Words, Terms & Phrases

Step 1: Choose a language/dialect:
Step 2: Select a list:

“Oven”, “Ovens” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Oven" (the noun, as in the cooking appliance) is written as: Fırın In Turkish, "Ovens" (the noun) is written as: Fırınlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's in the oven." Fırında.   "There is bread baking in the oven." Fırında ekmek pişiyor.   "Can you...

“Have a good night!” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Have a good night!" is written as: İyi geceler! Listen to this farewell pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Good chatting with you. Have a good night!" Seninle sohbet etmek güzeldi. İyi geceler!   "Great seeing you! Have a good night!" Seni görmek harika! İyi geceler!   "Talk again soon. Have...

“City”, “Cities” in Turkish

In Turkish, "City" is written as: Şehir In Turkish, "Cities" is written as: Şehirler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I love this city!" Bu şehri seviyorum!   "What city in Türkiye have you always wanted to visit?" Türkiye’de hangi şehri ziyaret etmek istediniz?   "Istanbul is a...

“Sounds good” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sounds good" is written as: Kulağa hoş geliyor Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Yes, sounds good." Evet, kulağa hoş geliyor.   "Sounds good to me." Kulağa hoş geliyor.   (Editor's note: In Turkish, other ways to express this statement are Bana uyar which is cognate with...

“Fruit” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Fruit" (the noun, as in the type of food, in the singular form) is written as: Meyve In Turkish, "Fruit" (in the plural form) is written as: Meyveler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I feel like some fruit." Biraz meyve gibi hissediyorum.   "What kind...

“Good night” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Good night" is written as: İyi geceler Listen to this farewell pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Have a good night!" İyi geceler!   "Good night! See you tomorrow." İyi geceler! Yarın görüşürüz.   "Good night! See you in the morning." İyi geceler! Yarın sabah görüşürüz.   "Good night! Talk soon."...

“Easily” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Easily" (the adverb) is written as: Kolayca Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm learning this language easily." Bu dili kolayca öğreniyorum.   "You seem to be learning so easily!" Çok kolay öğreniyor gibisin!   "This is easily one of my favourite movies ever!" Bu şimdiye kadar kolayca...

“Thirty-six” (36) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Thirty-six" (36) is written as: Otuz altı Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "36 liras." 36 lira.   "The price is 36 liras." Fiyatı 36 lira.   "It's 36 degrees today!" Bugün hava 36 derece!   "I'm 36." 36 yaşındayım.   "She is 36 years old." O...

“Thirty-eight” (38) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Thirty-eight" (38) is written as: Otuz sekiz Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm 38 years old." 38 yaşındayım.   "It's 38 degrees right now!" Hava şu anda 38 derece!   "The GPS reads 38 more kilometres." Navigasyon 38 kilometre daha gösteriyor.   "We're to go to...

“Forty” (40) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Forty" (40) is written as: Kırk Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Happy 40th birthday!" 40 yaş günün kutlu olsun!   "My husband is 40 years old." Kocam 40 yaşında.   "I turn 40 tomorrow." Yarın 40 oluyorum.   "It's my parents 40th anniversary today." Bugün annemin...

“Smart” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Smart" is written as: Akıllı Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "You are smart!" Sen akıllısın!   "You're all so smart!" Hepiniz çok akıllısınız!   "You have a smart dog." Akıllı bir köpeğin var.   "My grandparents are smart." Büyükannem ve büyükbabam akıllılar.   "It's a smart...

“Butter” (noun) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Butter" (the noun) is written as: Tereyağ Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can you pass the butter?" Tereyağı uzatabilir misin?   "No butter, please." Tereyağ olmasın, lütfen.   "Do you have a butter knife?" Tereyağ bıçağınız var mı?   "Here's some butter." İşte biraz tereyağ.  ...

“I think” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I think" is written as: Bence Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I think so." Bence de.   "I think that is a good idea." Bence bu iyi bir fikir.   "I think that's the correct way." Bence bu doğru yol.   "I think it's spelled right."...

