Words, Terms & Phrases

Step 1: Choose a language/dialect:
Step 2: Select a list:

“Residence”, “Residences” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Residence" is written as: Ev In Turkish, "Residences" is written as: Evler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Welcome to my residence!" Evime hoş geldiniz!   "Where is your residence?" Sizin eviniz nerede?   "My residence is in the north part of the city." Benim evim...

“Salt & Pepper” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Salt & Pepper" is written as: Tuz ve karabiber Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can you please pass the salt and pepper?" Lütfen tuzu ve karabiberi uzatır mısınız?   "There is no more pepper." Daha fazla karabiber yok.   "A little salt and pepper, please." Biraz...

“Amazing!” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Amazing!" is written as: Muhteşem Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "You are amazing!" Harikasın!   "That is an amazing idea!" Muhteşem bir fikir bu!   "This meal tastes amazing!" Bu yemeğin tadı harika!   "This city is amazing!" Bu şehir muhteşem!   "This book is amazing!"...

“Lettuce” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Lettuce" (the noun) is written as: Marul Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Is there any lettuce left?" Hiç marul kaldı mı?   "There should be lettuce in the bottom drawer in the fridge." Buzdolabının alt çekmecesinde marul olmalı.   "Do you want a salad with lettuce?"...

“What is your name?” in Turkish

In Turkish, "What is your name?" is written as: (informal) Senin adın ne? (formal) Sizin adınız ne? Listen to this question pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “What is your name?” in Tunisian Arabic “What is your name?” in Egyptian Arabic “What is your name?” in Tunisian Arabic  

“Walk” , “Walks” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Walk" (the noun) is written as: Yürüyüş In Turkish, "Walks" (the noun) is written as: Yürüyüşler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you want to go for a walk?" Yürüyüşe çıkmak ister misin?   "Let's go for a walk." Hadi yürüyüşe çıkalım.   "I go...

“Wind” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Wind" (the noun) is written as: Rüzgâr Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Which way is the wind going?" Rüzgâr hangi yöne gidiyor?   "The wind is travelling east." Rüzgâr doğuya doğru gidiyor.   "The wind is going west." Rüzgâr batıya gidiyor.   "I like feeling the...

“Another” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Another" is written as: Başka Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Another one, please." Başka bir tane, lütfen.   "Can I have another tea, please?" Bir çay daha alabilir miyim, lütfen?   "Do you have another time on Friday that you can meet?" Cuma günü buluşabileceğiniz başka...

“Less” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Less" is written as: Daha az Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm going to put a little less sugar in the tea." Çaya biraz daha az şeker koyacağım.   "Less sauce, please.." Daha az sos, lütfen..   "Less sauce on the second durum, please." İkinci dürümde...

“Friend”, “Friends” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Friend" is written as: Arkadaş In Turkish, "Friends" is written as: Arkadaşlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We are friends." Biz arkadaşız.   "This is my friend." Bu benim arkadaşım.   "We have been friends for eight years." Biz sekiz yıldır arkadaşız.   "She has...

“Cash” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Cash" is written as: Nakit (Editor's note: In Turkish, the word Money is Para.) Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I have some cash on me." Üzerimde biraz nakit var.   "Did you bring any cash?" Hiç nakit getirdin mi?   "I'll pull out some cash." Biraz...

“Twenty-nine” (29) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Twenty-nine" (29) is written as: Yirmi dokuz Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's 29 liras for the meal." Yemek 29 lira.   "Here is 29 liras." İşte 29 lira.   "It's 29 degrees right now." Hava şu an 29 derece.   "I am 29...

“Forty-three” (43) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Forty-three" (43) is written as: Kırk üç Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Here is 43 dinar." İşte 43 dinar.   "The total is 43 dinar." Toplam 43 dinar.   "I'm 43 years old." Ben 43 yaşındayım.   "My husband is 43 years old." Kocam...

“Forty-two” (42) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Forty-two" (42) is written as: Kırk iki Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The price is 42 liras." Fiyatı 42 lira.   "Here is 42 liras." İşte 42 lira.   "It's 42 degrees today!" Hava 42 derece!   "It was 42 degrees yesterday!" Hava dün...

