidin.   "Keep going straight." Düz devam edin.   "It's straight ahead." Tam karşınızda.   "The beach is straight ahead two kilometres." Sahil 2 km ileride.   "The GPS says to...

“Tea”, “Teas” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Tea" is written as: Çay In Turkish, "Teas" is written as: Çaylar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like Turkish tea." Ben Türk çayı severim.   "Can I have a tea?" Bir çay alabilir miyim?   "Can I have a tea with sugar?" Şekerli bir çay...

“Coffee”, “Coffees” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Coffee" is written as: Kahve In Turkish, "Coffees" is written as: Kahveler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like Turkish coffee." Türk kahvesi severim.   "Can I have a coffee, please?" Bir kahve alabilir miyim, lütfen?   "Can I have a coffee without sugar?" Şekersiz bir kahve...

“Can I have a coffee?” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Can I have a coffee?" is written as: Bir kahve alabilir miyim? Listen to this question pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Can I have coffee?” in Egyptian Arabic “Can I have a coffee?” in Lebanese Arabic “Can I have a coffee?” in Greek  

“Can I have a tea?” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Can I have a tea?" is written as: Bir çay alabilir miyim? Listen to this request pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Can I have a tea?” in Lebanese Arabic “Can I have a tea?” in Tunisian Arabic “Can I have a tea?” in Spanish  

“Sugar” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sugar" is written as: Şeker Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I have a coffee with sugar?" Şekerli bir kahve alabilir miyim?   "Can I have a tea with sugar?" Şekerli bir çay alabilir miyim?   "Can I have a tea without sugar?" Şekersiz bir çay...

“Glass cup”, “Glass cups” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Glass cup" is written as: Cam bardak In Turkish, "Glass cups" is written as: Cam bardaklar Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "A glass cup, please." Bir cam bardak, lütfen.   "This is a glass cup." Bu bir cam bardak.   "Can I have a tea...

“Paper cup”, “Paper cups” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Paper cup" is written as: Karton bardak In Turkish, "Paper cups" is written as: Karton bardaklar Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I get a tea in a paper cup?" Karton bardakta bir çay alabilir miyim?   "A paper cup, please." Bir karton bardak, lütfen....

“One more” in Turkish

In Turkish, "One more" is written as: Bir tane daha Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "One more, please." Bir tane daha, lütfen.   "One more tea, please." Bir çay daha, lütfen.   "Can I have one more?" Bir tane daha alabilir miyim?   "Can I have one more...

“Another one” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Another one" is written as: Bir tane daha (Editor's note: In Turkish, a less common, but used phrase that also means Another one is Başka bir tane daha. In Turkish, Başka means Another.) Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Another one, please." Bir tane daha, lütfen.  ...

“I’ll be back” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I'll be back" is written as: Geri döneceğim Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll be back in 10 minutes." 10 dakika içinde döneceğim.   "I'll be back in a moment." Birazdan döneceğim.   "I'll be back soon." Yakında döneceğim.   "I'll be back later." Sonra döneceğim....

“Blue” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Blue" is written as: Mavi Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The sea is blue." Deniz mavidir.   "That bird is blue." O kuş mavi.   "Those birds are blue." O kuşlar mavi.   "I like the colour blue." Mavi rengi severim.   "That colour is blue."...

“Red” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Red" is written as: Kırmızı Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That is a red scarf." O kırmızı bir şal.   "That is a red car." O kırmızı bir araba.   "A stop sign is red." Dur işareti kırmızıdır.   "A stop light is red." Dur lambası...

“Black” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Black" (the colour) is written as: Siyah Listen to this colour pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Those birds are black." O kuşlar siyah.   "I like wearing black and blue." Siyah ve mavi giymeyi seviyorum.   "I bought these new black shoes." Bu yeni siyah ayakkabıları aldım.   "Nice new...

“White” in Turkish

In Turkish, "White" (the colour) is written as: Beyaz Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can you please pass me the white vase?" Lütfen bana beyaz vazoyu uzatır mısın?   "Can you please pass me the white plate?" Lütfen bana beyaz tabağı uzatır mısın?   "Those are white flowers."...

“Green” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Green" is written as: Yeşil Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The leaves are green." Yapraklar yeşildir.   "Look at the green turtle!" Yeşil kaplumbağaya bak!   "This room has a lot of beautiful green plants." Bu odada bir sürü güzel yeşil bitki var.   "I like...

