Words, Terms & Phrases

Step 1: Choose a language/dialect:
Step 2: Select a list:

“Pile”, “Piles” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Pile" (the noun) is written as: Yığın In Turkish, "Piles" (the noun) is written as: Yığınlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "A pile of sand." Bir yığın kum.   "A pile of dirty clothes is on the floor." Yerde bir yığın kirli kıyafet var.  ...

“Third floor” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Third floor" (the noun) is written as: Üçüncü kat Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We live on the third floor." Üçüncü katta oturuyoruz.   "My apartment is on the third floor." Dairem üçüncü katta.   "The doctor’s office is on the third floor of that building."...

“Back”, “Backs” (body part) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Back" (the noun, as in the body part) is written as: Sırt In Turkish, "Backs" (the noun) is written as: Sırtlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My back is sore." Sırtım ağrıyor.   "He is laying on his back." Sırtüstü uzanıyor.   "She sleeps on...

“Morocco” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Morocco" (the country) is written as: Fas Listen to this country pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My family is going on a trip to Morocco in April." Ailem Nisan ayında Fas'a geziye gidiyor.   "My colleague is from Morocco." İş arkadaşım Faslı.   "Morocco is in North Africa." Fas Kuzey...

“Easier” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Easier" (the adjective) is written as: Daha kolay Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I know an easier way to assemble it." Bunu birleştirmenin daha kolay bir yolunu biliyorum.   "The exam was easier than I expected." Sınav düşündüğümden daha kolaydı.   "The task is getting easier...

“Turn” (imperative) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Turn" (as in the imperative statement) is written as: Dön Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Turn right here." Buradan sağa dön.   "Turn left." Sola dön.   "Turn right after that roundabout." Döner kavşaktan sonra sağa dönün.   "Turn around." Arkanı dön.   "Can you turn...

“Difficult” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Difficult" (the adjective) is written as: Zor Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That was difficult!" Bu zordu!   "The paperwork wasn't too difficult. " Evrak işleri çok zor değildi.   "He's being difficult." Zor davranıyor.   "The test was very difficult." Test çok zordu.   "The...

“Warm” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Warm" (the adjective) is written as: Sıcak Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It’s warm in here." Burası sıcak.   "The food is still warm." Yemek hala sıcak.   "I’ll wear socks to keep my feet warm" Ayaklarımı sıcak tutmak için çorap giyeceğim.   "Today is warm."...

“Returning” (living being) (present) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Returning" (the verb, in the context of a living being or beings, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Geri dönüyorum (You) Geri dönüyorsun (You, formal) Geri dönüyorsunuz (You, plural) Geri dönüyorsunuz (He, She, It) Geri dönüyor (We) Geri dönüyoruz (They) Geri dönüyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or...

“Returned” (living being) (past) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Returned" (the verb, in the context of a living being or beings, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Geri döndüm (You) Geri döndün (You, formal) Geri döndünüz (You, plural) Geri döndünüz (He, She, It) Geri döndü (We) Geri döndük (They) Geri döndüler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences...

“Stop” (subject) (imperative) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Stop" (as in the imperative statement, in the singular form) is written as: Dur In Turkish, "Stop" (in the plural form) is written as: Durun Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Stop here." Burada due.   "Stop after the lights." Işıklardan sonra dur.   (as in...

“Football” (sport) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Football" (the noun, as in the sport) is written as: Futbol (Editor’s note: This is in regards to conventional European football (the same as Soccer in North America) and not American football.) Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My kids play football." Çocuklarım futbol oynar.   "Football...

“Student”, “Students” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Student" (the noun) is written as: Öğrenci In Turkish, "Students" (the noun) is written as: Öğrenciler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That’s one of my students." Bu öğrencilerimden biri.   "The students are going on a field trip to the zoo." Öğrenciler hayvanat bahçesine geziye...

“Earth” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Earth" (the noun) is written as: Dünya Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We live on planet Earth." Dünya gezegeninde yaşıyoruz.   "How old is Earth?" Dünya kaç yaşında?   "Earth goes around the sun." Dünya Güneş'in etrafında döner.   "There is more bodies of water than...

