Words, Terms & Phrases

Step 1: Choose a language/dialect:
Step 2: Select a list:

“Hourly” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Hourly" is written as: Saatlik Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What is the hourly price to rent this equipment?" Bu ekipmanı kiralamak için saatlik ücret nedir?   "What is the hourly price to play ping-pong here?" Burada masa tenisi oynamanın saatlik ücreti nedir?   "How much...

“Polite” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Polite" (the adjective) is written as: Kibar Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That was polite." O kibardı.   "You are polite." Sen kibarsın.   "You are so polite!" Çok naziksin!   "Class, thank you for being so polite with the guest today." Sınıf, bugün misafire karşı...

“Pay” (future) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Pay" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Ödeyeceğim (You) Ödeyeceksin (You, formal) Ödeyeceksiniz (You, plural) Ödeyeceksiniz (He, She, It) Ödeyecek (We) Ödeyeceğiz (They) Ödeyecekler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I will go pay for the meals." Yemekleri ödemeye gideceğim.   "Do you...

“Paying” (present) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Paying" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Ödüyorum (You) Ödüyorsun (You, formal) Ödüyorsunuz (You, plural) Ödüyorsunuz (He, She, It) Ödüyor (We) Ödüyoruz They: Ödüyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm at the store paying for the meals right now." Şu anda dükkanda...

“Local” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Local" (the adjective) is written as: Yerel Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Most of the products in this store are local." Bu mağazadaki ürünlerin çoğu yerlidir.   "A local company makes this furniture." Yerel bir şirket bu mobilyayı yapıyor.   "Most of the ingredients on the...

“Boat”, “Boats” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Boat" (the noun, as in the vehicle that travels on water) is written as: Tekne In Turkish, "Boats" (the noun) is written as: Tekneler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Have you been on a boat before?" Daha önce bir tekneye bindin mi?   "My family...

“Sign”, “Signs” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sign" (the noun) is written as: Tabela In Turkish, "Signs" (the noun) is written as: Tabelalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What does the sign say?" Tabelada ne yazıyor?   "Can you translate that sign for me?" O tabelayı benim için çevirebilir misin?   "I...

“Bank card”, “Bank cards” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Bank card" (the noun) is written as: Banka kartı In Turkish, "Bank cards" (the noun) is written as: Banka kartları Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Enter your bank card pin." Banka kartı şifrenizi girin.   "Do you have your bank card?" Banka kartınız var mı?...

“Highway”, “Highways” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Highway" is written as: Otoyol In Turkish, "Highways" is written as: Otoyollar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This highway has a toll." Bu otoyolun geçiş ücreti var.   "Do you want to take the highway or a quieter road?" Otoyolu mu yoksa daha sessiz bir...

“Spot”, “Spots” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Spot" (the noun, as in a location) is written as: Yer In Turkish, "Spots" (the noun) is written as: Yerler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you want to park in that spot?" O yere park etmek ister misin?   "Do you want to pick...

“Broom”, “Brooms” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Broom" (the noun) is written as: Süpürge In Turkish, "Brooms" (the noun) is written as: Süpürgeler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "There are brooms in the closet." Dolapta süpürgeler var.   "There is a broom in the closet." Dolapta bir süpürge var.   "Do you...

“Drawing”, “Drawings” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Drawing" (the noun) is written as: Çizim In Turkish, "Drawings" (the noun) is written as: Çizimler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Who created this drawing?" Bu çizimi kim yaptı?   "What does this drawing depict?" Bu çizimin anlamı ne?   "What type of pencil was...

“Every day” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Every day" is written as: Her gün Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you work out every day?" Her gün çalışıyor musun?   "I jog every day." Her gün koşarım.   "No, I don't work out every day." Hayır, her gün çalışmıyorum.   "He arrives at...

“Orange” (colour) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Orange" (the colour) is written as: Turuncu Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Orange is my favourite colour." En sevdiğim renk turuncu.   "That door is painted orange." O kapı turuncuya boyanmış.   "Nice orange shirt!" Güzel turuncu bir gömlek!   "He's wearing a white shirt and...