“Forty-one” (41) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Forty-one" (41) is written as: Kırk bir Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's 41 degrees right now!" Hava şu an 41 derece!   "I am 41 years old." Ben 41 yaşındayım.   "41 kilometres until we arrive." Varmamıza 41 kilometre var.   "This video...

“Some” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Some" is written as: Biraz Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Some onions, please." Birkaç soğan, lütfen.   "Some pickles, please." Biraz turşu, lütfen.   "Can you add more spice?" Daha fazla baharat ekleyebilir misin?   "Do you want some?" Biraz ister misin?   "I'll have some....

“How” in Turkish

In Turkish, "How" is written as: Nasıl Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "How many are there?" Kaç tane var?   "How does the TV turn on?" Televizyon nasıl açılıyor?   "How many siblings do you have?" Kaç kardeşin var?   "How did you learn to speak Turkish so...

“Sleep” (noun) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sleep" (the noun) is written as: Uyku Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "How was your sleep?" Uykunuz nasıldı?   "That was a good sleep!" Güzel bir uykuydu!   "I'm going to go to sleep." Uyuyacağım.   "That was a comfortable sleep." Rahat bir uykuydu.   "My...

“Are you open?” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Are you open?" is written as: Açık mısınız? Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Are you open?” in Lebanese Arabic  

“Egg”, “Eggs” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Egg" (the noun) is written as: Yumurta In Turkish, "Eggs" (the noun) is written as: Yumurtalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll cook some eggs." Biraz yumurta pişireceğim.   "Do you want your eggs over easy or scrambled?" Yumurtalarınızı az pişmiş mi yoksa omlet şeklinde...

“Salad”, “Salads” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Salad" (the noun) is written as: Salata In Turkish, "Salads" (the noun) is written as: Salatalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "A salad, please." Bir salata, lütfen.   "Yes, olives on the salad, please!" Evet, salatada zeytin olsun, lütfen!   "This is a good tasting...

“Fish”, “Fishes” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Fish" (the noun) is written as: Balık In Turkish, "Fishes" (the noun) is written as: Balıklar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "There are many fish caught along this bridge." Bu köprüde çok sayıda balık yakalandı.   "Do you want fish tonight?" Bu gece balık ister...

“Beef” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Beef" is written as: Dana eti Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you want a chicken or beef durum?" Tavuk veya et dürüm ister misin?   "A beef durum, please." Bir et dürüm, lütfen.   "Can I have two beef durum, please?" İki et dürüm alabilir...

“Chicken”, “Chickens” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Chicken" (the noun) is written as: Tavuk In Turkish, "Chickens" (the noun) is written as: Tavuklar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We get eggs from the chickens." Tavuklardan yumurta alıyoruz.   "Can I have a chicken durum, please?" Bir tavuk dürüm alabilir miyim, lütfen?  ...

“Black pepper” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Black pepper" is written as: Karabiber Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "More black pepper." Daha fazla karabiber.   "Can I have some black pepper?" Biraz karabiber alabilir miyim?   "Black pPepper on the sandwich, please." Sandviçin üzerine karabiber, lütfen.   "Do you want black pepper on...

“Napkin”, “Napkins” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Napkin" is written as: Peçete In Turkish, "Napkins" is written as: Peçeteler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can you pass me a napkin?" Bana bir peçete uzatabilir misin?   "Here is a napkin." İşte bir peçete.   "Here is a box of napkins." İşte bir...

“Hotel”, “Hotels” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Hotel" is written as: Otel In Turkish, "Hotels" is written as: Oteller (Editor's note: In Turkish, the plural word Oteller, is more commonly used when there is more than one hotel, yet the number isn't defined.) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This is a nice...

“When” in Turkish

In Turkish, "When...?" is written as: Ne zaman...? Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "When does the flight arrive?" Uçak ne zaman varacak?   "When are you done work?" İşin ne zaman bitti?   "When is a good time to chat?" Sohbet etmek için ne zaman müsait olursun ?...

“Twenty-six” (26) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Twenty-six" (26) is written as: Yirmi altı Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's 26 liras." 26 lira.   "It's May 26." 26 Mayıs.   "My birthday is on May 26." Benim doğum günüm 26 Mayıs.   "Here is 26 liras." İşte 26 lira.  ...

