Words, Terms & Phrases

Step 1: Choose a language/dialect:
Step 2: Select a list:

“Stamp”, “Stamps” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Stamp" (the noun) is written as: Pul In Turkish, "Stamps" (the noun) is written as: Pullar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I need more stamps." Daha fazla pula ihtiyacım var.   "How much for this roll of 100 stamps?" Bu 100 pulluk rulo ne kadar?...

“Purse”, “Purses” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Purse" is written as: Cüzdan In Turkish, "Purses" is written as: Cüzdanlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Black purse." Siyah cüzdan.   "I forgot my purse." Cüzdanımı unutmuşum.   "I'm going to bring a small purse." Küçük bir cüzdan getireceğim.   "I'II check my purse."...

“Movie”, “Movies” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Movie" is written as: Film In Turkish, "Movies" is written as: Filmler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like movies." Filmleri severim.   "What movie do you want to watch?" Hangi filmi izlemek istersin?   "Have you seen this movie?" Bu filmi gördün mü?  ...

“Kitten”, “Kittens” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Kitten" is written as: Yavru kedi In Turkish, "Kittens" is written as: Yavru kediler Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "They are kittens." Onlar yavru kediler.   "The mother cat is playing with her kittens." Anne kedi yavrularıyla oynuyor.   "Eight kittens." Sekiz yavru kedi.  ...

“Happy” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Happy" (the adjective) is written as: Mutlu Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Your dog looks so happy!" Köpeğiniz çok mutlu görünüyor!   "I am happy!" Mutluyum!   "You look happy!" Mutlu görünüyorsun!   "Why are you so happy?" Neden bu kadar mutlusun?   "Talking with you...

“Pavement” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Pavement" is written as: Kaldırım Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "They are laying new pavement." Yeni kaldırımlar yapıyorlar.   "This is fresh pavement." Bu yeni kaldırım.   "The streets in this village don't have pavement." Bu köyün sokaklarında kaldırım yok.   "The pavement is drying." Kaldırım...

“Bathtub”, “Bathtubs” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Bathtub" is written as: Küvet In Turkish, "Bathtubs" is written as: Küvetler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm in the bathtub." Küvetteyim.   "I started the bathtub." Küvet'e başladım.   "The bathtub isn't getting hot water." Küvet sıcak su almıyor.   "The bathtub is getting...

“Toilet paper” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Toilet paper" is written as: Tuvalet kağıdı Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We're low on toilet paper." Tuvalet kağıdımız azaldı.   "There is more toilet paper under the sink." Lavabonun altında daha fazla tuvalet kağıdı var.   "We're out of toilet paper." Tuvalet kağıdımız bitti.  ...

“Toilet”, “Toilets” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Toilet" is written as: Tuvalet In Turkish, "Toilets" is written as: Tuvaletler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The toilet isn't flushing." Tuvalet sifon çekmiyor.   "The toilet is flushing again." Tuvalet yine sifonu çekiyor.   "All the bathrooms in this house have toilets and bathtubs."...

“Sock”, “Socks” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sock" (as in one piece of a pair of socks) is written as: Çorap In Turkish, "Socks" (as in a pair of socks) is written as: Çoraplar In Turkish, "Socks" (as in multiple pairs of socks) is written as: Çoraplar Listen to these three words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements  ...

“Leg”, “Legs” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Leg" is written as: Bacak In Turkish, "Legs" is written as: Bacaklar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "There are eight legs in this painting." Bu resimde sekiz ayak var.   "Spider legs." Örümcek bacakları.   "Hairy legs." Kıllı bacaklar.   "I cut my leg." Bacağımı...

“Coffee table”, “Coffee tables” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Coffee table" is written as: Sehpa In Turkish, "Coffee tables" is written as: Sehpalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I put the coffees on the coffee table." Kahveleri sehpanın üzerine koydum.   "Your keys were on the coffee table." Anahtarların sehpanın üzerindeydi.   "Let's shops...

“Folder”, “Folders” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Folder" (the noun, as in the physical or digital place that stores files) is written as: Klasör In Turkish, "Folders" (the noun) is written as: Klasörler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The folder is fold." Klasör katlanır.   "Here is a folder." İşte bir klasör.  ...