“Returns” (living being) (third-person) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Returns" (the verb, in the context of a living being or beings, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: Geri döner Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My wife returns home from work at 8pm every night." Eşim her akşam saat 8'de işten...

“Supposed to be” (present) (phrase) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Supposed to be" (the phrase, in the present tense) is written as: Olması gerekiyor Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The meeting is supposed to be at 3pm." Toplantının saat 3'te olması gerekiyor.   "The game is supposed to be on this channel." Oyunun bu kanalda olması...

“Return” (living being) (future) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Return" (the verb, in the context of a living being or beings, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Geri döneceğim (You) Geri döneceksin (You, formal) Geri döneceksiniz (You, plural) Geri döneceksiniz (He, She, It) Geri dönecek (We) Geri döneceğiz (They) Geri dönecekler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences...

“Upset” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Upset" (the adjective) is written as: Üzgün Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Are you okay? You seem upset." İyi misin? Üzgün görünüyorsun.   "What are you upset about?" Neden üzgünsün?   "She is upset about losing her favourite earrings." En sevdiği küpelerini kaybettiği için üzgün.  ...

“Bedframe”, “Bedframes” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Bedframe" (the noun) is written as: Karyola In Turkish, "Bedframes" (the noun) is written as: Karyolalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What material is that bed frame made of?" Karyola neyden yapılmış?   "That bed frame is made of wood." O karyola ahşaptan yapılmış.  ...

“Finally” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Finally" (the adverb) is written as: Sonunda Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The parcel finally arrived!" Koli sonunda geldi!   "My favourite TV series is finally starting its next season tonight!" En sevdiğim dizi sonunda bu akşam yeni sezonuna başlıyor!   "Finally the movie started!" Sonunda...

“Clay” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Clay" (the noun) is written as: Kil Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Is this made of clay?" Bu kilden mi yapılmış?   "No, this vase is not made of clay." Hayır, bu vazo kilden yapılmamış.   "This mug is made of clay." Bu kupa kilden yapılmış....

“Patience” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Patience" (the noun) is written as: Sabır (Editor's note: An observation of interconnectedness — In Tunisian Arabic, "Patience" is Sabr / صبر.) Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements "You have a lot of patience." Çok sabırlısın.   "You need a lot of patience when dealing with children." Çocuklarla...

“Stopping” (subject) (present) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Stopping" (the verb, as in a subject stopping, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Duruyorum (You) Duruyorsun (You, formal) Duruyorsunuz (You, plural) Duruyorsunuz (He, She, It) Duruyor (We) Duruyoruz (They) Duruyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I am stopping at the grocery store for...

“Stop” (subject) (future) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Stop" (the verb, as in a subject stopping, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Duracağım (You) Duracaksın (You, formal) Duracaksınız (You, plural) Duracaksınız (He, She, It) Duracak (We) Duracağız (They) Duracaklar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I will stop by the store on my...

“Stops” (subject) (third-person) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Stops" (the verb, as in a subject stopping, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: Durur Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He often stops by the cafe after work to meet with his friends." Arkadaşlarıyla buluşmak için sık sık işten sonra kafeye...

“Stopped” (subject) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Stopped" (the verb, as in a subject stopping, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Durdum (You) Durdun (You, formal) Durdunuz (You, plural) Durdunuz (He, She, It) Durdu (We) Durduk (They) Durdular Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   (Editor’s note: In one or more of the...

“Belt”, “Belts” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Belt" (the noun) is written as: Kemer In Turkish, "Belts" (the noun) is written as: Kemerler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm not wearing a belt." Kemer takmıyorum.   "This belt is a bit tight." Bu kemer biraz sıkı.   "I forgot to pack my...

“Slowest” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Slowest" (the adjective) is written as: En yavaş Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He needs more training. He is the slowest runner in the team." Daha fazla eğitime ihtiyacı var. Takımdaki en yavaş kişi o.   "What is the slowest animal?" En yavaş hayvan hangisidir?  ...

“About” (meaning) in Turkish

In Turkish, "About" (as in the meaning) is written as: Hakkında Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What is the book about?" Kitap ne hakkında?   "The movie is about…" Film hakkında...   "Do you have any idea what the movie is about?" Filmin ne hakkında olduğuyla ilgili bir...