“Wi-fi” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Wi-fi" is written as: Wi-fi Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Are you getting wi-fi?" Wi-fi alıyor musunuz?   "Does the residence have wi-fi?" Evde wi-fi var mı?   "What's the wi-fi password?" Wi-fi şifresi nedir?   "Do you have wi-fi here?" Burada wi-fi var mı?  ...

“Plate”, “Plates” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Plate" (the noun) is written as: Tabak In Turkish, "Plates" (the noun) is written as: Tabaklar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can you put it on a plate?" Bir tabağa koyabilir misiniz?   "Glass plate." Cam tabak.   "Plastic plate." Plastik tabak.   "Here is...

“Thirty” (30) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Thirty" (30) is written as: Otuz Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's thirty degrees!" Hava otuz derece!   "The price is 30 liras." Fiyatı 30 lira.   "Here is 30 liras." İşte 30 lira.   "Thirty percent." Yüzde otuz.   "I'm 30 years old." Ben 30...

“Thirty-two” (32) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Thirty-two" (32) is written as: Otuz iki Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The price is 32." Fiyat 32 dir.   "32 years." 32 yıl.   "I'm 32 years old." Ben 32 yaşındayım.   "Here is 32 liras." İşte 32 lira.   "It's 32 degrees!" Hava 32...

“Thirty-one” (31) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Thirty-one" (31) is written as: Otuz bir Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Here is 31 liras." İşte 31 lira.   "The meal is 31 liras." Yemek 31 lira.   "It's 31 degrees outside!" Dışarısı 31 derece!   "Channel 31." Kanal 31.   "I'm 31 years old."...

“Thirty-four” (34) in Turkish

In Turkish "Thirty-four" (34) is written as: Otuz dört Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm 34 years old." Ben 34 yaşındayım.   "My husband is 34 years old." Kocam 34 yaşında.   "My children are 37 and 34 years old." Çocuklarım 37 ve 34 yaşındalar.   "Here is...

“Do you need…?” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Do you need…?" is written as: İhtiyacın var mı...? Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you need a pen?" Bir kaleme ihtiyacın var mı?   "Do you need water?" Suya ihtiyacın var mı?   "Do you need more food?" Daha fazla yiyeceğe mi ihtiyacın var?  ...

“Washing detergent” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Washing detergent" is written as: Çamaşır deterjanı Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Here is some washing detergent." İşte biraz çamaşır deterjanı.   "We're out of washing detergent." Çamaşır deterjanımız bitti.   "I'll buy more washing detergent today." Bugün daha fazla çamaşır deterjanı alacağım.   "We're low...

“First” (1st) in Turkish

In Turkish, "First" (1st) is written as: İlk Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "First place!" İlk yer!   "This is my first time here." Buraya ilk defa geliyorum.   "Is this your first time here?" Buraya ilk gelişiniz mi?   "July 1st." Temmuz'un 1'i.   "We take the...

“Hers” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Hers" is written as: Onunki Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Is it hers?" Bu onun mu?   "That is hers." O onun.   "I'll check if it is hers." Onun olup olmadığını kontrol edeceğim.   "Hers is the black purse." Onunki siyah çanta.   "Hers is...

“Washing machine”, “Washing machines” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Washing machine" is written as: Çamaşır makinesi In Turkish, "Washing machines" is written as: Çamaşır makineleri Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The residence has a washing machine." Evde bir çamaşır makinesi var.   "The suite has a washing machine and a drying machine." Dairede bir...

“Meal”, “Meals” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Meal" is written as: Yemek In Turkish, "Meals" is written as: Yemekler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This is a delicious meal!" Bu lezzetli bir yemek!   "The meals are packed." Yemekler paketlenmiş.   "What kind of meal do you want tomorrow?" Yarın ne tür...

“Mine” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Mine" is written as: Benim Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's mine." O benim.   "I think it's mine." Sanırım benim.   "I'll check if it's mine." Onun benim olup olmadığını kontrol edeceğim.   "I'll check if they are mine." Onların benim olup olmadığını kontrol edeceğim....