“Post office”, “Post offices” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Post office" is written as: Postane In Turkish, "Post offices" is written as: Postaneler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Your parcel arrived at the post office." Parseliniz postaneye ulaştı.   "I'm going to go to the post office." Postaneye gideceğim.   "Do you know where...

“Envelope”, “Envelopes” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Envelope" is written as: Zarf In Turkish, "Envelopes" is written as: Zarflar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The envelope is sealed." Zarf mühürlendi.   "An envelope arrived for you.." Size bir zarf geldi.   "Here are eight envelopes addressed to you." İşte size gönderilmiş sekiz...

“Toast” (noun) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Toast" (the noun, as in bread that has been toasted) is written as: Tost Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you want some toast?" Tost ister misin?   "Do you have any Extra Virgin Olive Oil for the toast?" Tost için Sızma Zeytinyağınız var mı?  ...

“Country”, “Countries” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Country" is written as: Ülke In Turkish, "Countries" is written as: Ülkeler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like this country." Bu ülkeyi seviyorum.   "I like your country." Ülkeni seviyorum.   "What country are you from?" Hangi ülkedensin?   "I've lived in this country...

“Walnut”, “Walnuts” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Walnut" is written as: Ceviz In Turkish, "Walnuts" is written as: Cevizler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Bag of walnuts." Bir torba ceviz.   "Do you have something to crack the walnuts?" Cevizleri kıracak bir şeyin var mı?   "I like the taste of walnuts."...

“Dining room”, “Dining rooms” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Dining room" is written as: Yemek odası In Turkish, "Dining rooms" is written as: Yemek odaları Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm in the dining room." Yemek odasındayım.   "The kids are studying in the dining room." Çocuklar yemek odasında ders çalışıyor.   "Dining room...

“Garbage bag”, “Garbage bags” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Garbage bag" is written as: Çöp torbası In Turkish, "Garbage bags" is written as: Çöp torbaları Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We only have one garbage bag left." Sadece bir çöp torbamız kaldı.   "Let's buy more garbage bags when we're out." Dışarı çıktığımızda daha...

“Recording”, “Recordings” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Recording" (the noun) is written as: Kayıt In Turkish, "Recordings" (the noun) is written as: Kayıtlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll check the recording." Kaydı kontrol edeceğim.   "The recording files are ready." Kayıt dosyaları hazır.   "I'll save the recordings." Kayıtları saklayacağım.  ...

“For sale” in Turkish

In Turkish, "For sale" is written as: Satılık Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The boat is for sale." Tekne satılıktır.   "That is a for sale sign." O bir satılık levhasıdır.   "Our house is for sale." Evimiz satılıktır.   "Is it for sale?" Satılık mı?   "It's...

“For lease” in Turkish

In Turkish, "For lease" is written as: Kiralık Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's for lease." Kiralık.   "Is it for lease?" Kiralık mı?   "I'll check if its for sale or for lease." Satılık mı yoksa kiralık mı diye kontrol edeceğim.   "I'm going to put the...

“Goose”, “Geese” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Goose" is written as: Kaz In Turkish, "Geese" is written as: Kazlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That's a goose." O bir kaz.   "Look at the geese!" Kazlara bak!   "That's a flock of geese." O bir kaz sürüsü.   "Those are geese over...

“Back” (direction) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Back" (the direction) is written as: Arka Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's at the back." Arka tarafta.   "The stewardess is at the back of the plane." Hostes uçağın arkasındadır.   "Did you check the back of the store?" Dükkanın arkasını kontrol ettin mi?  ...

“Miss” (pronoun) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Miss" (the pronoun) is written as: Hanımefendi (Editor's note: In Turkish, alternative words to mean Miss are Bayan and Hanım. In Türkiye it's common to see a woman's bathroom labelled as Bayan. Regarding Hanım if a speaker knows the interlocutor's name and wishes to express respect as an additional pronoun they will state the...

“Sir” (pronoun) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sir" (the pronoun) is written as: Beyefendi (Editor's note: In Turkish, other common pronouns that are cognate with Sir are Bay and Bey. In Türkiye, commonly a men's bathroom is also labelled as Bay. And regarding Bey, when the speaker knows the name of the interlocutor the speaker can conventionally say the interlocutor's name...

“Closed” (adjective) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Closed" (the adjective) is written as: Kapalı Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The restaurant is closed." Restoran kapalı.   "The door is closed." Kapı kapalı.   "We are closed." Kapalıyız.   "Are you closed?" Kapalı mısınız?   "They said they are closed." Kapalı olduklarını söylediler.  ...