“Yearly” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Yearly" (the adjective) is written as: Yıllık Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Taxes are filed yearly." Vergiler yıllık olarak dosyalanır.   "My entire family meets yearly." Bütün ailem yılda bir kez toplanır.   "I run a yearly marathon." Yılda bir maraton koşuyorum.   "Is the event...

“Daily” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Daily" is written as: Günlük Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I workout daily." Günlük antrenman yapıyorum.   "I read daily." Her gün okuyorum.   "My Mom reads daily." Annem her gün okur.   "Is the meeting daily or weekly?" Toplantı günlük mü yoksa haftalık mı?  ...

“Off” (inactive) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Off" (the adjective, as in something that is inactive) is written as: Kapalı Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The computer is off." Bilgisayar kapalı.   "Are the computers off?" Bilgisayarlar kapalı mı?   "The TV is off." Televizyon kapalı.   "The lights are off." Işıklar kapalı....

“Clean” (adjective) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Clean" (the adjective) is written as: Temiz Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's clean in here!" Burası temiz!   "This car is clean!" Bu araba temiz!   "You have such a clean house!" Ne kadar temiz bir evin var!   "This is a very clean restaurant."...

“Normal” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Normal" (the adjective) is written as: Normal Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Is this much traffic normal?" Bu kadar trafik normal mi?   "It's normal." Normal.   "It's not normal." Normal değil.   "Is this the normal procedure?" Bu normal prosedür mü?   "Is booking an...

“Read” (future) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Read" (the verb,  in the future tense) is written as: I: Okuyacağım You: Okuyacaksın You, formal: Okuyacaksınız You, plural: Okuyacaksınız He / she / it: Okuyacak We: Okuyacağız They: Okuyacaklar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I look forward to reading it!" Okumayı dört gözle bekliyorum!  ...

“Reading” (present) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Reading" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: I: Okuyorum You: Okuyorsun You, formal: Okuyorsunuz You, plural: Okuyorsunuz He / she / it: Okuyor We: Okuyoruz They: Okuyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   (Editor’s note: In one or more of the following statements, the...

“Reads” (third-person) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Reads" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written: Okur Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My husband mostly reads at night." Kocam genelde geceleri okur.   "My brother reads a lot of science fiction." Abim çok fazla bilim kurgu okur.   "My wife reads a lot."...

“Read” (past) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Read" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Okudum (You) Okudun (You, formal) Okudunuz (You, plural) Okudunuz (He, She, It) Okudu (We) Okuduk They: Okudular Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   (Editor’s note: In one or more of the following statements, the word “Read”...

“Section”, “Sections” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Section" (the noun, as in a compartmentalized area) is written as: Kısım In Turkish, "Sections" (the noun) is written as: Kısımlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What section of the store is your product in?" Sebzeler marketin hangi kısmında?   "This city is broken down into...

“Area”, “Areas” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Area" (the noun) is written as: Alan In Turkish, "Areas" (the noun) is written as: Alanlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like this area." Bu alanı seviyorum.   "What areas did you look in?" Hangi alanları aradın? "Let's dig in this area." Bu alanı...

“Colour”, “Colours” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Colour" (the noun) is written as: Renk In Turkish, "Colours" (the noun) is written as: Renkler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What is the name of this colour?" Bu rengin adı ne?   "What colour is your car?" Araban hangi renk?   "How many different...

“Came” (past) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Came" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Geldim (You) Geldin (You, formal) Geldiniz (You, plural) Geldiniz (He, She, It) Geldi (We) Geldik (They) Geldiler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   (Editor’s note: In one or more of the following statements, the word “Came” is...

“Coming” (present) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Coming" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Geliyorum (You) Geliyorsun (You, formal) Geliyorsunuz (You, plural) Geliyorsunuz (He, She, It) Geliyor (We) Geliyoruz (They) Geliyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm coming over now." Şimdi geliyorum.   "Are you coming over yet?" Daha...

“Comes” (third-person) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Comes" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written as: Gelir Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My boyfriend comes over often." Erkek arkadaşım sık sık gelir.   "He comes by the cafe almost every day." Kafeye neredeyse her gün gelir.   "She often comes early to class."...