“Fun” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Fun" is written as: Eğlenceli Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's been a fun afternoon!" Eğlenceli bir öğleden sonra oldu!   "Today was fun!" Bugün eğlenceliydi!   "Tomorrow is going to be fun!" Yarın eğlenceli olacak!   "I had fun!" Eğlendim!   "I'm having fun learning...

“I can’t find it” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I can't find it" is written as: Bulamıyorum Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “I can’t find it” in Egyptian Arabic “I can’t find it” in Lebanese Arabic “I can’t find it” in Tunisian Arabic  

“Keep the change” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Keep the change" is written as: Üstü kalsın Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Keep the change” in Lebanese Arabic “Keep the change” in Tunisian Arabic  

“Easy” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Easy" is written as: Kolay Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That was easy." O kolaydı.   "It's easy." Bu kolay.   "This meal is easy to cook." Bu yemeği pişirmek kolaydır.   "This remote control is easy to use." Bu uzaktan kumandanın kullanımı kolaydır.   "That...

“I found it!” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I found it!" is written as: Buldum! Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “I found it!” in Lebanese Arabic “I found it!” in Tunisian Arabic  

“Better”, “Best” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Better" (the adjective) is written as: Daha iyi In Turkish, "Best" (the adjective) is written as: En iyi Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I speak better Turkish than Italian." Türkçeyi İtalyancadan daha iyi konuşurum.   "This is the best restaurant in the area." Bu, bölgedeki...

“Was” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Was" is written as: (when the last vowel of the operative word is a bold vowel) "-dı" (when the last vowel of the operative word is a thin vowel) "-di" (Editor’s note: In Turkish, bold vowel are a, ı, u, o and thin vowels are e, i, ü, ö.) Listen to these two suffixes...

“As well” in Turkish

In Turkish, "As well" is written as: -da Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I agree as well." Ben de katılıyorum.   "I've read that book as well!" O kitabı da hazırladım!   "I enjoyed the meal as well!" Yemekten de keyif aldım!   I like Turkish tea as...

“Here” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Here" is written as: Burada Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Here you go." Hadi bakalım.   "Here is your phone." İşte telefonun.   "Do you want to sit here?" Burada oturmak ister misin?   "Here is a good spot to sit." İşte oturacak iyi bir yer....

“Yours” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Yours" (the pronoun) is written as: Senin Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Is this yours?" Bu sizin mi?   "This may be yours." Bu sizin olabilir.   "I think this is yours." Bence bu senin.   "This is yours." Bu senin.   "It is yours." O...

“We’re” (We are) in Turkish

In Turkish, "We're" (We are) is written as: Biz Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We're here." Biz buradayız.   "We're almost here." Biz neredeyse geldik.   "We're on the third floor." Üçüncü kattayız.   "We're ready to order." Sipariş vermeye hazırız.   "We're going to take a taxi."...

“Those” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Those" is written as: Onlar Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Those are pyramids." Onlar piramitler.   "Those are coniferous trees." Onlar iğne yapraklı ağaçlar.   "What are those?" Onlar ne?   "Those are…" Onlar…   "Those are mopeds." Onlar mopedler.   In other Mediterranean languages and...

“Almost” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Almost" is written as: Neredeyse Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We're almost through the tea." Çayı bitirmek üzereyiz.   "We're almost there." Neredeyse geldik.   "It's almost time to go." Neredeyse gitme zamanı.   "It's almost time to leave for the airport." Havaalanına gitme vakti yaklaşıyor....

“That” in Turkish

In Turkish, "That" is written as: O Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That was fun!" O eğlenceliydi!   "That is a donkey." O bir eşek.   "Where did you find that?" Onu nereden buldun?   "That meal was good!" O yemek güzeldi!   "That sounds good." Kulağa hoş...

“You don’t need…” in Turkish

In Turkish, "You don't need…" is written as: Gerek yok... Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "You don't need to fill out that section." O bölümü doldurmanıza gerek yok.   "You don't need to take this exit." Bu çıkışı kullanmanıza gerek yok.   "You don't need to call the...