“Eighty” (80) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Eighty" (80) is written as: Seksen Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Here is 80 liras." İşte 80 lira.   "The price is 80 liras." Fiyatı 80 lira.   "I count 80." 80 sayıyorum.   "60 plus 20 totals 80." 60 artı 20 toplamı 80.   "My...

“Seventy-nine” (79) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Seventy-nine" (79) is written as: Yetmiş dokuz Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Take Exit 79." Çıkış 79'a girin.   "Here is 79 liras." İşte 79 lira.   "My grandma turns 79 this weekend." Büyükannem bu hafta sonu 79 yaşına giriyor.   "The street number is 79."...

“Seventy-eight” (78) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Seventy-eight" (78) is written as: Yetmiş sekiz Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's 78 liras." 78 lira.   "Here is 78 liras." İşte 78 lira.   "My grandpa is 78 years old." Dedem 78 yaşında.   "78 more kilometres to go." Daha 78 kilometre var.  ...

“Seventy-seven” (77) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Seventy-seven" (77) is written as: Yetmiş yedi Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm 77 years old." 77 yaşındayım.   "My grandma is 77 years old." Büyükannem 77 yaşında.   "The GPS says we're 77 kilometres away." GPS 77 kilometre uzakta olduğumuzu söylüyor.   "It's 77 kilometres...

“Seventy-six” (76) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Seventy-six" (76) is written as: Yetmiş altı Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My grandma is 76 years old." Büyükannem 76 yaşında.   "It's 76 liras." 76 lira.   "The house number is 76." Ev numarası 76'dır.   "I was born in '76." 76'da doğdum.   "Take...

“Glove”, “Gloves” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Glove" (as in one glove of a pair of gloves) is written as: Eldiven In Turkish, "Gloves" (as in one pair of gloves) is written as: Eldivenler In Turkish, "Gloves" (as in multiple pairs of gloves) is written as: Eldivenler Listen to these three words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm missing a...

“Paddle”, “Paddles” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Paddle" (the noun, as in the device used to propel a boat) is written as: Kürek In Turkish, "Paddles" (the noun) is written as: Kürekler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Here is your paddle." İşte küreğin.   "These paddles are heavy." Bu kürekler ağırdır.  ...

“Lamp post”, “Lamp posts” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Lamp post" (the noun) is written as: Lamba direği In Turkish, "Lamp posts" (the noun) is written as: Lamba direkleri Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The lamp posts turn on at 8pm." Lamba direkleri akşam 8'de açılır.   "There are lamp posts on this street."...

“Building”, “Buildings” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Building" (the noun) is written as: Bina In Turkish, "Buildings" (the noun) is written as: Binalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That is a tall building." O yüksek bir bina.   "That building is four storeys high." O bina dört katlı.   "There are many...

“Plant”, “Plants” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Plant" (the noun) is written as: Bitki In Turkish, "Plants" (the noun) is written as: Bitkiler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "You have beautiful plants." Güzel bitkileriniz var.   "There are plants in the garden." Bahçede bitkiler var.   "What is this plant called?" Bu...

“Have a good trip!” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Have a good trip!" is written as: İyi yolculuklar! Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Have a good trip! See you soon." İyi yolculuklar! Yakında görüşürüz.   "Have a good trip! Text me when you arrive." İyi yolculuklar! Vardığında bana mesaj at.   "Have a good trip!...

“Sorry” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sorry" is written as: Üzgün Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Sorry, I didn't mean to bump you." Üzgünüm, seni kırmak istemedim.   "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you." Üzgünüm, seni bölmek istemedim.   "He said he is sorry." O üzgün olduğunu söyledi.   "I am...

“Bathroom”, “Bathrooms” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Bathroom" is written as: Banyo In Turkish, "Bathrooms" is written as: Banyolar   (Editor's In Turkish, in public (e.g., at a restaurant), the men's bathroom is commonly called Bay or Erkek, and the woman's bathroom is commonly called Bayan or Kadın.)   Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or...

“Seventy-five” (75) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Seventy-five" (75) is written as: Yetmiş beş Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "75 liras." 75 lira.   "Here is 75 liras." İşte 75 lira.   "I am 75 years old." 75 yaşındayım.   "My grandpa is 75 years old." Dedem 75 yaşında.   "I'm on page...