“Come” (future) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Come" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Geleceğim (You) Geleceksin (You, formal) Geleceksiniz (You, plural) Geleceksiniz (He / She / It) Gelecek (We) Geleceğiz (They) Gelecekler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I will come over now." Şimdi geleceğim.   "I'll come over...

“Last” (position) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Last" (as in the lowest or furthest position away in comparison to a group of things) ​is written as: Son Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Go to the last counter on the right." Sağdaki son kasaya git.   "My favourite team is last in the standings...

“Scoop”, “Scoops” (ice cream) (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Scoop" (the noun, in the context of ice cream) is written as: Top In Turkish, "Scoops" (the noun) is written as: Toplar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "One scoop, please." Bir top, lütfen.   "How many scoops of ice cream do you want?" Kaç top...

“Watered” (past) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Watered" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Suladım (You) Suladın (You, formal) Suladınız (You, plural) Suladınız (He, She & It) Suladı (We) Suladık (They) Suladılar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   (Editor’s note: In one or more of the following statements, the word...

“At” in Turkish

In Turkish, "At" is written as: (last vowel of the operative word is a bold vowel and last consonant of the operative word is a hard consonant) -ta (last vowel of the operative word is a bold vowel and last consonant of the operative word is a soft consonant) -da (last vowel of the operative word...

“Travelled” (past) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Travelled" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Seyahat ettim (You) Seyahat ettin (You, formal) Seyahat ettiniz (You, plural) Seyahat ettiniz (He, She, It) Seyahat etti (We) Seyahat ettik They: Seyahat ettiler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   (Editor’s note: In one or more...

“Updated” (past) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Updated" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Güncelledim (You) Güncelledin (You, formal) Güncellediniz (You, plural) Güncellediniz (He, She, It): Güncelledi (We) Güncelledik They: Güncellediler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I updated the students." Öğrencileri bilgilendirdim.   "I haven't provided the update to...

“Have a good day!” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Have a good day" is written as: İyi günler! Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Have a good day!” in Egyptian Arabic “Have a good day!” in Lebanese Arabic “Have a good day!” in Tunisian Arabic  

“Speak soon” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Speak soon" (the common phrase indicating that the speaker looks forward to speaking with the interlocutor soon) is written as: Sonra konuşuruz Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Speak soon” in Lebanese Arabic “Speak soon” in Tunisian Arabic  

“Opened” (past) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Opened" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: I: Açtım You: Açtın You, formal: Açtınız He / she / it: Açtı We: Açtık They: Açtılar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I opened the windows." Pencereleri açtım.   "I opened the...

“Opening” (present) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Opening" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: I: Açıyorum You: Açıyorsun You, formal: Açıyorsunuz He / she / it: Açıyor We: Açıyoruz They: Açıyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I am opening the windows now." Şimdi pencereleri açıyorum.  ...

“Opens” (third-person) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Opens" (the verb, if the operative noun is a sentient being, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: Açar In Turkish, "Opens" (the verb, if the operative noun is an object, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: Açılır Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)...

“Right” (correct) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Right" (as in correct, in the context of a person or people) is written as: Haklı In Turkish, "Right" (as in correct, in the context of an object or concept or concepts) is written as: Doğru Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "You are right." Haklısın....

“Gift”, “Gifts” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Gift" (the noun) is written as: Hediye In Turkish, "Gifts" (the noun) is written as: Hediyeler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What a beautiful gift!" Ne kadar güzel bir hediye!   "What a thoughtful gift!" Ne kadar düşünceli bir hediye!   "Thank you for the...

“Paperwork” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Paperwork" (the noun) is written as: Evrak   (Editor's note: In Turkish, if a suffix is required and the first letter of the suffix is a vowel, the -k is softened to a -ğ. See Statements #3 & #5 below, as examples.) Listen to this word pronounced (audio)     Examples in sentences or...

“Necessary” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Necessary" (the adjective) is written as: Gerekli Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Is filling out this form necessary?" Bu formu doldurmak gerekli mi?   "I need to ask you some necessary security questions." Size bazı gerekli güvenlik soruları sormam gerekiyor.   "Is it necessary?" Gerekli mi?...

