In Tunisian Arabic, "Insisted" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Chadit s7i7 (You) Chadit s7i7 (You, plural) Chaditou s7i7 (He) Chad s7i7 (She) Chadet s7i7 (We) Chadina s7i7 (They) Chadou s7i7 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: شديت صحيح (I) شديت صحيح (You) شديتو صحيح (You,...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Last" is written using the Latin script as: E5er Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أخر Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I'm on the last page of the book." Ena f e5er saf7a fl kteb. .أنا في أخر صفحة في الكتاب "We're...
In Tunisian Arabic, "As a" is written using the Latin script as: Ka Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ك Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "As a police officer, how many tickets do you give out per day?" Ka 7akem, 9adech men ticket ta3ti fl nhar?...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Mind" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Mo5 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مخ In Tunisian Arabic, "Minds" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Am5a5 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أمخاخ Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Standing ovation" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Tasfi9a 7arra Using the Arabic script, it is written as: تصفيقة حارّة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Standing ovations" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Tasfi9a 7arra Using the Arabic script, it is written as: تصفيقة حارّة Listen to...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Audience" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Jomhour Using the Arabic script, it is written as: جمهور (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Audiences" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Jamehir Using the Arabic script, it is written as: جماهير Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Stinky" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Neten (f) Netna Using the Arabic script, it is written as ناتن (m) ناتنة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Stinky" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Netnin Using the Arabic script, it is written...
In Tunisian Arabic, "With me" (as in the phrase) is written using the Latin script as: M3aya Using the Arabic script, it is written as: معايا Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Can you go with me?" Tnajam temchi m3aya? تنجم تمشي معايا؟ "I brought my credit card with...
In Tunisian Arabic, "For you" (as in the phrase) is written using the Latin script as: (as a word) Lik (as a suffix) -Lek Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ليك (as a word) لك- (as a suffix) Listen to this word and phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "This is...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Combo" (the noun, in the context of food) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Combo Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كومبو (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Combos" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Combo Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كومبو Listen to this...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Like I can" is written using the Latin script as: Kima Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كيما Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I can't speak Turkish like I can Tunisian Arabic." Manajmch na7ki torki kima na7ki tounsi. .مانجمش نحكي التركي كيما نحكي...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Either" is written using the Latin script as: Ya Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يا Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Either we go to the grocery store now or later." Ya nemchew lel 7anout tawa ya ba3d. .يا نمشيو للحانوت توا يا...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Apricot" (the noun, as in the fruit) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Ka3ba mechmech Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كعبة مشماش (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Apricots" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Mechmech Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مشماش Listen to...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Dried" (the verb, as in a subject or object drying an object, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Chaya7t (You) Chaya7t (You, plural) Chaya7tou (He) Chaya7 (She) Chay7et (We) Chaya7na (They) Chay7ou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: شيحت (I) شيحت (You) شيحتو (You, plural)...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Drying" (the verb, as in a subject or object drying an object, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) (m) 9e3ed nchaya7 (9a3ed nchaya7) (I) (f) 9e3da nchaya7 (9a3da nchaya7) (You) (m) 9e3ed tchaya7 (9a3ed tchaya7) (You) (f) 9e3da tchaya7 (9a3da tchaya7) (You, plural) 9e3din tchay7ou (9a3din tchay7ou)...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Dries" (the verb, as in a subject or object drying an object, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Ychaya7 (f) Tchaya7 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يشيح (m) تشيح (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Dry" (the verb, as in a subject or object drying an object, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Nchaya7 (You) Tchaya7 (You, plural) Tchay7ou (He) Ychaya7 (She) Tchaya7 (We) Nchay7ou (They) Ychay7ou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نشيح (I) تشيح (You) تشيحو (You, plural)...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Insisting" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) (m) Ched s7i7 (I) (f) Cheda s7i7 (You) (m) Ched s7i7 (You) (f) Cheda s7i7 (You, plural) Chedin s7i7 (He) Ched s7i7 (She) Cheda s7i7 (We) Chedin s7i7 (They) Chedin s7i7 Using the Arabic script, it is written...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Very" is written using the Latin script as: Barcha or Yesser Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ياسر or برشا Listen to these words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "You did very well on the exam!" 3adit l'examen belbahi! !عديت الاكزامان بلباهي "It's very hot today!" S5ouna...