“Always” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Always" is written as: Her zaman Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The food is always good here." Burada yemek her zaman iyidir.   "I always wake up early." Her zaman erken kalkarım.   "I always take this way to work." İşe giderken hep bu yolu kullanırım....

“I don’t have…” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I don't have..." is written as: Yok Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I don't have a pen." Kalemim yok.   "I don't have the keys." Anahtarlarım yok.   "I don't have change." Bozuk param yok.   "I don't have enough change." Yeterince bozuk param yok.  ...

“Here is…” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Here is..." is written as: İşte... Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Here is a plate." İşte bir tabak.   "Here is the tray." İşte tepsi.   "Here is some change." İşte biraz bozukluk.   "Here is the key for your residence." İşte rezidansınızın anahtarı.   "Here...

“I have…” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I have..." is written as: Var Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I have time now." Şimdi zamanım var.   "I have time to talk." Konuşmak için zamanım var.   "I have my phone." Benim telefonum var.   "I have change." Bozuk param var.   "I have...

“Next” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Next" is written as: Gelecek Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What's next?" Sıradaki ne?   "What's the name of the next stop?" Bir sonraki durağın adı ne?   "Next week." Gelecek hafta.   "I arrive next week." Haftaya geliyorum.   "See you next week." Haftaya görüşürüz....

“Most” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Most" is written as: Çoğu Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This is the most I've laughed in a long time!" Uzun zamandır en çok güldüğüm şey bu!   "This is the most I've eaten in a long time!" Uzun zamandır en çok yediğim şey bu!  ...

“Has” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Has" is written as: Var Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "She has four children." Onun dört çocuğu var.   "He has dual citizenship." Onun çifte vatandaşlığı var.   "This month has 31 days." Bu ay 31 gündür.   "This restaurant has a roof top patio." Bu...

“Least” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Least" is written as: En az Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This month gets the least amount of sunlight in the year." Bu ay yılın en az güneş ışığını alır.   "This lane gets the least amount of traffic." Bu şerit en az trafik alır.  ...

“Too” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Too" is written as: De Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "You too." Sen de.   "Me too." Ben de.   "I agree too." Ben de katılıyorum.   "I'll be at the cafe tomorrow too." Ben de yarın kafede olacağım.   "I've read that book too!" Ben...

“Fork”, “Forks” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Fork" (the noun, as in the eating utensil) is written as: Çatal In Turkish, "Forks" (the noun) is written as: Çatallar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I have a fork?" Bir çatal alabilir miyim?   "Can you please pass me a fork?" Lütfen bana...

“Approximately” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Approximately" is written as: Yaklaşık Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll arrive at approximately 4pm." Tahminen 16:00 da geleceğim.   "We'll arrive at approximately 4pm." Tahminen 16:00 da varacağız.   "Approximately 4 kg." Yaklaşık 4 kg.   "We have approximately an hour left before we arrive."...

“Before” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Before" is written as: Önce Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll see you before work." İşten önce görüşürüz.   "Let's stop for gas before we go onto the highway." Otoyola çıkmadan önce benzin almak için duralım.   "I've been here before." Daha önce burada bulundum.  ...

“Phone”, “Phones” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Phone" is written as: Telefon In Turkish, "Phones" is written as: Telefonlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My phone is charged." Telefonum şarj oldu.   "Have you seen my phone?" Telefonumu gördün mü?   "I found my phone." Telefonumu buldum.   "Here is your phone."...

“Also” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Also" is written as: Da Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We should also buy paper towels." Kağıt havlu da almalıyız.   "We should also get gas before getting on the highway." Otoyola çıkmadan benzin de almalıyız.   "I'll buy this also." Bunu da satın alacağım.  ...

“In” in Turkish

In Turkish, "In" is written as: İçinde Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The shoes are in the closet." Ayakkabılar dolapta.   "In one hour." Bir saat içinde.   "I'll be back in 10 minutes." 10 dakika içinde döneceğim.   "The bread is in the oven." Ekmek fırında.  ...

“Try” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Try" is written as: Denemek Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I will try." Yapmaya çalışacağım.   "I will try calling again." Tekrar aramayı deneyeceğim.   "Can you try?" Deneyebilir misin?   "I will try knocking again." Tekrar çalmayı deneyeceğim.   "I will try calling your parents...