“Up” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Up" (as in movement or direction) is written as: Yukarı Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Move it up two inches." İki inç yukarı çek.   "Should we move the painting up or down?" Tabloyu yukarı mı çekmeliyiz aşağı mı indirmeliyiz?   "The plane is going up!"...

“Cleaner”, “Cleanest” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Cleaner" (the adjective) is written as: Daha temiz In Turkish, "Cleanest" (the adjective) is written as: En temiz Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The apartment is cleaner." Apartman daha temiz.   "It's cleaner in here than it was yesterday!" Burası dünden daha temiz!   "This...

“Bus stop”, “Bus stops” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Bus stop" (the noun) is written as: Otobüs durağı In Turkish, "Bus stops" (the noun) is written as: Otobüs durakları Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm at the bus stop." Otobüs durağındayım.   "Do you know where the closest bus stop is?" En yakın otobüs...

“Alarm clock”, “Alarm clocks” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Alarm clock" (the noun) is written as: Çalar saat In Turkish, "Alarm clocks" (the noun) is written as: Çalar saatler Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I use the alarm clock on my phone." Telefonumdaki alarmı kullanıyorum.   "I have an alarm clock by the bed."...

“Not enough” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Not enough" is written as: Yeterince yok Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "There is not enough sauce on the sandwich." Sandviçte yeterince sos yok.   "There is not enough time to stop at the store on our way." Yolumuzdaki markette durmak için yeterince zaman yok.  ...

“First floor” in Turkish

In Turkish, "First floor" is written as: Birinci kat Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I live on the first floor." Birinci katta yaşıyorum.   "The superintend lives on the first floor." Kapıcı birinci katta yaşıyor.   "I'll take the stairs to the first floor." Birinci kata merdivenle çıkacağım....

“Store”, “Stores” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Store" (the noun) is written as: Mağaza In Turkish, "Stores" (the noun) is written as: Mağazalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm going to go to the store now." Şimdi mağazaya gideceğim.   "Do you want to come to the store with me?" Benimle mağazaya gelmek...

“Sunrise”, “Sunrises” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sunrise" is written as: Gün doğumu In Turkish, "Sunrises" is written as: Gün doğumları Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What a beautiful sunrise!" Ne kadar güzel bir gün doğumu!   "The sunrises along this coast are gorgeous!" Bu kıyı boyunca gün doğumları muhteşem!   "I...

“Tasted” (past) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Tasted" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: I: Tattım You: Tattın You, formal: Tattınız You, plural: Tattınız He / she / it: Tattı We: Tattık They: Tattılar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   (Editor’s note: In one or more of the following statements, the...

“Tasting” (present) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Tasting" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: I: Tadıyorum You: Tadıyorsun You, formal: Tadıyorsunuz You, plural: Tadıyorsunuz He / she / it: Tadıyor We: Tadıyoruz They: Tadıyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm tasting different olive oils right now." Şu anda farklı zeytinleri...

“Tastes” (third-person) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Tastes" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written as: Tadar Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The chef tastes the soup every morning before its served. " Aşçı, her sabah çorbayı servis etmeden önce tadar.   "My mother always tastes the food she makes before serving...

“Taste” (future) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Taste" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: I: Tadacağım You: Tadacaksın You, formal: Tadacaksınız You, plural: Tadacaksınız He / she / it: Tadacak We: Tadacağız They: Tadacaklar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you want to give it a taste?" Tadına bakmak ister misin?...

“Drove” (past) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Drove" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Araba sürdüm (You) Araba sürdün (You, formal) Araba sürdünüz (You, plural) Araba sürdünüz (He, She, It) Araba sürdü (We) Araba sürdük (They) Araba sürdüler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I drove here." Buraya arabayla geldim....

“Driving” (present) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Driving" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: I: Araba sürüyorum You: Araba sürüyorsun You, formal: Araba sürüyorsunuz You, plural: Araba sürüyorsunuz He / she / it: Araba sürüyor We: Araba sürüyoruz They: Araba sürüyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm driving to my...