In Tunisian Arabic, "That's too funny!" (the phrase) is written using the Latin script as: (masculine-based) Ydha7ak barcha! (feminine-based) Tdha7ak barcha! Using the Arabic script, it is written as: !يضحك برشا (masculine-based) !تضحك برشا (feminine-based) Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)
In Tunisian Arabic, "Reach" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Nousel (You) Tousel (You, plural) Touslou (He) Yousel (She) Tousel (We) Nouslou (They) Youslou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نوصل (I) توصل (You) توصلو (You, plural) يوصل (He) توصل (She) نوصلو (We) يوصلو (They) Listen...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Insists" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Yched s7i7 (f) Tched s7i7 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يشد صحيح (m) تشد صحيح (f) Listen to these two phrases pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "My mother always insists that...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Insist" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Nched s7i7 (You) Tched s7i7 (You, plural) Tchedou s7i7 (He) Yched s7i7 (She) Tched s7i7 (We) Nchedou s7i7 (They) Ychedou s7i7 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نشد صحيح (I) تشد صحيح (You) تشدو صحيح (You,...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Identically" (the adverb) is written using the Latin script as: Bedhabt Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بالضبط Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "They called each other at identically the same time." Kalmou b3adhhom fi nafs lwa9t bedhabt. .كلمو بعضهم في نفس الوقت...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Anywhere" is written using the Latin script as: Ay blasa Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أي بلاصة Listen to this word/term/phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Is there anywhere else they can sleep?" Famechi ay blasa o5ra ynajmou yor9dou fiha? فماشي أي بلاصة أخرى ينجمو يرقدو...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Nowhere" is written using the Latin script as: 7ata blasa o5ra Using the Arabic script, it is written as: حتى بلاصة أخرى Listen to this word/term/phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "There is nowhere else we can sit." Mafama 7ata blasa blasa o5ra no9e3dou fiha. .مافما حتى بلاصة أخرى...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Sang" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Ghanit (You) Ghanit (You, plural) Ghanitou (He) Ghana (She) Ghanet (We) Ghanina (They) Ghanew Using the Arabic script, it is written as: غنيت (I) غنيت (You) غنيتو (You, plural) غنى (He) غنات (She) غنينا (We) غنانو (They) Listen...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Singing" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) (m) 9e3ed nghani (9a3ed nghani) (I) (f) 9e3da nghani (9a3da nghani) (You) (m) 9e3ed tghani (9a3ed tghani) (You) (f) 9e3da tghani (9a3da tghani) (You, plural) 9e3din tghaniw (9a3din tghaniw) (He) 9e3ed yghani (9a3ed yghani) (She) 9e3da tghani (9a3da...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Sings" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Yghani (f) Tghani Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يغني (m) تغني (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "My wife sings in the shower." Marti tghani fi...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Sing" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Nghani (You) Tghani (You, plural) Tghaniw (He) Yghani (She) Tghani (We) Nghaniw (They) Yghaniw Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نغني (I) تغني (You) تغنيو (You, plural) يغني (He) تغني (She) نغنيو (We) يغنيو (They) Listen to...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Elsewhere" is written using the Latin script as: Blasa o5ra Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بلاصة أخرى Listen to this word/term/phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "My parents live elsewhere." Ommi w baba y3ichou fi blasa o5ra. .أمّي و بابا يعيشو في بلاصة أخرى "Let's...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Hidden"" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) M5obi (f) M5obiya Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مخبي (m) مخبية (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Hidden" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: M5obin Using the Arabic script, it is written...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Dangerous" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Mo5ter (f) Mo5tra Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مخطر (m) مخطرة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Dangerous" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Mo5trin Using the Arabic script, it is written...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Moved" (the verb, as in moving residences, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 7awalt (You) 7awalt (You, plural) 7awaltou (He) 7awal (She) 7awlet (We) 7awalna (They) 7awlou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: حولت (I) حولت (You) حولتو (You, plural) حول (He) حولت (She) حولنا...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Moving" (the verb, as in moving residences, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) (m) 9e3ed n7awal (I) (f) 9e3da n7awal (You) (m) 9e3ed t7awal (You) (f) 9e3da t7awal (You, plural) 9e3din t7awlou (He) 9e3ed y7awal (She) 9e3da t7awal (We) 9e3din n7awlou (They) 9e3din y7awlou Using the Arabic...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Moves" (the verb, as in moving residences, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Y7awal (f) T7awal Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يحول (m) تحول (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He moves a lot." Y7awal...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Move" (the verb, as in moving residences, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) N7awal (You) T7awal (You, plural) T7awlou (He) Y7awal (She) T7awal (We) N7awlou (They) Y7awlou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نحول (I) تحول (You) تحولو (You, plural) يحول (He) تحول (She) نحولو...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Bathtub" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Bano Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بانو (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Bathtubs" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Banouwet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بانوات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Mole" (the noun, as in what grows on the skin) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Bouset 5al Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بوسة خال (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Moles" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Bouset 5al Using the Arabic script, it is written...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Please" is written using the Latin script as: Belehi or 3aychek or Brabi or Aman Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أمان or بربي or عيشك or بلاهي (Editor's note: Conventionally, 3aychek (Y3aychek) /(يعيشك) عيشك. For more information, see the IBL page, “Please” in Tunisian Arabic.) Listen to these words pronounced...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Amongst" is written using the Latin script as: Men bin Using the Arabic script, it is written as: من بين Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Is this a reasonable spelling amongst Tunisian Arabic speakers?" Hedhi tetsama ktiba mafhouma bin e twensa? هذي تتسمى كتيبة مفهومة...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Identical" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as: Identique Using the Arabic script, it is written as: إيدنتيك Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "(one pair each) Our shoes are identical!" Sbabetna identique! !صبابطنا إيدنتيك "We're identical twins." A7na twema identique. .أحنا توامة...