“Brown” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Brown" is written as: Kahverengi Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like your brown shoes." Kahverengi ayakkabılarını beğendim.   "That is a brown briefcase." O kahverengi bir evrak çantası.   "Tree trunks are usually brown." Ağaç gövdeleri genellikle kahverengidir.   "I like this shade of brown."...

“Grey” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Grey" is written as: Gri Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The sky is grey." Gökyüzü gri.   "The sky is a nice shade of grey." Gökyüzü grinin güzel bir tonu.   "She is wearing a grey hijab." O gri bir başörtüsü takıyor.   "How do you...

“Dog”, “Dogs” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Dog" (the noun) is written as: Köpek In Turkish, "Dogs" (the noun) is written as: Köpekler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like dogs!" Köpekleri seviyorum!   "I like your dog." Köpeğinizi seviyorum.   "What is your dog's name?" Köpeğinizin adı ne?   "How old is your...

“Can I have…?” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Can I have...?" is written as: Alabilir miyim? Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I have a coffee without sugar, please?" Şekersiz bir kahve alabilir miyim, lütfen?   "Can I have a sandwich?" Bir sandviç alabilir miyim?   "Can I have a case of six large...

“Please” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Please" is written as: Lütfen Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I have a tea, please?" Bir çay alabilir miyim, lütfen?   "Can I have a tea without sugar, please." Şekersiz bir çay alabilir miyim, lütfen?   "Two bags, please." İki çanta, lütfen.   "Can you...

“No” in Turkish

In Turkish, "No" is written as: Hayır (Editor's note: In Turkish, depending on the statement, the word Yok or the suffixes -sız or -siz will be added to communicate this expression.) Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "No sugar." Şekersiz.   "No dessert this time." Bu sefer tatlı yok.  ...

“Turn right” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Turn right" is written as: Sağa dönün Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Turn right, please." Sağa dönün, lütfen.   "Turn right at the next street." Bir sonraki caddeden sağa dönün.   "Turn right and then it's okay to stop." Sağa dönün ve sonrasında durabilirsiniz.   "Turn...

“Turn left” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Turn left" is written as: Sola dönün Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Turn left, please." Sola dönün, lütfen.   "Turn left. Thanks." Sola dönün. Teşekkürler.   "Turn left here." Buradan sola dönün.   "Turn left at the next street." Bir sonraki caddeden sola dönün.   "Turn...

“Right” (direction) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Right" (the direction) is written as: Sağ Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Go right." Sağa gidin.   "Turn right." Sağa dönün.   "The clerk on the right can assist you." Sağdaki katip size yardımcı olabilir.   "Turn right at the next set of lights." Bir sonraki...

“Left” (direction) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Left" (the direction) is written as: Sol Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Left is that way." Sol bu tarafta.   "Is it left or right?" Sağ mı, sol mu?   "The GPS says to go left." Navigasyon sola gidin, diyor.   "It's the door on the...

“Stop here” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Stop here" is written as: Burada durun Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Stop here, please." Burada durun, lütfen.   "Stop here. Thanks." Burada durun. Teşekkürler.   "It's okay to stop here." Burada durabilirsiniz.   "Can you stop here?" Burada durabilir misin?   "Stop here. I'll be...

“Go straight” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Go straight" is written as: Düz gidin Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Go straight, please." Düz gidin, lütfen.   "Go straight, then turn the right, please." Düz gidin, sonra sağa dönün, lütfen.   "Go straight, then turn left." Düz git, sonra sola dön.   "Go straight...

“Now” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Now" is written as: Şimdi   (Editor's note: In Turkish, to describe the present moment in a general situation, the word Şimdi is used. When circumstances change that cause the present moment to arise (e.g., a new decision is made), the word commonly used to denote the present moment is Artık.)   Listen to...

“Tomorrow” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Tomorrow" is written as: Yarın Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll see you tomorrow." Yarın görüşürüz.   "Our flight is tomorrow." Uçuşumuz yarın.   "I arrive tomorrow." Yarın varıyorum.   "We arrive tomorrow." Yarın varıyoruz.   "What time do you want to meet tomorrow?" Yarın kaçta...

“Hello again” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Hello again" is written as: Tekrar merhaba Listen to this greeting pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Hello again. Good to see you again." Tekrar merhaba. Seni tekrar görmek güzel.   "Hello again. How are you?" Tekrar merhaba. Nasılsın?   "Hello again. Can I have another coffee?" Tekrar merhaba. Bir kahve...

“I’m good” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I'm good" (the phrase) is written as: İyiyim Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm good, thanks." İyiyim, teşekkürler.   "I'm good. And how are you?" İyiyim. Ya sen nasılsın?   "I'm good to go." Ben hazırım.   "Yes, I'm good. And how are you?" Evet, iyiyim....

