Words, Terms & Phrases

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Step 2: Select a list:

"Now" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Now" is written as: Ahora Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm ready now." (m) Ya estoy listo. (f) Ya estoy lista.   "I'll order the pizza now." Voy a pedir la pizza ya.   "I'll call my parents now." Voy a llamar a mis padres ahora....

"Yes" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Yes" is written as: Sí Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Yes, that sounds good." Sí, suena bien.   "Yes, see you at 7pm." Sí, nos vemos a las siete.   "Yes, 10am is good for the meeting." Sí, las diez de la mañana es una buena...

"Good night" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Good night" is written as: Buenas noches   (Editor’s note: In Spain, nighttime is conventionally considered as of 9pm. Therefore, when greeting someone during this time frame, it’s common to use the phrase, Buenas noches. Moreover, this phrase, Buenas noches, is commonly used as a greeting and a farewell.)   Listen to this greeting/farewell...

"Good evening" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Good evening" is written as: Buenas tardes (Editor's note: In Spain, evening time is conventionally considered 3-9pm. Therefore, when greeting someone during this time frame, it's common to use the phrase, Buenas tardes.) Listen to this greeting pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Good evening. A table for two, please." Buenas...

"Good afternoon" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Good afternoon" is written as: Buenas tardes Listen to this greeting pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Good afternoon, how are you?" Buenas tardes, ¿cómo estás?   "Good afternoon. And how are you?" Buenas tardes. Y tú, ¿cómo estás?   "Good afternoon. What time does your store open?" Buenas tardes, ¿a...

"Goodbye" (Bye) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Goodbye" (Bye) is written as: Adiós Listen to this farewell pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Goodbye. Call me when you arrive." Adiós. Llámame cuando llegues.   "Goodbye. Have a good trip!" Adiós, ¡que tengas buen viaje!   "Goodbye. See you again!" Adiós. ¡Hasta pronto!   "Goodbye. You are welcome back anytime."...

"Good morning" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Good morning" is written as: Buenos días Listen to this greeting pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Good morning. How are you?" Buenos días, ¿cómo estás?   "Good morning. How are you today?" Buenos días, ¿cómo estás hoy?   "Good morning. Good to see you." Buenos días, me alegro de verte....

"Hello again" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Hello again" is written as: Hola de nuevo Listen to this greeting pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Hello again. It's good to see you." Hola de nuevo, me alegro de verte.   "Hello again. How are you?" Hola de nuevo, ¿cómo estás?   "Hello again. It's always good to see...

"Hello" (Hi) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Hello" (Hi) is written as: Hola Listen to this greeting pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Hello, how are you?" Hola, ¿cómo estas?   "Hello. And how are you?" Hola. Y tú, ¿cómo estás?   "Hello. How are you today?" Hola, ¿cómo estás hoy?   "Hello. Can I have a cup...

"How are you?" in Spanish

In Spanish, "How are you?" is written as: ¿Cómo estás? (Editor's note: In Spanish, another common phrase that is similar in intent to How are you? is ¿Qué tal? Although both phrases can be used in an informal setting, this phrase, ¿Qué tal?, is regarded as a bit more informal and friendly.) Listen to this greeting...
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