In Tunisian Arabic, "In a while" (the phrase) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3andi modda (You) 3andek modda (You, plural) 3andkom modda (He) 3andou modda (She) 3andha modda (We) 3ana modda (They) 3andhom modda Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عندي مدّة (I) عندك مدّة (You) عندكم مدّة (You, plural) عندو...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Made" (the verb, in the context of cooking, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3malt (You) 3malt (You, plural) 3maltou (He) 3mal (She) 3amlet (We) 3malna (They) 3amlou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عملت (I) عملت (You) عملتو (You, plural) عمل (He) عملت (She)...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Making" (the verb, in the context of cooking, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) (m) 9e3ed na3mal (I) (f) 9e3da na3mal (You) (m) 9e3ed ta3mal (You) (f) 9e3da ta3mal (You, plural) 9e3din ta3mlou (He) 9e3ed ya3mal (She) 9e3da ta3mal (We) 9e3din na3mlou (They) 9e3din ya3mlou Using the...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Makes" (the verb, in the context of cooking, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Ya3mal (f) Ta3mal Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يعمل (m) تعمل (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He makes his own...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Make" (the verb, in the context of cooking, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Na3mal (You) Ta3mal (You, plural) Ta3mlou (He) Ya3mal (She) Ta3mal (We) Na3mlou (They) Ya3mlou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نعمل (I) تعمل (You) تعملو (You, plural) يعمل (He) تعمل (She)...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Likely"" is written using the Latin script as: Lakthariya Using the Arabic script, it is written as: الأكثرية Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "It will likely rain tomorrow." Lakthariya bech tmatar ghodwa. .الأكثرية باش تمطر غدوة "Which team will likely win?" Amehi équipe eli...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Drawer" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) 9jar Using the Arabic script, it is written as: قجر (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Drawers" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: 9joura Using the Arabic script, it is written as: قجورة Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Office" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Bureau Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيرو (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Offices" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Bureauwet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيروات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Kindergarten" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Rawdha Using the Arabic script, it is written as: روضة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Kindergartens" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Rawdhat Using the Arabic script, it is written as: روضات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "On" (the preposition, in the context of position) is written using the Latin script as: Fou9 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: فوق In Tunisian Arabic, "On" (in the context of time) is written using the Latin script as: Nhar Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نهار Listen to this word/term/phrase...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Birth" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Wleda Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ولادة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Births" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Wleda Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ولادة Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Death" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Mout Using the Arabic script, it is written as: موت (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Deaths" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Mouta Using the Arabic script, it is written as: موتة Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Shepherd" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Sera7 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سارح (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Shepherds" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Sorre7 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سرّاح Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Grade" (the noun, as in the academic year) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Sana Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سنة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Grades" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Sanawet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سنوات Listen to these...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Turned" (the verb, in the context of age, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Walla 3omri (You) Walla 3omrek (You, plural) Walla 3morkom (He) Walla 3omrou (She) Walla 3morha (We) Walla 3morna (They) Walla 3morhom Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ولّى عمري (I) ولّى...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Turns" (the verb, in the context of age, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Ywalli 3omrou (f) Ywalli 3morha Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يولّي عمرو (m) يولّي عمرها (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Turn" (the verb, in the context of age, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Ywalli 3omri (You) Ywalli 3omrek (You, plural) Ywalli 3morkom (He) Ywalli 3omrou (She) Ywalli 3morha (We) Ywalli 3morna (They) Ywalli 3morhom Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يولّي عمري (I) يولّي...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Cool" (the adjective, in the context of temperature, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Bered (f) Berda Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بارد (m) باردة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Cool" (the adjective, in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Berdin...