“Enter” (future) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Enter" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Gireceğim (You) Gireceksin (You, formal) Gireceksiniz (You, plural) Gireceksiniz (He, She, It) Girecek (We) Gireceğiz (They) Girecekler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I will enter from the back door." Arka kapıdan gireceğim.   "Which door...

“Entering” (present) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Entering" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Giriyorum (You) Giriyorsun (You, formal) Giriyorsunuz (You, plural) Giriyorsunuz (He, She, It) Giriyor (We) Giriyoruz (They) Giriyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm entering the building right now." Şu anda binaya giriyorum.   "I am...

“Puppy”, “Puppies” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Puppy" (the noun) is written as: Yavru köpek In Turkish, "Puppies" (the noun) is written as: Yavru köpekler Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Look at that cute puppy!" Şu şirin yavru köpeğe bak!   "What should I name the puppy?" Yavru köpeğin adına ne koymalıyım?...

“Enters” (third-person) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Enters" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written as: Girer Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He often enters the house from the back door." Eve genelde arka kapıdan girer.   "She always enters the house from the front door." O her zaman eve ön kapıdan...

“Entered” (past) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Entered" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Girdim (You) Girdin (You, formal) Girdiniz (You, plural) Girdiniz (He, She, It) Girdi (We) Girdik (They) Girdiler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I entered the restaurant a few minutes ago." Birkaç dakika önce restorana girdim....

“Fill it up” (vehicle) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Fill it up" (the phrase, in the context of fueling a vehicle) is written as: Depoyu doldur Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Fill it up” (vehicle) in Egyptian Arabic “Fill it up” (vehicle) in Tunisian Arabic “Fill it up” (vehicle) in Greek  

“Fact”, “Facts” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Fact" (the noun) is written as: Gerçek In Turkish, "Facts" (the noun) is written as: Greçekler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Here is a fun fact." İşte eğlenceli bir gerçek.   "That’s a well known fact." Bu çok bilinen bir gerçek.   "This movie is...

“Every day” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Every day" (the adverb) is written as: Her gün Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My husband and I walk together every day." Kocamla her g,n birlikte yürürüz.   "I come to this café every day." Bu kafeye her gün gelirim.   "I wake up at 7am...

“Returning” (object) (present) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Returning" (the verb, as in placing an object back where it belongs, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Geri koyuyorum (You) Geri koyuyorsun (You, formal) Geri koyuyorsunuz (You, plural) Geri koyuyorsunuz (He, She, It) Geri koyuyor (We) Geri koyuyoruz (They) Geri koyuyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences...

“Return” (object) (future) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Return" (the verb, as in placing an object back where it belongs, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Geri koyacağım (You) Geri koyacaksın (You, formal) Geri koyacaksınız (You, plural) Geri koyacaksınız (He, She, It) Geri koyacak (We) Geri koyacağız (They) Geri koyacaklar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or...

“Dress shirt”, “Dress shirts” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Dress shirt" (the noun) is written as: Frak gömlek In Turkish, "Dress Shirts" (the noun) is written as: Frak gömlekler Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like your dress shirt." Frak gömleğini beğendim.   "Which tie should I wear with this dress shirt?" Bu frak...

“Helmet”, “Helmets” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Helmet" (the noun) is written as: Kask In Turkish, "Helmets" (the noun) is written as: Kasklar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I always wear a helmet." Her zaman kask takarım.   "Do you have an extra helmet?" Fazla kaskın var mı?   "Don’t forget your...

“Garage door”, “Garage doors” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Garage door" (the noun) is written as: Garaj kapısı In Turkish, "Garage doors" (the noun) is written as: Garaj kapıları Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The garage door is open." Garaj kapısı açık.   "The garage door is closed." Garaj kapısı kapalı.   "Can you...

“Helmet strap”, “Helmet straps” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Helmet strap" (the noun) is written as: Kask kayışı In Turkish, "Helmet straps" (the noun) is written as: Kask kayışları Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I can tighten your helmet strap" Kask kayışını sıkabilirim.   "Kids, tighten your helmet straps!" Çocuklar, kaskınızın kayışlarını sıkın!  ...