“Seventy-four” (74) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Seventy-four" (74) is written as: Yetmiş dört Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The price is 74 liras." Fiyatı 74 lira.   "Here is 74 liras." İşte 74 lira.   "Exit 74." 74 numaralı çıkış.   "My grandpa was born in a village but has lived in...

“Seventy-three” (73) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Seventy-three" (73) is written as: Yetmiş üç Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Here is 73 liras." İşte 73 lira.   "I counted 73." 73 saydım.   "73 more kilometres to go." Daha 73 kilometre var.   "My grandmother is 73 years old." Büyük annem 73 yaşında....

“Seventy-two” (72) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Seventy-two" (72) is written as: Yetmiş iki Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in   "He is 72 years old." 72 yaşında.   "My parents are 72 and 69 years old." Annem ve babam 72 ve 69 yaşlarında.   "We need to take Exit 72 next." Sonra 72 numaralı çıkışı kullanmamız gerekiyor....

“Seventy-one” (71) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Seventy-one" (71) is written as: Yetmiş bir Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The price is 71 liras." Fiyatı 71 lira.   "It is 71 dollars." 71 dolar.   "She is 71 years old." 71 yaşında.   "His number is 71." Onun numarası 71.   "The show...

“Fifty-seven” (57) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Fifty-seven" (57) is written as: Elli yedi Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The price is 57 liras." Fiyatı 57 lira.   "Here is 57 liras." İşte 57 lira.   "I'm 57 years old." 57 yaşındayım.   "We're 57 years old." 57 yaşındayız.   "We're in row...

“Fifty-eight” (58) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Fifty-eight" (58) is written as: Elli sekiz Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "There are 58 trees in this orchard." Bu meyve bahçesinde 58 ağaç var.   "I'm 58 years old." 58 yaşındayım.   "Take Exit 58." Çıkış 58'e girin.   "58 more kilometres to go." Daha...

“Fifty-nine” (59) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Fifty-nine" (59) is written as: Elli dokuz Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We need to go to Gate 59." 59 numaralı kapıya gitmemiz gerekiyor.   "We're in row 59 on the flight." Uçakta 59 sıradayız.   "It's 59 liras." O 59 liradır.   "It totals 59."...

“Sixty” (60) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sixty" (60) is written as: Altmış Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Take exit 60." Çıkış 60'a girin.   "This olive tree is 60 years old." Bu zeytin ağacı 60 yaşında.   "Row 60." 60 sıra.   "The game is on channel 60." Maç Kanal 60'ta.  ...

“Hat”, “Hats” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Hat" is written as: Şapka In Turkish, "Hats" is written as: Şapkalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Black hat." Siyah şapka.   "The hat has a brim." Şapkanın kenarı vardır.   "That store sells hats." O mağaza şapka satıyor.   "How much for this hat?"...

“Seventy” (70) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Seventy" (70) is written as: Yetmiş Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The price is 70 liras." Fiyatı 70 lira.   "Take Exit 70." 70 numaralı çıkışı kullanın.   "Here is 70 liras." İşte 70 lira.   "I'm 70 years old." 70 yaşındayım.   "He is 70...

“Sixty-nine” (69) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sixty-nine" (69) is written as: Altmış dokuz Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Our flight is Gate B69." Uçuşumuz B69 numaralı kapıdadır.   "Here is 69 liras." İşte 69 lira.   "The price for the durum is 69." Dürümün fiyatı 69'dur.   "50 plus 19 totals 69."...

“Sixty-eight” (68) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sixty-eight" (68) is written as: Altmış sekiz Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm 68." 68 yaşındayım.   "My father is 68 years old and my mother is 64." Babam 68 yaşında ve annem 64 yaşında.   "The price is 68 liras." Fiyatı 68 lira.   "Take...

“Sixty-seven” (67) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sixty-seven" (67) is written as: Altmış yedi Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Here is 67 dinars." İşte 67 dinar.   "I have 67 dinars total on me." Üzerimde toplam 67 dinar var.   "My father is 67 years old." Babam 67 yaşında.   "It totals 67."...

“Show me” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Show me" is written as: Bana göster Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can you show me?" Bana gösterebilir misin?   "Show me more." Bana daha fazla göster.   "Can you show me more?" Bana daha fazla gösterebilir misiniz?   "Can you show me your art collection?"...