“We” in Turkish

In Turkish, "We" is written as: Biz Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We are ready to order." Biz sipariş vermeye hazırız.   "We are ready to leave." Biz gitmeye hazırız.   "We should leave for the airport in 20 minutes." 20 dakika içinde havaalanına gitmeliyiz.   "We will...

“You” in Turkish

In Turkish, "You" (in the singular, and informal form) is written as: Sen In Turkish, "You" (in the singular, and formal form) is written as: Siz In Turkish, "You" (in the plural, and either informal or formal form) is written as: Siz Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "How...

“Thank you” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Thank you" is written as: Teşekkürler   (Editor's note: In Turkish, another common term that means Thank you or Thanks is Teşekkür ederim. In a subtle, and not to a universal degree, Teşekkürler is commonly used in a more formal setting, whereas, Teşekkür ederim is used in a more informal setting. With that said though, both...

“Okay” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Okay" is written as: Tamam Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Okay, that sounds good." Tamam, kulağa hoş geliyor.   "Okay, see you tomorrow." Tamam, yarın görüşürüz.   "Okay, we'll talk soon." Tamam, birazdan konuşuruz.   "Okay, let's go that direction." Tamam, o yöne gidelim.   "Okay,...

“Yes” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Yes" is written as: Evet Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Yes, that sounds good." Evet, kulağa hoş geliyor.   "Yes, a menu would be great. Thanks." Evet, bir menü harika olurdu. Teşekkürler.   "Yes, sugar in the coffee, please." Evet, şekerli bir kahve, lütfen.   "Yes,...

“And how are you?” in Turkish

In Turkish, "And how are you?" is written as: Ya sen nasılsın? Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Related words & phrases in Turkish “Hello” in Turkish “How are you?” in Turkish In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “And how are you?” in Lebanese Arabic “And how are you?” in Tunisian Arabic  

“How are you?” in Turkish

In Turkish, "How are you?" is written as: Nasılsın? Listen to this greeting pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Hello. How are you?" Merhaba. Nasılsın?   "I'm good. And how are you?" Ben iyiyim. Ya sen nasılsın?   "Good morning. How are you?" Günaydın. Nasılsın?   "Good to see you again. How are...

“Goodbye” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Goodbye" is written as: Hoşça kal Listen to this farewell pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Goodbye. See you next week." Hoşça kal. Haftaya görüşürüz.   "Great chatting. Goodbye for now." Harika sohbetti. Şimdilik hoşça kal.   "Goodbye. See you again." Hoşça kal. Tekrar görüşürüz.   "Goodbye. See you again soon."...

“Both” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Both" is written as: İkisi de Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll take both, please." Lütfen, ikisini de alacağım.   "Can I have both, please?" İkisini de alabilir miyim, lütfen?   "Do you want both?" İkisini de istiyor musun?   "Yes, both, please." Evet, ikisi, lütfen....

“Good evening” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Good evening" is written as: İyi akşamlar Listen to this greeting pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Good evening. How are you?" İyi akşamlar. Nasılsın?   "Good evening. I'm good. And how are you?" İyi akşamlar. Ben iyiyim. Peki ya sen nasılsın?   "Good evening. A table for two, please." İyi...

“Good afternoon” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Good afternoon" is written as: İyi günler (Editor's note: In Turkish, the direct translation for "Good afternoon" is İyi öğlenler, but this phrase is not used in the context of a greeting. Another conventional term used to greet another in the afternoon is Tünaydın.) Listen to this greeting pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences...

“Good morning” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Good morning" is written as: Günaydın Listen to this greeting pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Good morning. How are you?" Günaydın. Nasılsın?   "Good morning. I'm good. And how are you?" Günaydın. Ben iyiyim. Ya sen nasılsın?   "Good morning. Is your taxi available?" Günaydın. Taksiniz müsait mi?   "Good...

“Hello” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Hello" is written as: Merhaba Listen to this greeting pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Hello, how are you?" Merhaba, nasılsın?   "Hello, I'm good, thanks. And how are you?" Merhaba, iyiyim, teşekkürler. Ya sen nasılsın?   "Hello. Can I have a coffee, please?" Merhaba. Bir kahve alabilir miyim, lütfen?  ...

“Good” (emotion) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Good" (the emotion) is written as: İyi Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I’m good." İyiyim. (Editor's note: In Turkish, "I'm good" is literally translated to Ben iyiyim, however, the phrase that is most commonly used in this context to denote that the speaker is good is simply...
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