“Mosaic”, “Mosaics” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Mosaic" (the noun) is written as: Mozaik In Turkish, "Mosaics" (the noun) is written as: Mozaikler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Look how beautiful that mosaic is!" Baksana şu mozaik ne kadar güzel!   "This museum has a lot of beautiful mosaics." Bu müzenin çok...

“Returns” (object) (third-person) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Returns" (the verb, as in placing an object back where it belongs, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: Geri koyar Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He always returns his shoes to the shoe rack." Ayakkabılarını her zaman ayakkabı rafına geri koyar....

“Shirt”, “Shirts” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Shirt" (the noun) is written as: Gömlek In Turkish, "Shirts" (the noun) is written as: Gömlekler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I am going to iron this shirt." Bu gömleği ütüleyeceğim.   "She’s wearing a long-sleeved shirt." Uzun kollu bir gömlek giyiyor.   "That’s a...

“Foam” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Foam" (the noun) is written as: Köpük Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That’s foam." Bu bir köpük.   "Do you want foam or no foam on your coffee?" Kahvenizi köpüklü mü yoksa köpüksüz mü istersiniz?   "That’s a lot of foam." Bu çok fazla köpük.  ...

“Smell”, “Smells” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Smell" (the noun) is written as: Koku In Turkish, "Smells" (the noun) is written as: Kokular Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What is that smell?" Bu koku ne?   "I like the smell of freshly baked bread." Taze pişmiş ekmeğin kokusunu seviyorum.   "That smell...

“Dresser”, “Dressers” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Dresser" (the noun, as in the piece of furniture) is written as: Şifonyer In Turkish, "Dressers" (the noun) is written as: Şifonyerler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Dressers are typically used to store clothing." Şifonyerler genellikle kıyafetleri saklamak için kullanılır.   "My bedroom has a...

“Clothesline”, “Clotheslines” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Clothesline" is written as: Çamaşır ipi In Turkish, "Clotheslines" is written as: Çamaşır ipleri Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The clothes are on the clothesline." Kıyafetler çamaşır ipinde.   "This building has three clotheslines." Bu binada üç tane çamaşır ipi var.   "Clothes hang on...

“Excited” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Excited" (the adjective) is written as: Heyecanlı Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm so excited!" Çok heyecanlıyım!   "What are you excited about?" Ne için bu kadar heyecanlısın?   "Your dog is very excited to see my dog!" Köpeğin köpeğimi gördüğü için çok heyecanlı!   "I'm...

“Target”, “Targets” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Target" (the noun) is written as: Hedef In Turkish, "Targets" (the noun) is written as: Hedefler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Aim at the target." Hedefi nişan al.   "I hit the target!" Hedefi vurdum!   "Which target do I aim at?" Hangi hedefi nişan...

“Close” (distance) (adjective) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Close" (the adjective, as in the distance) is written as: Yakın Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The pharmacy is close to here." Eczane buraya yakın.   "Is it close?" Yakın mı?   "How close is the restaurant to here?" Restoran buraya ne kadar yakın?   "We're...

“Father”, “Fathers” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Father" (the noun) is written as: Baba In Turkish, "Fathers" (the noun) is written as: Babalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My mother and father are going to join us for dinner." Annem ve babam akşam yemeğine bize katılacak.   "All the guys at that...

“Bench”, “Benches” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Bench" (the noun) is written as: Bank In Turkish, "Benches" (the noun) is written as: Banklar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you want to sit on this bench?" Bu banka oturmak ister misin?   "I’m sitting on the bench waiting for my friend to...

“Employee”, “Employees” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Employee" (the noun) is written as: İşçi In Turkish, "Employee" (the noun) is written as: İşçiler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Ten employees work here." Burada on işçi çalışır.   "There are four employees working right now." Şu anda çalışan dört işçi var.   "Are...

“Football”, “Footballs” (ball) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Football" (the noun, as in the ball) is written as: Futbol topu In Turkish, "Footballs" (the noun) is written as: Futbol topları Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That is a football." O bir futbol topudur.   "Kick me the football." Bana futbol topunu at.  ...

“Box”, “Boxes” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Box" (the noun, as in the storage container) is written as: Kutu In Turkish, "Boxes" (the noun) is written as: Kutular Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The boxes are packed." Kutular paketlendi.   "This box is empty." Bu kutu boştur.   "Do we have any...