“Drives” (third-person) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Drives" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: Araba sürer Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He drives about 100 KM per day for work." İş için günde yaklaşık 100 km araba sürer.   "My father drives slowly." Babam yavaş araba...

“Handshake”, “Handshakes” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Handshake" (the noun) is written as: Tokalaşma In Turkish, "Handshakes" (the noun) is written as: Tokalaşmalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That is a firm handshake." Bu sıkı bir tokalaşma.   "Remember to give your teacher a handshake after accepting the award." Ödülü aldıktan sonra...

“Drive” (future) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Drive" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: I: Araba süreceğim You: Araba süreceksin You, formal: Araba süreceksiniz You, plural: Araba süreceksiniz He / she / it: Araba sürecek We: Araba süreceğiz They: Araba sürecekler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements (Editor’s note: In one or...

“Couple” (noun) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Couple" (the noun) is written as: Çift Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "They make a good couple." İyi bir çift oluyorlar.   "They are a couple." Onlar bir çift.   "There are a couple of ducks swimming in the pond over there." Şuradaki gölette bir çift...

“Last year” (previous year) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Last year" (as in the most previous year) is written as: Geçen sene Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I visited Istanbul last year." Geçen sene İstanbul'u ziyaret ettim.   "I graduated university last year." Geçen sene üniversiteden mezun oldum.   "We met last year." Geçen sene...

“Ninety-five” (95) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Ninety-five" (95) is written as: Doksan beş Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "GPS says we'll be there in 95 minutes." GPS 95 dakika içinde varacağımızı söylüyor.   "We need to take Highway 95 south." 95 numaralı Güney karayolundan gitmemiz gerekiyor.   "The price of the meal...

“Ninety-four” (94) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Ninety-four" (94) is written as: Doksan dört Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We're in Row 94." 94 sıradayız.   "Our flight is Gate 94." Uçuşumuz 94 kapıda.   "My grandpa is 94." Dedem 94 yaşında.   "The price is 94 lira." Fiyatı 94 lira.   "Press...

“Ninety-three” (93) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Ninety-three" (93) is written as: Doksan üç Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We're 93 kilometres away." 93 kilometremiz kaldı.   "The airport is 93 kilometres from here." Havaalanı buradan 93 kilometre uzakta.   "The street address is 93." Sokak adresi 93.   "Take Exit 93." 93...

“Ninety-two” (92) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Ninety-two" (92) is written as: Doksan iki Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The price is 92 liras." Ücreti 92 lira.   "Take Exit 92." 92 çıkışı kullanın.   "My grandma is 92." Ninem 92 yaşında.   "My family has owned this home for 92 years." Bu...

“Waters” (third-person) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Waters" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: Sular Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The superintendent waters the garden out front." Kapıcı öndeki bahçeyi sular.   "My neighbour waters her garden often." Komşum bahçesini sık sık sular.   "My neighbour...

“Water” (future) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Water" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Sulayacağım (You) Sulayacaksın (You, formal) Sulayacaksınız (You, plural) Sulayacaksınız (He, She, & It) Sulayacak (We) Sulayacağız (They) Sulayacaklar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm going to water the plants." Bitkileri sulayacağım.   "I'm going to...

“Travelling” (present) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Travelling" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Seyahat ediyorum (You) Seyahat ediyorsun (You, formal) Seyahat ediyorsunuz (You, plural) Seyahat ediyorsunuz (He, She, It) Seyahat ediyor (We) Seyahat ediyoruz (They) Seyahat ediyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   (Editor’s note: In one or more...

“Travels” (third-person) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Travels" (the verb) is written as: Seyahat eder Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He travels a lot." O çok seyahat eder.   "My sister travels a lot." Kız kardeşim çok seyahat eder.   "My father travels a lot." Babam çok seyahat eder.   "My husband travels...

“Travel” (future) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Travel" (the verb) is written as: I: Seyahat edeceğim You: Seyahat edeceksin You, formal: Seyahat edeceksiniz You, plural: Seyahat edeceksiniz He / she / it: Seyahat edecek We: Seyahat edeceğiz They: Seyahat edecekler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm travelling to Lebanon this summer." Bu yaz...