“Twenty-seven” (27) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Twenty-seven" (27) is written as: Yirmi yedi Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Here is is 27 liras." İşte 27 lira.   "I am 27 years old." Ben 27 yaşındayım.   "It's 27 degrees out." Dışarısı 27 derece.   "The price is 27 liras." Fiyatı...

“Salt” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Salt" is written as: Tuz Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Only a little salt, please." Sadece biraz tuz, lütfen.   "No salt on the meal, please." Yemekte tuz yok, lütfen.   "Can you please pass me the salt?" Lütfen bana tuzu uzatır mısın?   "Do you...

“Olive oil” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Olive oil" is written as: Zeytinyağı Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I love the taste of Extra Virgin Olive Oil!" Doğal sızma zeytinyağının tadına bayılıyorum!   "Can I have a bottle of olive oil for the meal?" Yemek için bir şişe zeytinyağı alabilir miyim?   "Can...

“Olive”, “Olives” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Olive" is written as: Zeytin In Turkish, "Olives" is written as: Zeytinler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I love table olives!" Sofralık zeytine bayılırım!   "Do you like green or black olives?" Yeşil zeytini mi yoksa siyah zeytini mi seversiniz?   "I like these olives!"...

“Onion”, “Onions” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Onion" (the noun) is written as: Soğan In Turkish, "Onions" (the noun) is written as: Soğanlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "More onions, please." Daha fazla soğan, lütfen.   "I'll peel the onion." Soğanı soyacağım.   "I'll cut up the onion." Soğanı doğrayacağım.   "Can...

“Tomato”, “Tomatoes” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Tomato" (the noun, as in the fruit) is written as: Domates In Turkish, "Tomatoes" (the noun) is written as: Domatesler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I bought 12 tomatoes." 12 adet domates aldım.   "The tomatoes are washed." Domatesler yıkanır.   "Do you want me...

“Name”, “Names” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Name" (the noun) is written as: İsim In Turkish, "Names" (the noun) is written as: İsimler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What is your name?" Adın ne?   "My name is…" Benim adım...   "That is a good name!" O iyi bir isim!   "I...

“I’ve arrived” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I've arrived" is written as: Ben yetiştim Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Hello, I've arrived." Merhaba, ben yetiştim.   "Yes, I've arrived." Evet, yetiştim.   "I've arrived. See you in a few minutes." Ben yetiştim. Birkaç dakika sonra görüşürüz.   "I've arrived. I'm in the lobby."...

“Flight”, “Flights” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Flight" is written as: Uçuş In Turkish, "Flights" is written as: Uçuşlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That was a good flight!" İyi bir uçuştu!   "How was your flight?" Uçuşun nasıl geçti?   "I slept during the flight." Uçuş sırasında uyudum.   "I like...

“Taxi”, “Taxis” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Taxi" (the noun) is written as: Taksi In Turkish, "Taxis" (the noun) is written as: Taksiler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Let's take a taxi." Bir taksi tutalım.   "How much was the taxi ride?" Taksi yolculuğu ne kadardı?   "The taxis are yellow in...

“Twenty-five” (25) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Twenty-five" (25) is written as: Yirmi beş Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's 25 degrees." 25 derece.   "It was 25 degrees earlier." Daha önce 25 dereceydi.   "I am 25 years old." 25 yaşındayım.   "The price is 25 liras." Fiyatı 25 lira....

“Twenty-four” (24) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Twenty-four" (24) is written as: Yirmi dört Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I am 24 years old." 24 yaşındayım.   "She is 24 years old." O 24 yaşında.   "It's 24 degrees right now." Hava şu anda 24 derece.   "August 24." 24 Ağustos....

“Twenty-three” (23) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Twenty-three" (23) is written as: Yirmi üç Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's 23 degrees out." Dışarısı 23 derece.   "The price is 23 liras." Fiyatı 23 lira.   "I've been a teacher for 23 years." 23 yıldır öğretmenim.   "Here is 23 liras."...