“Listen” (imperative) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Listen" (as in the imperative statement, in the singular form) is written as: Dinle In Turkish, "Listen" (in the plural form) is written as: Dinleyin Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Listen to your mother!" (singular) Anneni dinle! (plural) Annenizi dinleyin!    "Listen up everyone!" Herkes...

“Garage”, “Garages” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Garage" (the noun) is written as: Garaj In Turkish, "Garages" (the noun) is written as: Garajlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm in the garage." Garajdayım.   "My father is in the garage." Babam garajda.   "Does the house have a garage?" Evin garajı var...

“Back seat”, “Back seats” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Back seat" (the noun) is written as: Arka koltuk In Turkish, "Back seats" (the noun) is written as: Arka koltuklar Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Put the bags in the back seat." Çantaları arka koltuğa koy.   "I can sit in the back seat." Arka...

“Good day” (greeting) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Good day" (as in the greeting) is written as: İyi günler Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Good day. How are you?" İyi günler. Nasılsın?   "Have a good day." İyi bir gün olsun.   "Good day to you, Sir." İyi günler, efendim.   "Good day, Miss."...

“Dad”, “Dads” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Dad" (the noun) is written as: Baba In Turkish, "Dads" (the noun) is written as: Babalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Meet my Dad." Babamla tanışın.   "Both my brothers are dads." İki erkek kardeşim de babadır.   "My dad is a history teacher." Babam...

“Baked” (adjective) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Baked" (the adjective) is written as: Pişmiş Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "These are freshly baked." Bunlar taze pişmiş.   "The bread is freshly baked." Ekmek taze pişmiş.   "These pastries were baked in the morning." Bu hamur işleri sabah pişirildi.   "This store sells baked...

“Grandpa”, “Grandpas” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Grandpa" (the noun) is written as: Büyükbaba In Turkish, "Grandpas" (the noun) is written as: Büyükbabalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He is my grandpa." O benim büyükbabam.   "How old is your grandpa?" Büyükbaban kaç yaşında?   "My grandpa is 96 years old." Büyükbabam...

“Score”, “Scores” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Score" (the noun) is written as: Puan In Turkish, "Scores" (the noun) is written as: Puanlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What is the score?" Puan ne?   "Scores are listed on that board." Puanlar bu panoda listelenir.   "I’ll check the score on the...

“May” (month) in Turkish

In Turkish, "May" (the noun, as in the month) is written as: Mayıs Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll arrive in Türkiye on May 3." 3 Mayıs'ta Türkiye'ye geleceğim.   "My birthday is on May 25th." Doğum günüm 25 Mayıs'ta.   "I’m going on a trip to Egypt...

“Bedsheet”, “Bedsheets” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Bedsheet" (the noun) is written as: Çarşaf In Turkish, "Bedsheets" (the noun) is written as: Çarşaflar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like these bedsheets." Bu çarşafları sevdim.   "Where did you buy these bedsheets?" Bu çarşafları nereden aldın?   "Do you know where the...

“Detailed” (adjective) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Detailed" (the adjective) is written as: Detaylı Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This map is very detailed!" Bu harita çok detaylı!   "The professor gave the students detailed feedback on their papers." Profesör öğrencilerine ödevleri hakkında detaylı geri bildirim verdi.   "He gave us detailed directions...

“Details” (noun) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Details" (the noun) is written as: Detaylar Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What are the details?" Detaylar neler?   "I have the details of the trip." Bende gezinin detayları var.   "I’ll explain the details." Detayları açıklayacağım.   "We will further discuss the details during the...

“Cardboard” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Cardboard" (the noun, as in the type of material) is written as: Karton Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Those boxes are made of cardboard." Bu kutular kartondan yapılmıştır.   "This is cardboard." Bu bir kartondur.   "Is this plastic or cardboard?" Bu plastik mi yoksa karton...

“She” in Turkish

In Turkish, "She" (the pronoun) is written as: O Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "She is my sister." O benim kızkardeşimdir.   "She called a moment ago" O bir dakika önce aradı.   "She is from Egypt." O Mısırlı.   "She will give you a ride home." O...