“Probably” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Probably" is written as: Muhtemelen Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The meeting will probably be done by 4:30pm." Toplantı muhtemelen 16:30 da yapılacak.   "Class will probably be done by 3:30pm." Ders muhtemelen 15:30 da bitmiş olacak.   "I can probably attend the event on Friday."...

“Maybe” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Maybe" is written as: Belki Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Maybe this morning." Belki bu sabah.   "Maybe this afternoon." Belki bu öğleden sonra.   "Maybe at 5pm." Belki akşam 5 te.   "I can meet maybe at 8pm." Akşam 8 de buluşabilirim.   "Maybe the...

“Twenty-eight” (28) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Twenty-eight" (28) is written as: Yirmi sekiz Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I am 28 years old." Ben 28 yaşındayım.   "He is 28 years old." O 28 yaşında.   "It's 28 degrees." Hava 28 derece.   "It was 28 degrees earlier today." Bugün erken...

“Why” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Why" is written as: Neden Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Why is it pronounced that way?" Neden böyle telaffuz ediliyor?   "Why don't you like tomatoes?" Niye domates sevmiyorsun?   "Why did you choose to come to this city?" Neden bu şehre gelmeyi tercih ettiniz?  ...

“Happy New Year!” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Happy New Year!" (the phrase) is written as: Mutlu yıllar! Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Related phrases & words in Turkish “New year” in Turkish “Year”, “Years” in Turkish In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Happy New Year!” in Egyptian Arabic “Happy New Year!” in Tunisian Arabic “Happy New Year!” in Greek...

“My” in Turkish

In Turkish, "My" is written as: Benim Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That is my dog." O benim köpeğim.   "That is my cat." O benim kedim.   "I'm going to bring my purse." Çantamı getireceğim.   "My children are 12 and 8 years old." Çocuklarım 12 ve...

“Sometime” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sometime" is written as: Bir ara Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll go sometime soon." Yakında gideceğim.   "I will return sometime next year." Gelecek yıl bir ara döneceğim.   "Meeting sometime next week would be great." Gelecek hafta bir ara buluşmak harika olurdu.   "Do...

“About” (approximation) in Turkish

In Turkish, "About" (as in an approximation) is written as: Yaklaşık Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I have about 40 pages left to read in the book." Kitapta okumam gereken yaklaşık 40 sayfa kaldı.   "We'll arrive in about an hour." Yaklaşık bir saat sonra varacağız.   "There...

“Again” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Again" is written as: Tekrar Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "See you again soon." Yakında tekrar görüşürüz.   "Can you say it again?" Tekrar söyleyebilir misin?   "I'll check the fridge for it again." Buzdolabını tekrar kontrol edeceğim.   "I'll watch this movie again. It is...

“Still” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Still" (the adverb) is written as: Hâlâ Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's still sunny out." Dışarısı hâlâ güneşli.   "Are you arriving next week still?" Yine de gelecek hafta geliyor musun?   "Is it still the same price?" Hâlâ aynı fiyat mı?   "Are we...

“Every” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Every" is written as: Her Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We come here every year." Her yıl buraya geliriz.   "We come here every summer." Her yaz buraya geliriz.   "Every window is open." Her pencere açık.   "Every table is full." Her masa dolu.  ...

“This” in Turkish

In Turkish, "This" is written as: Bu Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What is this?" Bu nedir?   "I turn 30 this year." Bu yıl 30 yaşına gireceğim.   "I will finish the project this week." Projeyi bu hafta bitireceğim.   "Do you want to eat at this...

“Honey” (food) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Honey" (the noun, as in the food) is written as: Bal Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This honey tastes great!" Bu balın tadı harika!   "How much for this jar of honey?" Bu kavanoz bal ne kadar?   "I'll buy these two jars of honey." Bu...

“Old” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Old" (the adjective) is written as: Eski Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "How old are you?" Kaç yaşındasın?   "I am 32 years old." 32 yaşındayım.   "That is an old book." O eski bir kitap.   "That is an old house." O eski bir ev....