“Twenty-two” (22) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Twenty-two" (22) is written as: Yirmi iki Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The price is 22 liras." Fiyatı 22 lira.   "Here is 22 liras." İşte 22 lira.   "My children are 27 and 22 years old." Çocuklarım 27 ve 22 yaşlarında.   "I've...

“Twenty-one” (21) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Twenty-one" (21) is written as: Yirmi bir Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's 21 liras." 21 lira.   "The meal is 21 liras." Yemek 21 lira.   "Here is 21 liras." İşte 21 lira.   "I arrive on February 21." 21 Şubat'ta varıyorum.  ...

“Rental car” & “Rental cars” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Rental car" (the noun, in the singular form) is written as: Kiralık araba In Turkish, "Rental cars" (the noun, in the plural form) is written as: Kiralık arabalar (Editor's note: In Turkish, Kiralık araba is the conventional way to describe a car that is rented (i.e., a rental car). Kiralık is cognate with the...

“What” in Turkish

In Turkish, "What…?" is written as: Ne...? Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What do you want to drink?" Ne içmek istersin?   "What do you want to eat?" Ne yemek istersin?   "What is that?" Bu nedir?   "What did you say?" Ne dedin?   What time do...

“Trip”, “Trips” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Trip" (the noun) is written as: Seyahat In Turkish, "Trips" (the noun) is written as: Seyahatler (Editor's note: In Turkish, the words Gezi (Geziler) and Yolculuk (Yolculuklar) also mean Trip (Trips). When one or a group of people are going on a shorter trip or excursion (e.g., a day trip) Gezi is the conventional...

“Same” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Same" is written as: Aynı Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll have the same drink as him." Onunla aynı içeceği içeceğim.   "Do you want the same meal as yesterday?" Dünküyle aynı yemeği ister misiniz?   "I have the same type of dog." Benim de aynı...

“Windy” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Windy" (the adjective) is written as: Rüzgârlı Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's windy out!" Hava rüzgârlı!   "Is it windy out?" Hava rüzgârlı mı?   "This afternoon is going to be windy." Bu öğleden sonra rüzgârlı olacak.   "It was windy this afternoon." Bu öğleden sonra...

“Rain” (noun) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Rain" (the noun) is written as: Yağmur Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I hear rain." Yağmurun sesini duyuyorum.   "Do you hear rain?" Yağmurun sesini duyuyor musun?   "Do you think it will rain?" Sence yağmur yağacak mı?   "I feel rain." Yağmuru hissediyorum.   "Do...

“Here you go” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Here you go" is written as: Hadi bakalım Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Here you go” in Lebanese Arabic “Here you go” in Tunisian Arabic  

“Great” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Great" is written as: Harika Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That is great!" Bu harika!   "Sounds great to me!" Benim için harika! "You are great!" Sen harikasın!   "Today is a great day!" Bugün harika bir gün!   "It was great seeing you again." Sizi...

“Well done!” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Well done!" is written as: Aferin! Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Well done! You did great on your exams." Aferin! Sınavlarında harika iş çıkardın.   "Well done! You did great on your report card." Aferin! Karnende harika iş çıkardın.   "You made a great meal. Well...

“This tastes good!” in Turkish

In Turkish, "This tastes good!" is written as: Bunun tadı güzel! Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Related words in Turkish “Food” in Turkish “Meal”, "Meals" in Turkish In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “This tastes good!” in Egyptian Arabic “This tastes good!” in Lebanese Arabic “This tastes good!” in Tunisian Arabic  

“Tasty” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Tasty" (the adjective) is written as: Lezzetli Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This is tasty." Bu lezzetli.   "That was tasty." O lezzetliydi.   "This meal is tasty." Bu yemek lezzetli.   "That meal was tasty." O yemek lezzetliydi.   "This dessert is so tasty!" Bu...

“I like” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I like" is written as: Beğendim Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like this residence." Bu evi beğendim.   "I like this city." Bu şehri beğendim.   "I like this meal a lot!" Bu yemeği çok beğendim!   "I like the taste." Tadını beğendim.   "I...

“Congratulations!” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Congratulations!" is written as: Tebrikler! Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Congratulations on completing your exams!" Sınavlarınızı tamamladığınız için tebrikler!   "Congratulations on graduating!" Mezun olduğun için tebrikler!   Congratulations. You did excellent! Tebrikler. Çok iyi iş çıkardın!   "Congratulations to you both!" İkinizi de tebrik ederiz!...