“Usually” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Usually" (the adverb) is written as: Genellikle Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It usually takes two hours to arrive." Varması genellikle iki saat sürer.   "The restaurant is usually open by now." Restoran şu an genellikle açıktır.   "There is usually more traffic this time of...

“Happiest” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Happiest" (the adjective) is written as: En mutlu Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm happiest near the sea." Denize yakınken en mutluyum.   "I wish you the happiest birthday ever!" Sana şimdiye kadarki en mutlu doğumgününü diliyorum!   "He is happiest when he is playing the...

“Gravel” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Gravel" is written as: Çakıl Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We need some gravel for the driveway." Garaj yolu için biraz çakıla ihtiyacımız var.   "I know a store that sells gravel." Çakıl satan bir dükkan biliyorum.   "How much per kg of gravel?" Kılogram çakıl...

“Started” (new) (past) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Started" (the verb, as in something or things that are newly occurring, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Başladım (You) Başladın (You, formal) Başladınız (You, plural) Başladınız (He, She, & It) Başladı (We) Başladık (They) Başladılar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I started learning...

“Starting” (new) (present) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Starting" (the verb, as in something or things that are newly occurring, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Başlıyorum (You) Başlıyorsun (You, formal) Başlıyorsunuz (You, plural) Başlıyorsunuz (He, She, & It) Başlıyor (We) Başlıyoruz (They) Başlıyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm starting the...

“Starts” (new) (third-person) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Starts" (the verb, as in something or things that are newly occurring, in the third-person participle) is written as: Başlar Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "University starts next week." Üniversite haftaya başlıyor.   "Fall starts tomorrow." Haftaya sonbahar başlıyor.   "My son starts university next week."...

“Start” (new) (future) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Start" (the verb, as in something or things that are newly occurring, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Başlayacağım (You) Başlayacaksın (You, formal) Başlayacaksınız (You, plural) Başlayacaksınız (He, She, & It) Başlayacak (We) Başlayacağız (They) Başlayacaklar   Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I will start...

“What time is it?” in Turkish

In Turkish, "What time is it?" is written as: Saat kaç? Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “What time is it?” in Lebanese Arabic “What time is it?” in Tunisian Arabic  

“Period”, “Periods” (grammar) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Period" (the noun, as in the grammatical feature) is written as: Nokta In Turkish, "Periods" (the noun) is written as: Noktalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Put a period there." Buraya nokta koy.   "Where is the period button?" Nokta tuşu nerede?   "Should I...

“Teacher”, “Teachers” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Teacher" (the noun) is written as: Öğretmen In Turkish, "Teachers" (the noun) is written as: Öğretmenler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I am a kindergarten teacher." Anaokulu öğretmeniyim.   "My husband is a math teacher at the local high school." Kocam yerel bir lisede matematik...

“Seat”, “Seats” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Seat" (the noun) is written as: Koltuk In Turkish, "Seats" (the noun) is written as: Koltuklar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Is the seat next to you available?" Yanındaki koltuk boş mu?   "Take a seat." Bir koltuk çek.   "You can sit in the...

“Lesson”, “Lessons” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Lesson" (the noun) is written as: Ders In Turkish, "Lessons" (the noun) is written as: Dersler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The kids started swimming lessons last week." Çocuklar geçen hafta yüzme derslerine başladılar.   "What is the lesson you're preparing for the students?" Öğrenciler...

“Biked” (past) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Biked" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Bisiklet sürdüm (You) Bisiklet sürdün (You, formal) Bisiklet sürdünüz (You, plural) Bisiklet sürdünüz (He, She, & It) Bisiklet sürdü (We) Bisiklet sürdük (They) Bisiklet sürdüler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I biked to class this...

“Biking” (present) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Biking" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Bisiklet sürüyorum (You) Bisiklet sürüyorsun (You, formal) Bisiklet sürüyorsunuz (You, plural) Bisiklet sürüyorsunuz (He, She, & It) Bisiklet sürüyor (We) Bisiklet sürüyoruz (They) Bisiklet sürüyorlar   Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I am biking there...