“Her” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Her" (the pronoun) is written as: Onun Listen to this pronoun pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It is her purse." Bu onun çantası.   "Is it her purse?" Bu onun çantası mı?   "This is her ticket." Bu onun bileti.   "I'll check if it's her purse." Onun çantasının olup...

“His” in Turkish

In Turkish, "His" (the pronoun) is written as: Onun Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Is it his phone?" Bu onun telefonu mu?   "It is his wallet." Bu onun cüzdanı.   "It is his jacket." Bu onun ceketi.   "I'll book his flight now." Şimdi onun uçuşunu ayırtacağım....

“Because” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Because" is written as: Çünkü Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like summer because it's hot." Yazı seviyorum çünkü sıcak.   "We should leave now so that we're on time." Zamanında varmak için şimdi gitmeliyiz.   "Let's book this flight because there is no layover." Bu...

“Since” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Since" is written as: Dan beri Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Since when?" Ne zamandan beri?   "I've been here since the start of the month." Ay başından beri buradayım.   "This restaurant has been operating since 1905." Bu restoran 1905'ten beri faaliyet gösteriyor.   "Since...

“Soon” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Soon" is written as: Birazdan Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll be there soon." Birazdan orada olacağım.   "Your order will be ready soon." Siparişiniz birazdan hazır olacak.   "The movie will start soon." Film birazdan başlayacak.   "We will be landing soon." Birazdan iniş yapacağız....

“For” in Turkish

In Turkish, "For" is written as: İçin Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "How much for these jeans?" Bu kotlar ne kadar?   "You good to meet at 4pm?" Saat 4'te buluşmak için uygun musun?   "You good to meet at 4pm still?" Hâlâ saat 4'te buluşmak için uygun...

“Additional” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Additional" is written as: Ek Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Is there an additional charge for it?" Bunun için ek bir ücret var mı?   "Yes, there is an additional charge." Evet, ek bir ücret var.   "Additional car insurance." Ek araba sigortası.   "Do you...

“More” in Turkish

In Turkish, "More" is written as: Daha Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "One more coffee, please." Bir kahve daha, lütfen.   "Can we have two more teas?" İki çay daha alabilir miyiz?   "Can I have more onions?" Daha fazla soğan alabilir miyim?   "No more onions, please."...

“All” in Turkish

In Turkish, "All" is written as: Tüm Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "All the toppings, please." Tüm soslar lütfen.   "That is all the tomatoes that are left." Geriye kalan tüm domatesler bu kadar.   "We're all out of soap." Bütün sabunumuz bitti.   "All the luggage is...

“It’s good to be here!” in Turkish

In Turkish, "It's good to be here!" is written as: Burada olmak güzel! Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “It’s good to be here!” in Lebanese Arabic “It’s good to be here!” in Tunisian Arabic  

“Everything” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Everything" is written as: Her şey Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Everything on the durum, please." Dürümde her şey olsun, lütfen.   "Everything on the durum, please." Dürümlerde her şey olsun, lütfen.   "Everything is good." Her şey iyi.   "Is everything okay?" Her şey yolunda...

“Anything” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Anything" is written as: Bir şey Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you want anything to drink?" Bir şey içmek ister misin?   "Do you want anything more?" Başka bir şey ister misiniz?   "Is there anything else to chat about?" Sohbet edilecek başka bir şey...

“Other” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Other" is written as: Diğeri Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The other one." Diğeri.   "Can I have the other one?" Diğerini alabilir miyim?   "Do you want the other one?" Diğerini ister misin?   "I like the other shoes better." Diğer ayakkabıları daha çok beğendim....

“I’m back” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I'm back" is written as: Geri döndüm Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “I’m back” in Lebanese Arabic “I’m back” in Tunisian Arabic “I’m back” in Spanish  

“Or” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Or" is written as: Ya da Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you want coffee or tea?" Kahve ya da çay ister misiniz?   "Do you want chicken or fish?" Tavuk ya da balık ister misiniz?   "Do you want to rent a residence or hotel?"...