“Bon appétit!” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Bon appétit!" (Bon appetit!) is written as: Afiyet olsun! Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Bon appétit!” in Egyptian Arabic “Bon appétit!” in Lebanese Arabic “Bon appétit!” in Tunisian Arabic  

“Colder”, “Coldest” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Colder" (the adjective) is written as: Daha soğuk In Turkish, "Coldest" (the adjective) is written as: En soğuk Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's getting a bit colder." Hava biraz daha soğuyor.   "Do you want it colder in here?" Buranın daha soğuk olmasını istiyor...

“Cold” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Cold" (the adjective) is written as: Soğuk Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's a bit cold today." Bugün hava biraz soğuk.   "It's cold this morning." Bu sabah hava soğuk.   "This time of year mornings are cold but afternoons are warm." Yılın bu zamanı sabahları...

“Twenty” (20) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Twenty" (20) is written as: Yirmi Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The price is 20 liras." Fiyatı 20 lira.   "Here is 20 liras." İşte 20 lira.   "How much to rent a car for 20 days?" 20 günlük araba kirası ne kadar?  ...

“Nineteen” (19) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Nineteen" (19) is written as: On dokuz Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's 19 liras." 19 lira.   "Here is 19 liras." İşte 19 lira.   "The tickets say Row 19." Biletlerde 19 sıra yazıyor.   "My children are 21, 19 and 18." Çocuklarım...

“Eighteen” (18) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Eighteen" (18) is written as: On sekiz Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Eighteen degrees in January is warm!" Ocak'ta on sekiz derece, sıcaktır!   "The residence is Suite 18." Rezidans, 18 numaralı süit odadır.   "We're in Row 18." On sekizinci sıradayız.   "Here...

“Seventeen” (17) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Seventeen" (17) is written as: On yedi Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We've been married 17 years." 17 yıldır evliyiz.   "I arrive on June 17." 17 Haziran'da varıyorum.   "I'm here for 17 days." 17 gündür buradayım.   "The price is 17 liras."...

“Sixteen” (16) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Sixteen" (16) is written as: On altı Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My kids are 18 and 16." Çocuklarım 18 ve 16 yaşlarında.   "My cat is 16 years old." Kedim 16 yaşında.   "I've lived in this city for 16 years." 16 yıldır...

“Hotter”, “Hottest” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Hotter" (the adjective) is written as: Daha sıcak In Turkish, "Hottest" (the adjective) is written as: En sıcak Listen to these two phrases pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's hotter today than yesterday." Bugün dünden daha sıcak.   "It's hotter this week than last week." Bu hafta geçen haftaya göre...

“Hot” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Hot" (the adjective) is written as: Sıcak Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's hot out!" Dışarısı çok sıcak!   "Today is hot!" Bugün çok sıcak!   "Yesterday was hot!" Dün çok sıcaktı!   "Tomorrow is supposed to be hot." Yarın havanın sıcak olması bekleniyor.   "The...

“No bag” in Turkish

In Turkish, "No bag" (as in the statement) is written as: Poşete gerek yok Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “No bag” in Egyptian Arabic “No bag” in Lebanese Arabic “No bag” in Tunisian Arabic  

“Bag”, “Bags” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Bag" is written as: Poşet In Turkish, "Bags" is written as: Poşetler (Editor's note: In Turkish, there are two common terms for Bag and Bags: Poşet (singular) / Poşetler (plural) and Çanta (singular) / Çantalar (plural). Conventionally, Çanta / Çantalar are the root words in many bag-oriented terms such as Knapsack (In Turkish, Sırt...

“A little” in Turkish

In Turkish, "A little" is written as: Biraz Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "A little onion, please." Biraz soğan, lütfen.   "A little onion on the sandwich, please." Sandviçin üzerine biraz soğan, lütfen.   "Can I have only a little spicy?" Sadece biraz baharat alabilir miyim?   "Only...

“Fifteen” (15) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Fifteen" (15) is written as: On beş Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's 15 liras." 15 lira.   "Here is 15 liras." İşte 15 lira.   "My birthday is on April 15." Doğum günüm 15 Nisan'da.   "I'll be back in 15 minutes." 15 dakika sonra...