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Choose" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Na5tar (You) Ta5tar (You, plural) Ta5tarou (He) Ya5tar (She) Ta5tar (We) Na5tarou (They) Ya5tarou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نختار (I) تختار (You) تختارو (You, plural) يختار (He) تختار (She) نختارو (We) يختارو (They) Listen...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Peace" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Salem Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سلام (m) (Editor's note: The proverbial way to say "Hello" in Tunisian Arabic, Aslema / عسلامة, is based on this principal translation. For more information read the IBL article How to say “Hello”...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Safety" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Sécurité Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سيكوريتي (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I'm going to share a safety tip." Bech npartagi nsi7a 3a sécurité. .باش نبرتاجي نصيحة على السيكوريتي...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Petal" (the noun, as in the part of a flower) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Batla Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بتلة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Petals" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Batlet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بتلات Listen...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Brain" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Mo5 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مخ (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Brains" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: M5a5 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مخاخ Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Pan" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) 9alleya Using the Arabic script, it is written as: قلاّية (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Pans" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: 9allayet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: قلاّيات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Chose" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 5tart (You) 5tart (You, plural) 5tartou (He) 5tar (She) 5taret (We) 5tarna (They) 5tarou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: اخترت (I) اخترت (You) اخترتو (You, plural) اختار (He) اختارت (She) اخترنا (We) اختارو (They) Listen...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Choosing" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) (m) 9e3ed na5tar (I) (f) 9e3da na5tar (You) (m) 9e3ed ta5tar (You) (f) 9e3da ta5tar (You, plural) 9e3din ta5tarou (He) 9e3ed ya5tar (She) 9e3da ta5tar (We) 9e3din na5tarou (They) 9e3din ya5tarou Using the Arabic script, it is written...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Chooses" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Ya5tar (f) Ta5tar Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يختار (m) تختار (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "He chooses quickly." Ya5tar fisa3. .يختار فيسع "My...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Alternative" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) E5er (f) O5ra Using the Arabic script, it is written as: آخر (m) أخرى (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Alternative" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: O5rin Using the Arabic script, it is written...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Reaching" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) (m) 9e3ed nousel (I) (f) 9e3da nousel (You) (m) 9e3ed tousel (You) (f) 9e3da tousel (You, plural) 9e3din touslou (He) 9e3ed yousel (She) 9e3da tousel (We) 9e3din nouslou (They) 9e3din youslou Using the Arabic script, it is written...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Health" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Sa7a Using the Arabic script, it is written as: صحّة (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Dad, your health is important to me." Ya baba, sa7tek themni. .يا بابا، صحّتك تهمني "Health...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Dark" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Mdhalam (f) Mdhalma Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مظلم (m) مظلمة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Dark" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Mdhalmin Using the Arabic script, it is written...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Reached" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Wselt (You) Wselt (You, plural) Wseltou (He) Wsel (She) Weslet (We) Wselna (They) Weslou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: وصلت (I) وصلت (You) وصلتو (You, plural) وصل (He) وصلت (She) وصلنا (We) وصلو (They) Listen...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Unprofitable" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Mouch morbe7 (f) Mouch morb7a Using the Arabic script, it is written as: موش مربح (m) موش مربحة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Unprofitable" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Mouch morb7in Using the...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Across" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as: (singular, masculine) M9abel (singular, feminine) M9abla (plural) M9ablin Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مقابل (singular, masculine) مقابلة (singular, feminine) مقابلين (plural) In Tunisian Arabic, "Across" (as a preposition) is written using the Latin script as: Fi Using the Arabic script,...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Rent" (the noun, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Kra Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كراء (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Rent" (the noun, in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Krawet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كراوات...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Liquid" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Liquid Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ليكيد (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Liquids" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Liquids Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ليكيد Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "We are" (the phrase) is written using the Latin script as: A7na Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أحنا (Editor's note: In Tunisian Arabic, another word that means "We are" (We're) is Na7na / نحنا.) Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "We are here." A7na...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Wrong" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Ghalet (f) Ghalta Using the Arabic script, it is written as: غالط (m) غالطة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Wrong" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Ghaltin Using the Arabic script, it is written...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Pot" (the noun, in the context of dishes) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Tanjra Using the Arabic script, it is written as: طنجرة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Pots" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Tnajer Using the Arabic script, it is written as: طناجر Listen to these...