“And” in Turkish

In Turkish, "And" is written as: Ve Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "A durum and french fries, please." Bir dürüm ve patates kızartması lütfen.   "On the table is a plate and a glass." Masada bir tabak ve bir bardak var.   "Can I get a Turkish coffee...

“But” in Turkish

In Turkish, "But" is written as: Ama Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I liked the movie but I found it long." Filmi beğendim ama uzun buldum.   "I love reading but don't always have enough time." Okumayı seviyorum ama her zaman yeterli zamanım olmuyor.   "I enjoyed the...

“After” in Turkish

In Turkish, "After" is written as: Sonra Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can you meet after 6pm?" Akşam 6'dan sonra buluşabilir misin?   "I'll get groceries after picking up the kids." Çocukları aldıktan sonra market alışverişi yapacağım.   "Do you want to meet after work?" İşten sonra buluşmak...

“Same as usual” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Same as usual" is written as: Her zamankinden Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Same as usual” in Lebanese Arabic “Same as usual” in Tunisian Arabic  

“Each” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Each" is written as: Her biri Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I come to this cafe each morning." Her sabah bu kafeye gelirim.   "Each item is 20 Turkish liras." Her adedi 20 Türk Lirasıdır.   "I'll buy one of each." Her birinden bir tane alacağım....

“Which” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Which" is written as: Hangi Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Which way?" Hangi yöne?   "Which one do you want?" Hangisini istersin?   "Which room do you want?" Hangi odayı istersin?   "Which movie did you like better?" Hangi filmi daha çok beğendin?   "Which spelling...

“Chair”, “Chairs” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Chair" (the noun) is written as: Sandalye In Turkish, "Chairs" (the noun) is written as: Sandalyeler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I have this chair?" Bu sandalyeyi alabilir miyim?   "Yes, you can have the chair." Evet, sandalyeyi alabilirsin.   "How many chairs do...

“Without” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Without" is written as: Olmadan Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I have a tea without sugar?" Şekersiz çay alabilir miyim?   "Without sugar, please." Şekersiz, lütfen.   "Do you want the tea with or without sugar?" Çayı şekerli mi istersiniz yoksa şekersiz mi?   "I...

“Check-in” (noun) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Check-in" (the noun, in the context of a hotel or residential short-term stay) is written as: Giriş yapmak Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What time is check-in?" Giriş saati nedir?   "Check-in is at 4pm." Giriş saati 16:00'da.   "Check-in is at 3pm." Giriş saati 15:00'te....

“Checkout” (noun) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Checkout" (the noun, in the context of a residential short-term stay) is written as: Çıkış yapmak Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Checkout is tomorrow." Çıkış yarın.   "When is checkout?" Çıkış ne zaman?   "11am is tomorrow is checkout." Yarın sabah 11'de çıkış yapılacak.   "Is...

“Cheese” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Cheese" (the noun, as in the food) is written as: Peynir Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What kind of cheese do you want?" Ne tür peynir istersiniz?   "A cheese gozleme, please." Bir peynirli gözleme, lütfen.   "Can I have two cheese gozleme?" İki peynirli gözleme...

“Rent”, “Rents”, “Renting”, “Rented” (verbs) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Rent" (the verb) is written as: Kiralamak In Turkish, "Rents" (the verb) is written as: Kiralar In Turkish, "Renting" (the verb) is written as: Kiralıyor In Turkish, "Rented" (the verb) is written as: Kiraladı Listen to these four words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm renting this apartment for a...

“Moped”, “Mopeds” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Moped" is written as: Motosiklet In Turkish, "Mopeds" is written as: Motosikletler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you drive a moped?" Motosiklet sürüyor musun?   "That is my moped?" O benim motosikletim mi?   "I've been driving a moped for five years." Beş yıldır...

“Where” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Where" is written as: Nerede Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you know where the washing detergent is?" Çamaşır deterjanının nerede olduğunu biliyor musun?   "Where do we checkin at the airport?" Havalimanında nerede giriş yapıyoruz?   "Where do you want to go next?" Sonra nereye...
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