“Fourteen” (14) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Fourteen" (14) is written as: On dört Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My children are 15, 14 and 11.". Çocuklarım 15, 14 ve 11 yaşlarında.   "I arrive on May 14." 14 Mayıs'ta varıyorum.   "It's 14 liras." 14 lira.   "I'm here for...

“Thirteen” (13) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Thirteen" (13) is written as: On üç Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My dog is 13 years old." Köpeğim 13 yaşında.   "My children are 13 and 11 years old." Çocuklarım 13 ve 11 yaşlarında.   "The price is 13 liras." Fiyatı 13 lira....

“Twelve” (12) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Twelve" (12) is written as: On iki Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The price is 12 liras." Fiyatı 12 lira.   "Do you want to meet at 12?" 12'de buluşmak ister misin?   "It's Suite Number 12." 12 numaralı süit/oda.   "12 eggs, please."...

“Eleven” (11) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Eleven" (11) is written as: On bir Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "See you at 11." 11'de görüşürüz.   "Want to meet at 11?" 11'de buluşmak ister misin?   "It's 11 liras." 11 lira.   "I arrive at 11." 11'de varıyorum.   "Take Exit...

“Beautiful” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Beautiful" is written as: Güzel Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This city is beautiful." Bu şehir güzel.   "What a beautiful view." Ne güzel bir manzara.   "That is a beautiful mosque." O güzel bir cami.   "You look beautiful." Güzel görünüyorsun.   "That is a beautiful...

“Larger”, “Largest” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Larger" is written as: Daha büyük In Turkish, "Largest" is written as: En büyük Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That is the largest dog of the three." O, üç köpek arasındaki en büyük köpek.   "This phone is larger than my last one." Bu telefon,...

“A lot” in Turkish

In Turkish, "A lot" is written as: Çok Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "A lot of onions, please." Bol soğan lütfen.   "A lot of sauce, please." Bol sos lütfen.   "Not a lot of sauce, please." Çok sos olmasın, lütfen.   "It's a lot hotter today than...

“Smaller”, “Smallest” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Smaller" is written as: Daha küçük In Turkish, "Smallest" is written as: En küçük Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This car is smaller than my last." Bu araba,  en son kullandığım arabadan daha küçük.   "Do you have a size smaller?" Daha küçük bir bedeni...

“Small” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Small" (the adjective) is written as: Küçük Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That is a small cat." O küçük bir kedi.   "A tea in a small cup, please." Küçük bir fincanda çay, lütfen.   "A tea in a small glass cup, please." Küçük cam bardakta...

“Large” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Large" is written as: Büyük Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "A large durum, please." Büyük bir dürüm, lütfen.   "Can I get a large salad, please?" Büyük bir salata alabilir miyim, lütfen?   "That is a large dog." O büyük bir köpek.   "Those are large...

“Cold water” in Turkish

AIn Turkish, "Cold water" is written as: Soğuk su Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm only getting cold water in the shower." Sadece duşta soğuk su alıyorum.   "Do you want hot or cold water?" Sıcak veya soğuk su ister misiniz?   "I'd like cold water, please." Soğuk...

“Hot water” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Hot water" is written as: Sıcak su Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Are you getting hot water?" Sıcak su mu alıyorsun?   "I'm not getting hot water." Sıcak su almıyorum.   "Is the hot water working?" Sıcak su çalışıyor mu?   "The hot water takes ten...

“Water” (noun) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Water" (the noun) is written as: Su Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   Are you getting hot water? Sıcak su mu alıyorsun?   "Can I get a bottle of water, please?" Bir şişe su alabilir miyim, lütfen?   "Can I get a case of six large bottles...

“I am from…” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I am from..." is written as: (last vowel is a bold vowel) -lıyım (last vowel is a thin vowel) -liyim (Editor's note: When describing specifically where the speaker is from, -lıyım or -liyim, as suffixes, are used. -lıyım is affixed as a suffix to the name of a place when the last letter is...