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Hard" (the adjective, as in difficult, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) S3ib (f) S3iba Using the Arabic script, it is written as: صعيب (m) صعيبة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Hard" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: S3ab Using the Arabic script,...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Dead" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Mayet (f) Mayta Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ميت (m) ميتة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Dead" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Maytin Using the Arabic script, it is written...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Go easy on me" (as in the phrasal idiom) is written using the Latin script as: Besseyesa 3liya Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بالسياسة عليا Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Related words in Tunisian Arabic “Easy” in Tunisian Arabic
In Tunisian Arabic, "Shadow" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Dhell Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ظلّ (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Shadows" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Dhell Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ظلّ Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Overnight" (the adverb) is written using the Latin script as: Belil Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بالليل (Editor's note: In Tunisian Arabic, "Overnight", whether used as an adverb or adjective, are both Belil / بالليل. For more information see the IBL page, "Overnight" (adjective) in Tunisian Arabic.) Listen to this...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Should" is written using the Latin script as: (I) Lezemni (You) Lezmek (You, plural) Lezemkom (He) Lezmou (She) Lezemha (We) Lezemna (They) Lezemhom Using the Arabic script, it is written as: لازمني (I) لازمك (You) لازمكم (You, plural) لازمو (He) لازمها (She) لازمنا (We) لازمهم (They) Examples in sentences or statements ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Shrimp" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Ka3ba crevette Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كعبة كروفات (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Shrimps" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Crevettes Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كروفات Listen to these two terms pronounced...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Sheet of glass" is written using the Latin script as: (f) Bellara Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بلاّرة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, “Sheets of glass” is written using the Latin script as: Bellarat Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بلاّرات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Achieve" (the verb, as in the imperative statement, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: 7a9a9 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: حقق In Tunisian Arabic, "Achieve" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: 7a9ou Using the Arabic script, it is written as:...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Bloom" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (He) Yfatta7 (She) Tfatta7 (They) Yfatt7ou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يفتّح (He) تفتّح (She) يفتّحوا (They) Listen to these three words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "When are the plants going...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Receives" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) (masculine-based noun) Youslou (m) (feminine-based noun) Touslou (m) (plural nouns) Youslouh (f) (masculine-based noun) Youselha (f) (feminine-based noun) Touselha (f) (plural nouns) Youslouha Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يوصلو (masculine-based noun) (m) توصلو (feminine-based noun)...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Basketball court" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Terrain basket Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ترّان باسكيت (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Basketball courts" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Terrainet basket Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ترّانات باسكيت Listen to...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Train track" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Sekka Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سكّة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Train tracks" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Skek Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سكك Listen to these two words pronounced...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Patch" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Ro93a Using the Arabic script, it is written as: رقعة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Patches" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: R9o3 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: رقع Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Oyster" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Huître Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ويتر (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Oysters" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Huîtres Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ويتر Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Well-behaved" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) 3a9el (f) 3a9la Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عاقل (m) عاقلة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Well-behaved" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: 3a9lin Using the Arabic script, it is written...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Tile" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Ka3ba parterre Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كعبة برتار (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Tiles" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Parterre Using the Arabic script, it is written as: برتار Listen to these two terms pronounced...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Mesmerized" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Monbahar (f) Monbahra Using the Arabic script, it is written as: منبهر (m) منبهرة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Mesmerized" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Monbahrin Using the Arabic script, it is written...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Frog" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Jrana Using the Arabic script, it is written as: جرانة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Frogs" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Jran Using the Arabic script, it is written as: جران Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) ...