“Bikes” (third-person) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Bikes" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: Bisiklet sürer Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He bikes about 20 kilometres per day." Her gün neredeyse 20 kilometre bisiklet sürer.   "He bikes for an hour every day." Her gün bir...

“Bike” (future) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Bike" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Bisiklet süreceğim (You) Bisiklet süreceksin (You, formal) Bisiklet süreceksiniz (You, plural) Bisiklet süreceksiniz (He, She, & It) Bisiklet sürecek (We) Bisiklet süreceğiz (They) Bisiklet sürecekler   Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I will bike there."...

“Variety store”, “Variety stores” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Variety store" (the noun) is written as: Bir milyoncu In Turkish, "Variety stores" (the noun) is written as: Bir milyoncular Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Excuse me, where is the nearest variety store?" Affedersiniz, en yakın bir milyoncu nerede?   "I’m going to the variety...

“Understanding” (adjective) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Understanding" (the adjective) is written as: Anlayışlı Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He is a very understanding person." O çok anlayışlı biri.   "She is a very understanding person." O çok anlayışlı biri.   "My husband is very understanding." Kocam çok anlayışlıdır.   "What I love...

“Pencil”, “Pencils” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Pencil" (the noun) is written as: Kalem In Turkish, "Pencils" (the noun) is written as: Kalemler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I borrow a pencil?" Bir kalem ödünç alabilir miyim?   "I can’t find my pencil." Kalemimi bulamıyorum.   "Here is a pencil." Kalem...

“Athlete”, “Athletes” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Athlete" (the noun) is written as: Atlet In Turkish, "Athletes" (the noun) is written as: Atletler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He is a great athlete." O harika bir atlet.   "She is a very skilled athlete." O çok yetenekli bir atlet.   "What kind...

“Happier” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Happier" (the adjective) is written as: Daha mutlu Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I’m much happier now." Artık çok daha mutluyum.   "The kids seem happier after playing with the dog." Çocuklar köpekle oynadıktan sonra daha mutlu görünüyorlar.   "What would make her happier?" Onu ne...

“Curved” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Curved" (the adjective) is written as: Kıvrmlı Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The road is curved." Yol kıvrımlı.   "Is this curved enough?" Bu yeterince kıvrımlı mı?   "No, it’s not curved." Hayır, kıvrımlı değil.   "Can you draw five curved lines on this piece of...

“Line”, “Lines” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Line" (the noun) is written as: Çizgi In Turkish, "Lines" (the noun) is written as: Çizgiler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can you draw a straight line?" Düz bir çizgi çizer misin?   "That's a black line." O siyah bir çizgi.   "Those are curved...

“Standing up” (present) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Standing up" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Ayağa kalkıyorum (You) Ayağa kalkıyorsun (You, formal) Ayağa kalkıyorsunuz (You, plural) Ayağa kalkıyorsunuz (He / She / It) Ayağa kalkıyor (We) Ayağa kalkıyoruz (They) Ayağa kalkıyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My grandpa is...

“Taught” (past) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Taught" (the verb, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Öğrettim (You) Öğrettin (You, formal) Öğrettiniz (You, plural) Öğrettiniz (He, She, It) Öğretti (We) Öğrettik (They) Öğrettiler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I taught my daughter how to ride a bike this summer." Bu yaz...

“Teaching” (present) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Teaching" (the verb, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Öğretiyorum (You) Öğretiyorsun (You, formal) Öğretiyorsunuz (You, plural) Öğretiyorsunuz (He, She, It) Öğretiyor (We) Öğretiyoruz (They) Öğretiyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I am teaching my daughter how to dance right now." Şu an kızıma...

“Teaches” (third-person) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Teaches" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written as: Öğretir Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He teaches guitar." Gitar öğretir.   "My wife teaches English at a local high school." Eşim mahalledeki lisede İngilizce öğretir.   "This program teaches students about Anatolian history." Bu program,...

“Teach” (future) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Teach" (the verb, in the future tense) is written as: (I) Öğreteceğim (You) Öğreteceksin (You, formal) Öğreteceksiniz (You, plural) Öğreteceksiniz (He, She, It) Öğretecek (We) Öğreteceğiz (They) Öğretecekler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I can teach you." Sana öğretebilirim.   "What are you going to teach...
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