“Home”, “Homes” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Home" is written as: Ev In Turkish, "Homes" is written as: Evler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm at home." Evdeyim.   "You have a beautiful home." Güzel bir evin var.   "Welcome to my home." Evime hoş geldin.   "There are seven homes on...

“Host”, “Hosts” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Host" (the noun) is written as: Ev sahibi In Turkish, "Hosts" (the noun) is written as: Ev sahipleri Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I am your host." Ben sizin ev sahibinizim.   "I'll call the host." Ev sahibini arayacağım.   "The host will meet you...

“I found…” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I found…" is written as: ...buldum (Editor's note: In Turkish, verbs always follow the associated noun that they affect. Therefore, in the case of buldum an ellipsis ("...") was used to represent that bold as the word would be used at the end of a statement or sentence.) Listen to this word pronounced (audio)...

“I don’t know” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I don't know" is written as: Bilmiyorum Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I don't know the answer." Cevabı bilmiyorum.   "I don't know the time." Zamanı bilmiyorum.   "I don't know if this is the correct way back." Bunun doğru dönüş yolu olup olmadığını bilmiyorum.  ...

“Did you get it to work?” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Did you get it to work?" is written as: İşe yaradı mı? Listen to this question pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Did you get it to work?” in Lebanese Arabic “Did you get it to work?” in Tunisian Arabic  

“Where is it?” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Where is it?" is written as: Nerede? Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Where is it?” in Lebanese Arabic “Where is it?” in Tunisian Arabic  

“Food” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Food" (in the singular form) is written as: Yemek In Turkish, "Food" (in the plural form) is written as: Yemekler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Let's go get some food." Hadi gidip biraz yiyecek alalım.   "This restaurant serves delicious food." Bu restorantta lezzetli yemekler...

“One moment” in Turkish

In Turkish, "One moment" is written as: Bir dakika Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "One moment, please." Bir dakika, lütfen.   "Can you talk for one moment?" Bir dakika konuşabilir misin?   "I'll be back in one moment." Bir dakika içinde döneceğim.   "The movie is going to...

“Scissors” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Scissors" (in the singular form) is written as: Makas In Turkish, "Scissors" (in the plural form) is written as: Makaslar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can you pass me the scissors?" Bana makası uzatabilir misin?   "Here are the scissors." İşte makaslar.   "I'll buy...

“Fifty-two” (52) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Fifty-two" (52) is written as: Elli iki Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He is 52 years old." O 52 yaşında.   "She is 52 years old." O 52 yaşında.   "This building was built 52 years ago." Bu bina 52 yıl önce inşa edildi.   "My...

“Orange juice” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Orange juice" is written as: Portakal suyu Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's orange juice." Bu portakal suyu.   "Here is a glass of orange juice." İşte bir bardak portakal suyu.   "Can we have two glasses of orange juice, please?" İki bardak portakal suyu alabilir...

“Fifty-five” (55) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Fifty-five" (55) is written as: Elli beş Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The price is 55 liras." Fiyatı 55 lira.   "I'm 55 years old." Ben 55 yaşındayım.   "My boss is 55 years old." Patronum 55 yaşında.   "My grandfather has worked in this shop...

“Fifty-four” (54) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Fifty-four" (54) is written as: Elli dört Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm 54 years old." Ben 54 yaşındayım.   "My wife and I are 54 years old." Karım ve ben 54 yaşındayız.   "The football player is number 54." Futbolcunun numarası 54'tür.   "Here is...

“Dessert”, “Desserts” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Dessert" is written as: Tatlı In Turkish, "Desserts" is written as: Tatlılar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What do you want for dessert?" Tatlı olarak ne alırsınız?   "That was delicious dessert!" Nefis bir tatlıydı!   "Can you show me the desserts?" Bana tatlıları gösterir...

“Fifty-one” (51) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Fifty-one" (51) is written as: Elli bir Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm 51 years old." Ben 51 yaşındayım.   "The price for the meal is 51 liras." Yemek ücreti 51 lira.   "My father has lived in this country for 51 years and loves it."...

“Fifty-six” (56) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Fifty-six" (56) is written as: Elli altı Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm 56."  Elli altı yaşındayım.   "The meal is 56 liras."  Yemek 56 lira.   "Here is 56 liras."   İşte 56 lira.   "My wife is 56 years old."  Eşim 56 yaşında.  ...