“Bowl”, “Bowls” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Bowl" (the noun) is written as: Kase In Turkish, "Bowls" (the noun) is written as: Kaseler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you want a bowl or a plate?" Kase mi istiyorsun tabak mı?   "Can I get the meal in a bowl?" Yemeğimi kasede...

“Third” (3rd) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Third" (3rd) is written as: Üçüncü Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Third floor." Üçüncü kat.   "We're on the third floor." Üçüncü kattayız.   "I live on the third floor." Üçüncü katta yaşıyorum.   "She lives on the third floor." Üçüncü katta yaşıyor.   "I'll meet...

“Curb”, “Curbs” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Curb" (the noun, as in the feature on the side of a road) is written as: Kaldırım In Turkish, "Curbs" (the noun) is written as: Kaldırımlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Don't hit the curb!" Kaldırıma çarpma!   "Watch the curb!" Kaldırıma dikkat et!  ...

“Watering” (present) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Watering" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Suluyorum (You) Suluyorsun (You, formal) Suluyorsunuz (You, plural) Suluyorsunuz (He, She & It) Suluyor (We) Suluyoruz They: Suluyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm watering the plants right now." Şu an bitkileri suluyorum.   "I'm...

“Updating” (present) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Updating" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Güncelliyorum (You) Güncelliyorsun (You, formal) Güncelliyorsunuz (You, plural) Güncelliyorsunuz (He, She, It) Güncelliyor (We) Güncelliyoruz (They) Güncelliyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm updating everyone now." Şu anda herkesi bilgilendiriyorum.   "I'm not updating anyone...

“View”, “Views” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "View" (the noun) is written as: Manzara In Turkish, "Views" (the noun) is written as: Manzaralar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What a beautiful view!" Ne kadar güzel bir manzara!   "It's such a beautiful view from your balcony!" Balkonunun manzarası çok güzel!   "This restaurant's...

“Fire”, “Fires” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Fire" (the noun) is written as: Ateş In Turkish, "Fires" (the noun) is written as: Ateşler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Someone set a fire to burn trash." Biri çöp yakmak için ateş yakmış.   "There are more natural fires in this area this time...

“Sticky” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sticky" (the adjective) is written as: Yapışkan Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The popsicle stick is sticky." Dondurma çubuğu yapışkan.   "The honey is sticky." Bal yapışkan.   "It's sticky!" Yapıikan!   "This syrup is sticky." Bu şurup yapışkan.   "It's not too sticky." Çok yapışkan...

“Fast” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Fast" (the adjective) is written as: Hızlı Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This moped is fast." Bu motorlu bisiklet hızlı.   "This scooter can go fast!" Bu scooter hızlı gidebiliyor!   "That flight was fast!" Uçuş hızlıydı!   "That movie was fast!" Film hızlıydı!   "This...

“Sweater”, “Sweaters” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sweater" (the noun, as in the type of clothing) is written as: Kazak In Turkish, "Sweaters" (the noun) is written as: Kazaklar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Nice sweater!" Ne güzel bir kazak!   "This is a warm sweater." Sıcacık bir kazak.   "I have...

“Bark” (plant material) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Bark" (the noun, as in what grows on a woody plant) is written as: Ağaç kabuğu Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The bark is brown." Ağacın kabuğu kahverengi.   "The bark is rough." Ağacın kabuğu sert.   "That is bark on the ground." O ağaç kabuğu...

“Time” (noun) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Time" (the noun, as in a measured point in a day) is written as: Saat Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What time is it?" Saat kaç?   "I'll check the time." Saate bakacağım.   "What time does the movie start?" Film saat kaçta başlıyor?   "It's...

“Pay”, “Pays” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Pay" (the noun) is written as: Maaş In Turkish, "Pays" (the noun) is written as: Maaşlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What is the pay?" Maaşı ne kadar?   "My pay comes in every other Thursday." Maaşım her iki perşembede bir geliyor.   "I received...