“Bill”, “Bills” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Bill" (the noun, as in a notice to pay) is written as: Fatura In Turkish, "Bills" (the noun) is written as: Faturalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I get the bill?" Faturayı alabilir miyim?   "Can we get the bill?" Faturayı alabilir miyiz?   "Two...

“Take away” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Take away" (in the context of ordering food) is written as: Paket servis Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Take away, please." Paket servis, lütfen.   "I'll have it for take away." Paket olarak alacağım.   "Can you prepare it for take away?" Paket olarak hazırlayabilir misiniz?...

“For here” in Turkish

In Turkish, "For here" (in the context of ordering food) is written as: Burada Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "For here, please." Burada, lütfen.   "For here. Thanks." Burada. Teşekkürler.   "Can I have it for here?" Burada yiyebilir miyim?   "For here would be great." Burası harika...

“Where are you from?” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Where are you from?" is written as: Nerelisin? Listen to this question pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Where are you from?” in Lebanese Arabic “Where are you from?” in Tunisian Arabic “Where are you from?” in Spanish  

“Years old” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Years old" is written as: Yaşında Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My dog is 10 years old." Köpeğim 10 yaşında.   "My children are 14 and 12 years old." Çocuklarım 14 ve 12 yaşlarında.   "I'm 45 years old." Ben 45 yaşındayım.   "This building is...

“Year”, “Years” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Year" is written as: Yıl In Turkish, "Years" is written as: Yıllar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My cat is 15 years old." Kedim 15 yaşında.   "I've lived in this country for 20 years." 20 yıldır bu ülkede yaşıyorum.   ""I've lived in this...

“Month”, “Months” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Month" is written as: Ay In Turkish, "Months" is written as: Aylar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My grandma turns 90 next month." Büyükannem gelecek ay 90 yaşına girecek.   "My birthday is next month." Doğum günüm önümüzdeki ay.   "I have two months of...

“Hour”, “Hours” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Hour" is written as: Saat In Turkish, "Hours" is written as: Saatler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I arrive in one hour." 1 saate varıyorum.   "See you in an hour." 1 saat sonra görüşürüz.   "I arrived an hour ago." 1 saat önce vardım....

“Ten” (10) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Ten" (10) is written as: On Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Here is 10 liras." İşte 10 lira.   "It's 10 liras." 10 lira.   "My children are 10 and 9 years old." Çocuklarım 10 ve 9 yaşlarında.   "My dog is 10 years old." Köpeğim...

“Nine” (9) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Nine" (9) is written as: Dokuz Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "See you at 9pm." Akşam 9'da görüşürüz.   "Tea at 9pm?" Akşam 9'da çaya ne dersin?   "I'm in Row 9." Dokuzuncu sıradayım.   "You're in Row 9." Dokuzuncu sıradasın.   "My husband's birthday is...

“Eight” (8) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Eight" (8) is written as: Sekiz Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My flight arrives at 8pm." Uçağım akşam 8'de varıyor.   "I'll be over at 8pm." Akşam 8'de orada olacağım.   "We have a total of eight bags of luggage." Toplam sekiz valizimiz var.   "My...

“Seven” (7) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Seven" (7) is written as: Yedi Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We're in Row 7." Yedinci sıradayız.   "We're seven minutes away." Yedi dakika uzaktayız.   "I will set the alarm for 7am." Alarmı sabah 7'ye kuracağım.   "The flight is at 7:10pm." Uçuş akşam 7:10'da....

“Six” (6) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Six" (6) is written as: Altı Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm here for six days." Altı gündür buradayım.   "I arrive in six days!" Altı gün sonra varıyorum!   "We leave in six days." Altı gün sonra yola çıkıyoruz.   "It's Gate 6." Kapı 6....

“I understand” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I understand" is written as: Anlıyorum (Editor's note: In Turkish, Anlıyorum is the most direct translation to the English phrase, I understand. However, what is most commonly spoken in reference to this type of word / phrase is Anladım, which means I understood. (the phrase in the past participle)) Listen to this word pronounced...

“Do you have…?” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Do you have...?" is written as: Sende var mı...? Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you have your phone?" Telefonunuz var mı?   "Do you have your purse?" Çantanız var mı?   "Do you have the keys?" Anahtarlar sende mi?   "Do you have time to...
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