“Sixty-three” (63) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sixty-three" (63) is written as: Altmış üç Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Take Exit 63." 63 numaralı çıkışı kullanın.   "The price is 63 liras." Fiyatı 63 lira.   "Here is 63 liras." İşte 63 lira.   "I am 63 years old." 63 yaşındayım.   "I'm...

“Sixty-two” (62) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sixty-two" (62) is written as: Altmış iki Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The meal is 62 liras." Yemek 62 lira.   "Press 62." 62'ye basın.   "We're 62 kilometres away." 62 kilometre uzaktayız.   "He is 62 years old." 62 yaşında.   "My husband is 62...

“Sixty-one” (61) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sixty-one" (61) is written as: Altmış bir Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The price is 61 liras." Fiyatı 61 lira.   "Here is 61 liras." İşte 61 lira.   "61 percent." Yüzde 61.   "I'm 61 years old." 61 yaşındayım.   "She is 61 years old."...

“Conditioner”, “Conditioners” (hair) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Conditioner" (the hair product) is written as: Saç kremi In Turkish, "Conditioners" (the hair product) is written as: Saç kremleri Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I don't use conditioner in my hair." Saçlarımda saç kremi kullanmıyorum.   "I use conditioner in my hair." Saçlarımda saç...

“Airport”, “Airports” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Airport" is written as: Havalimanı In Turkish, "Airports" is written as: Havalimanları Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm at the airport." Havalimanındayım.   "Let's leave for the airport." Havalimanına gidelim.   "I like walking through airports!" Havalimanlarında yürümeyi seviyorum!   "We'll arrive at the airport...

“Quickly” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Quickly" (the adverb) is written as: Hızlıca Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Let's get to our gate quickly." Hızlıca kapımıza gidelim.   "Let's go quickly." Hızlıca gidelim.   "I'm going to quickly shower." Hızlıca duş alacağım.   "I'll quickly get ready." Hızlıca hazırlanacağım.   "Let's quickly...

“Vegetable”, “Vegetables” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Vegetable" is written as: Sebze In Turkish, "Vegetables" is written as: Sebzeler Listen to this two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I have some more vegetables?" Biraz daha sebze alabilir miyim?   "Is this a fruit or a vegetable?" Bu bir meyve mi yoksa sebze mi?   "What...

“Forty-nine” (49) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Forty-nine" (49) is written as: Kırk dokuz Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm 49 years old." 49 yaşındayım.   "My wife turns 49 years old next week." Eşim gelecek hafta 49 yaşına girecek.   "49 liras." 49 lira.   "Here is 49 liras." İşte 49 lira....

“Forty-eight” (48) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Forty-eight" (48) is written as: Kırk sekiz Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "48 kilometres to go." 48 kilometre kaldı.   "The GPS says we'll arrive in 48 minutes." Navigasyon 48 dakika içinde varacağımızı söylüyor.   "I'm 48 years old." 48 yaşındayım.   "Here is 48 liras."...

“Forty-seven” (47) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Forty-seven" (47) is written as: Kırk yedi Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm 47 years old." 47 yaşındayım.   "I turn 47 next week." Gelecek hafta 47 olacağım.   "My parents have been married 47 years." Annem ve babam 47 yıldır evliler.   "Take Exit 47."...

“Forty-six” (46) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Forty-six" (46) is written as: Kırk altı Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The price is 46 liras." Fiyatı 46 lira.   "She is 46 years old." 46 yaşında.   "My wife turned 46 years old yesterday." Eşim dün 46 yaşına girdi.   "Here is 46 liras."...

“Forty-five” (45) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Forty-five" (45) is written as: Kırk beş Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's 45 degrees in Egypt right now." Mısır'da hava şu an 45 derece.   "I'm 45 years old." 45 yaşındayım.   "My husband turns 45 tomorrow." Kocam yarın 45 yaşına giriyor.   "We take...

“Table”, “Tables” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Table" (the noun) is written as: Masa In Turkish, "Tables" (the noun) is written as: Masalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This is a long table!" Bu uzun bir masa!   "The table is round." Masa yuvarlaktır.   "It's a wooden table." Bu ahşap bir...

“Car”, “Cars” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Car" is written as: Araba In Turkish, "Cars" is written as: Arabalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Nice car!" Güzel araba!   "That is a brown car." O kahverengi bir araba.   "I've owned this car for 8 years." Bu arabaya 8 yıldır sahibim.  ...