“Shelf”, “Shelves” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Shelf" is written as: Raf In Turkish, "Shelves" is written as: Raflar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements "It's on the shelf." Rafta. "Did you check for the keys on the shelf?" Raftaki anahtarları kontrol ettin mi? "Can you help me assemble the shelf?" Rafı kurmama yardım...

“Order”, “Orders” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Order" (the noun) is written as: Sipariş In Turkish, "Orders" (the noun) is written as: Siparişler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Your order is ready." Siparişiniz hazır.   "How much is the order?" Sipariş ne kadar?   "There are three orders in front of you."...

“Updates” (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Updates" (the verb) is written as: Günceller Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The captain usually provides two updates per flight." Kaptan genellikle uçuş başına iki güncelleme verir.   "Updates occur every hour." Güncellemeler iki saatte bir verilir.   "Updates occur via text message." Güncellemeler mesaj aracılığıyla...

“Update” (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Update" (the verb) is written as: I: Güncelleyeceğim You: Güncelleyeceksin You, formal: Güncelleyeceksiniz You, plural: Güncelleyeceksiniz He / she / it: Güncelleyecek We: Güncelleyeceğiz They: Güncelleyecekler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll update you now." Seni şimdi bilgilendireceğim.   "There is no update to provide yet."...

“Just looking” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Just looking" (the common phrase spoken to a store clerk indicating that the speaker is casually and generally looking at products in the store) is written as: Sadece bakıyorum Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Just looking” in Egyptian Arabic “Just looking” in Lebanese Arabic “Just looking”...

“Foot”, “Feet” (body part) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Foot" (as in the anatomical appendage) is written as: Ayak In Turkish, "Feet" (the noun) is written as: Ayaklar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "One foot." Bir ayak.   "Two feet." İki ayak.   "There are eight feet drawn in that painting." O resimde çizilmiş...

“Spoon”, “Spoons” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Spoon" (the noun, as in the type of cutlery) is written as: Kaşık In Turkish, "Spoons" (the noun) is written as: Kaşıklar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can you please pass me the spoon?" Kaşığı bana uzatır mısın lütfen?   "Here is a spoon." İşte...

“Match”, “Matches” (light flame) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Match" (the noun, as in the tiny wooden stick that lights a flame) is written as: Kibrit In Turkish, "Matches" (the noun) is written as: Kibritler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Here is a match." İşte bir kibrit.   "The pack is out of matches."...

“Tonight” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Tonight" is written as: Bu gece Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "See you tonight!" Bu gece görüşürüz!   "I'm arriving tonight." Bu gece varıyorum.   "Where do you want to eat tonight?" Bu gece nerede yemek istersin?   "What time does the movie play tonight?" Film...

“Swam” (past) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Swam" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: I: Yüzdüm You: Yüzdün You, formal: Yüzdünüz You, plural: Yüzdünüz He / she / it: Yüzdü We: Yüzdük They: Yüzdüler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   (Editor’s note: In one or more of the following statements, the...

“Swimming” (present) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Swimming" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: I: Yüzüyorum You: Yüzüyorsun You, formal: Yüzüyorsunuz You, plural: Yüzüyorsunuz He / she / it: Yüzüyor We: Yüzüyoruz They: Yüzüyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm out at the beach swimming right now." Şu and sahilde...

“Swimmer”, “Swimmers” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Swimmer" (the noun) is written as: Yüzücü In Turkish, "Swimmers" (the noun) is written as: Yüzücüler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My cousin is a good swimmer." Kuzenim iyi bir yüzücü.   "Are you a good swimmer?" İyi bir yüzücü müsün?   "I'm a good...

“Thirty-seven” (37) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Thirty-seven" (37) is written as: Otuz yedi Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm 37 years old." 37 yaşındayım.   "My children are 39 and 37 years old." Çocuklarım 39 ve 37 yaşlarında.   "My husband is 37 years old." Kocam 37 yaşında.   "The price is...

“New year” in Turkish

In Turkish, "New year" is written as: Yeni yıl Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "See you in the new year!" Yeni yılda görüşürüz!   "It's a new year!" Yeni bir yıl!   "Happy new year!" Mutlu yıllar!   "I'm going to Istanbul for a month in the new...
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