“Earlier”, “Earliest” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Earlier" (the adjective) is written as: Daha erken In Turkish, "Earliest" (the adjective) is written as: En erken Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I woke up earlier today than yesterday." Bugün düne göre daha erken uyandım.   "Is there an earlier flight?" Daha erken bir...

“Until” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Until" is written as: E kadar Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm here until the end of May." Mayıs sonuna kadar buradayım.   "I'm in Ankara until the end of the month." Ay sonuna kadar Ankara'dayım.   "I don't have to leave until about 1pm." Öğleden...

“Early” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Early" is written as: Erken Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It is early." Erken.   "I'm going to wake up early tomorrow." Yarın erken uyanacağım.   "I work up early today." Bugün erkenden çalışıyorum.   "The flight arrived early." Uçak erken geldi.   "I finished the...

“With” in Turkish

In Turkish, "With" is written as: İle Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I have a tea with sugar, please?" Şekerli bir çay alabilir miyim, lütfen?   "A tea with sugar, please." Şekerli bir çay, lütfen.   "Do you want the durum with cheese?" Peynirli dürüm ister misin?...

“Money” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Money" is written as: Para (Editor's note: In Turkish, the word Cash is Nakit.) Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I pulled out money." Parayı çıkardım.   "Here is some money." İşte biraz para.   "I need to pull out some money. " Biraz para çekmem gerekiyor.  ...

“Pigeon”, “Pigeons” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Pigeon" (the noun) is written as: Güvercin In Turkish, "Pigeons" (the noun) is written as: Güvercinler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "There are many pigeons on the promenade." Kordon üzerinde çok sayıda güvercin var.   "There are many pigeons at the park." Parkta çok sayıda...

“Forty-four” (44) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Forty-four" (44) is written as: Kırk dört Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "44 liras." 44 lira.   "I'm 44 years old." 44 yaşındayım.   "My brother is 44 years old." Erkek kardeşim 44 yaşında.   "44 people are registered for the event!" Etkinliğe 44 kişi katıldı!...

“I didn’t know” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I didn't know" is written as: Bilmiyordum Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I didn't know that." Onu bilmiyordum.   "I didn't know that before! Thanks for explaining." Onu daha önce bilmiyordum! Açıkladığın için teşekkürler.   "I didn't know this city had over 15 million people!" Bu...

“Thirty-nine” (39) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Thirty-nine" (39) is written as: Otuz dokuz Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "She is 39 years old." O 39 yaşında.   "I'm 39 years old." 39 yaşındayım.   "My brother is 39 years old." Erkek kardeşim 39 yaşında.   "We're to take Exit 39." 39 numaralı...

“Dinner”, “Dinners” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Dinner" is written as: Akşam yemeği In Turkish, "Dinners" is written as: Akşam yemekleri Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What do you want for dinner?" Akşam yemeği için ne istersin?   "Dinner was good earlier." Akşam yemeği daha önceden iyiydi.   "My mother is making...

“Store”, “Stores”, “Storing”, “Stored” (verbs) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Store" (the verb) is written as: Saklamak In Turkish, "Stores" (the verb) is written as: Saklar (Editor’s note: In Turkish, a suffix may be added onto the root word, Saklar, to indicate the subject: Saklarım (I), Saklarsın (You, informal), Saklarsınız (You, formal), Saklar (He, She, It), Saklarız (We), Saklarlar (They).) In Turkish, "Storing" (the verb)...

“Charity”, “Charities” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Charity" (the noun, as in a not-for-profit organization) is written as: Hayır kurumu In Turkish, "Charities" (the noun) is written as: Hayır kurumları Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I volunteer at a local charity." Yerel bir hayır kurumunda gönüllüyüm.   "I'll donate to your charity."...

“Training”, “Trainings” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Training" (the noun, as in an organized physical activity) is written as: Eğitim In Turkish, "Trainings" (the noun) is written as: Eğitimler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Training is every Thursday night at 8pm." Eğitim her perşembe akşamı saat 8'de.   "Football training." Futbol antrenmanı....

“Train”, “Trains” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Train" (the noun) is written as: Tren In Turkish, "Trains" (the noun) is written as: Trenler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "A train comes by every 25 minutes." Her 25 dakikada bir tren geliyor.   "The train is about to arrive." Tren varmak üzere.  ...
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